Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Holy crap! THAT can't have been fun.

I have had misdiagnoses also, but nothing that caused any trouble. That's partly because I ignored them and either got another opinion or just took care of the problem myself, but also because none of the situations were immediately dangerous. I do know other people who were not as fortunate, however.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

If it's true (as has been found, allegedly) that the test swabs are doped with spike protein, graphene, or other toxic substances, then getting tested WOULD have made you sicker, at least in the long run.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

We've had StarLink for a few months now, and it's terrific. Very occasional brief outages (as the dish scans for a new satellite?) but 15-35 MB/sec download speeds are typical, versus under 1 MB to 3 MB with our old system. Downloading a 2-hr video now takes a couple of minutes or so, not hours.

The big holdup for us now is our VPN, which is fine for most things but sometimes a chokepoint.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Alice Miller spent her life studying those who would, and those who would not, participate in genocide and other cruelty. She discovered that people most likely to participate in such evil were those who had lived through a cruel childhood; those who resisted had at least a kernel of love, usually more, for a strong, healthy, compassionate personality to grow around.

From For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence by Alice Miller

We admire people who oppose the regime in a totalitarian country and think they have courage or a 'strong moral sense' or have remained 'true to their principles' or the like. We may also smile at their naivet', thinking, 'Don't they realize that their words are of no use at all against this oppressive power? That they will have to pay dearly for their protest?'

Yet it is possible that both those who admire and those who scorn these protesters are missing the real point: individuals who refuse to adapt to a totalitarian regime are not doing so out of a sense of duty or because of naivet' but because they cannot help but be true to themselves. The longer I wrestle with these questions, the more I am inclined to see courage, integrity, and a capacity for love not as 'virtues,' not as moral categories, but as the consequences of a benign fate. (pp. 84 ' 85)


Narg 5 points ago +6 / -1

I haven't read Revelations for, well, a LONG time -- too symbolic, apocalyptic, bizarre, and so on, and Jesus' voice and personality is VERY different in this book than in the Gospels, making me even more skeptical. But I keep encountering interesting verses here posted by you and others. Think I'll put it on my reading list.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

The article includes an excellent and rather startling graphic showing health issues among vaxxed versus unvaxxed children (and a link to the study it's from). Not COVID jabs; the study was published in 2020 with data from the previous ten years.

That graphic alone is enough to keep any parent from inflicting childhood vaccines on their children.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

They'll try (as if their lives depend on it), but the data was clear long before now that the COVID jabs are horrifyingly dangerous.

All of these symptoms, facts, and events are well documented from multiple sources, many from the government's own data, from Pharma's own data, and from highly competent and respected professionals; most were known within a year or less after the start of the jab campaign. And this is only a partial list:

  • Severe spike protein toxicity
  • Lack of proper human testing
  • Documented fraud and malfeasance by Pharma
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Heart attacks
  • Blood clots, both the strange rubbery ones and "normal" ones
  • Strokes
  • Turbo cancer, even in children (now common but almost never seen before)
  • Young children and even INFANTS dying of heart attacks etc
  • Reproductive harm including fetal, newborn, and infant deaths
  • Reports and data proving the jabs wreck the immune system
  • Neurological damage and often horrific symptoms
  • Extreme excess death rates reported by insurance companies here and abroad
  • Widespread "Died Suddenly" incidents
  • Athletes and others in apparent excellent health dropping dead like flies
  • Horrifying reports from embalmers and coroners

Anyone who knowingly inflicted any of that on even ONE VICTIM would be detested and seen, correctly, as a criminal.

"They won't be able to walk down the street" is an understatement.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Anyone who has been a passenger, or who has family members who were passengers, may have standing also. Airlines using jabbed pilots put everyone on the plane at risk of a terrifying experience followed by a horrible death.

Knowingly, too.

Narg 20 points ago +20 / -0

There are SO MANY cures that can be used, but are either prohibited or forcibly ignored (to coin a phrase), for so very many diseases and conditions. I cannot wait until the medical/regulatory/pharma/government mafia is torn down and freedom returns to America (and elsewhere) in this area of life.

EXAMPLE: In the mid-1940s, a prominent American doctor published an article in a popular magazine -- Saturday Evening Post, perhaps; I don't recall for certain -- describing the amazing success he and his team had in CURING POLIO with intravenous vitamin C (20,000mg -- 20 grams -- daily, I believe -- the amount several other physicians have used successfully since then for a variety of viral and other conditions).

Note: Vitamin C is not only REQUIRED FOR LIFE, it is non-toxic even in large amounts -- yes, you could hurt yourself with an enormous amount, but nearly every mammal MAKES THEIR OWN VITAMIN C because without it, your body cannot sustain itself. Lack of C is the cause of scurvy -- fatal if not corrected -- and vitamin C is the only cure.

A decade later, Americans -- and people all over the world -- were still suffering from polio; many were crippled for life, and some were paralyzed so profoundly they could not breathe without being kept inside an iron lung.

So: a safe and effective CURE FOR POLIO was KNOWN TO EXIST, and the medical establishment's response was basically (pardon my French) "fuck that, where's the money in using vitamin C?".

Sauce: just my memory of having read the aforementioned article sometime in the early 70s at a doctor's office. It predates the web by decades and I could not find anything about it when I looked years ago.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's a good point that cruelty to the J6 prisoners is probably doing NOTHING to wake libs up; as you point out, they're CELEBRATING this cruelty. Those who are appropriately horrified by the injustice and cruelty here are ALREADY backing Trump and fully MAGA.

White Hats, fix this PLEASE if you can.

Narg 11 points ago +11 / -0

I feel the same way. Hell, I suspect most of us do.

The amount of outright cruelty being inflicted on decent people is very tough to reconcile with "Patriots are in control."

Yes: Precipice and all. "You can't tell people; you have to show them." But still . . .

Narg 9 points ago +9 / -0

My biggest problem with government has always been mass murder.


Donald Trump is the only President in recent decades who did NOT start a war or other needless conflict.

He's the only President in years who talks sincerely about peace, and with credible empathy about his concerns for those killed or wounded in war, in natural disasters, or in other ways. He does THAT rather than bloviate about the Cabal talking points that other politicians and candidates tend to do.

America needs a decent human being as President. We also need someone who is wicked-smart, knows the ways of the Machiavellians and how to best them, has spent decades getting to know the players at the upper levels of business and government, who "wrote the book" on how to make deals, and has many other strengths and talents.

Trump and those who is working with (including us) are already halfway through saving America, I believe. The next half-decade or more will move us past the point of no return (to a free and healthy society).

God bless Donald Trump, and all who work for a free and healthy world.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

OMG! The floating arm with a hand at each end just creeps me out.

AI images can be incredibly realistic and horrifyingly wrong at the same time.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

THREE passports were found on the ground after the towers were attacked.

All three were in fine shape, and all were from hijackers, not crew or innocent passengers.

This was a mistake (by those running the 9/11 event) of such magnitude that I was SURE Americans would notice. I mean: c'mon! Having an elephant blip into existence right in front of you on your back lawn wouldn't be any less likely.

But no, America just yawned. Or something.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Damned interesting.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

And our unfunded liabilities are MORE than the debt, so there's that. (The article might mention this; I haven't read it. WSJ paywall).

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

No way.

Of course, I said that before the 2020 election.

But if things get WORSE than they are now after THIS presidential election, America may never recover. FREEDOM in the world may never recover. We're already so deep into corruption and evil and Marxism and everything else that opposes freedom and decency that I have to work at it to believe America will recover to a reasonable baseline in my lifetime.

And that's not even mentioning the millions of people who have outright DIED or been maimed or injured permanently from the jabs and from other things that should never have happened. THEY'RE not coming back or getting back to full health. Those millions who were bankrupted or lost their life savings and homes MIGHT in some cases recover, but millions of people won't be made whole again no matter what. The kids who were conned into "transitioning" also come to mind. Likewise, the millions of veterans who have died or been injured in one way or another fighting the Military-Industrial-Complex's aggressive wars, when they enlisted (or were drafted, as in the Vietnam war) and told they were protecting America.

WORSE after the election?

God, I hope not.

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