Narg 11 points ago +13 / -2

Pretty much every INCH of a woman is "the sexiest part" when you're paying attention. That's one of the big things that makes "transgenger" such a stunning head-scratcher; just growing boobs on a man, and doing a few other things to him, does absolutely NOTHING to "create a woman." One's sex, male or female, is literally built-in to every cell.

Narg 15 points ago +15 / -0

After the Great Awakening is finished (or "well along", since it might never be completely finished), we will TAKE BACK all the natural images and elements that the Cabal has requisitioned to symbolize its own evil.

Butterflies? Rainbows? F'kn SUNSHINE channeled through openings in rock?

Those aren't evil, they are GOD'S OWN CREATIONS and I'll be damned if I'm going to associate them in my mind with anything horrible. Yes, I know the Cabal uses them, but Cabal members breathe air, too, and I'm not gonna stop doing THAT, either.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is so over-the-top that I have to wonder if it's real or if perhaps DeSantis was conned into this without knowing "she" was a man.

DeSantis is DS (initials will be their downfall?), but could he really be this stupid?

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

The ATF is exactly as Constitutional as an Agency to regulate Free Speech would be.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

460,000 -- that's a lot of missing children, per year.

MIAMI has fewer people than that ( ~450,000).

A number that large deserves sauce.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

u/Darstradamus makes a good point: helping others is a strong antidote to depression.

If it feels like too much, consider adopting a dog or other animal, or volunteering at a shelter or the like. Interaction with animals is often easier and less complicated than with other humans, and interaction with a pet, for instance, is known (and has been shown in studies) to improve mood and reduce tension.

Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, author of Dogs Never Lie About Love: Reflections on the Emotional World of Dogs, calls love "the master emotion of dogs."

Primatologist Frans De Waal, author of In The Age of Empathy: Nature's Lessons for a Kinder Society, shows that human nature is fundamentally kind, cooperative, and empathic, with a strong sense of fairness and concern for others.

There is a world of love and goodness right here on Earth, today, despite the battle now raging between good and evil. Immerse yourself in some of the goodness; give and receive some of the love, and your mood will change for the better. Love is what we are made for -- in THIS life.

Best wishes.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, in that there seems a high probability that Vivek is DS.

But just as leftist memes always end up being red pills and ADVERTISEMENTS for MAGA -- and even the indictments of Trump are working strongly in our favor -- Vivek's candidacy is helping wake people up. Nothing he said on stage was anything WE needed to hear, but he did say a number of things that will wake some people up and more importantly, given them permission to think about and talk about topics that have been taboo to many normies -- topics that really weren't allowed to be discussed on DS media before.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Incredible 2 min 58 sec video

Moving charts drive the stunning data home. Statistical odds of the harm being caused by chance factors: Zero.

Be aware that starting at the 2 minute mark, some disturbing images of deformed babies flash by (yes, birth defects are another symptom from the jab). Before the 2 minute mark, no problems other than the stunning and scary data.

A powerful red pill for anyone willing to view.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Great news! and I love your headline.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

The difference might be that Hispala was a child sex SLAVE who gained her freedom, while Maxwell was raised in wealth (by a sick pervert, yes) and became a major figure in the business of recruiting young girls INTO sex slavery for the purpose of blackmail and, of course, big money.

But either way -- whether Hispala was an evil bitch with selfish motives, or a kind and decent human being -- her actions triggered a backlash against (and the downfall of) what sounds like an Epstein-like group of child sex slavers.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I haven't seen the vid yet, but here's my take on democracy:

Democracy is the tyranny of a larger group over a smaller group. That isn't some radical opinion: it is the essence of what "rule by the majority" actually means.

"We outvoted you! You wanted oatmeal for breakfast and WE voted for bacon and eggs! No more oatmeal for you! -- You're gonna eat bacon and aggs: it's now the LAW!"

Sounds silly, but that's exactly what a complete democracy would entail.

The ultimate Democracy is chattel slavery, as in the Old South (and in most other places around the world at one time or another).

There are more of US than there are of YOU, so you'll do WHAT WE TELL YOU.

As the famous aphorism has it: Democracy is two wolves and a sheep, debating what to have for lunch.

Not such a great thing to aspire to, imo.

Voting for aspects -- of a system or group -- that DON'T involve violating another's rights in any way is one thing -- but without serious limitations with that in mind, a democracy is a VERY dangerous thing.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Try Amazon or one of the other options listed at this page at the Angel Studios website.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Also see my (new) comment on this page listing other streaming options, DVD, Blu-Ray, etc. from the Angel Studios website.

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