Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0


Crohn's is an inflammatory disease, and supplements that manage inflammation would probably be a good place to start, along with probiotics. Besides, systemic inflammation is bad for cardiovascular health, cancer, and all sorts of other things. I take several of the supplements you'll find in the link above and they make a big difference for me (although I'm not a Crohn's sufferer). Best wishes for your friend.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well, it appears they've already put in place a LOT of military-age males here in the country. They've got "police stations" in our major cities and we've seen reports of large groups of Chinese sequestered in various parts of the country.

I'm not at all comfortable that an actual invasion hasn't already been prepared for. I know that the White Hats haven't been sitting on their hands either so I half-assume they're on top of this, if it IS a thing, and have plans to prevent a successful attack.

But I'm just a bit nervous about it, if truth be told.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is an excellent, to-the-point explanation of the "Trump and the vaccines" issue.

Narg 17 points ago +17 / -0

Because we're nearing the start of the Endgame, is my guess.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nice evocation of the Old Pede experience, Richmanstrick. Yes, sick and tired of watching America go from Beacon of Hope and Freedom to the World, to Warmongering Bully (well, THAT began long before the '60s), to burgeoning Woke Communist Tyranny and Near-Third-World status.

What keeps me upbeat is that the Great Awakening is indisputably HAPPENING. Truth is leaking out all over the place, and people ARE noticing. What "everyone knows" includes more truth every day, and at some point -- soon, because we HAVE to be near the tipping point -- big changes are inevitable.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I pray one day that brave men and women are not sent out to be killed or permanently injured for these unending wars.

I love Trump for many reasons but his clear hatred of WAR and his willingness to say so directly in interviews is near the top of the list -- and of course, his first Administration was the only one in the past few decades to NOT start a new war.

Narg 10 points ago +10 / -0

'The taxpayer must render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, but no more,' said Chief Justice John Roberts in Tyler v. Hennepin County

If you have something that belongs to Caesar, give it back.

If Caesar wants something that belongs to you . . . that's another story.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Islam is a military invasion scheme disguised as a religion.

Any organization that instructs its followers to lie to, cheat, steal from, and KILL those who aren't part of the group (as Islam does) is not a true religion.

Many muslims are good and decent people, but until Islam is reformed in such a way as to encourage growing its flock by spreading its word non-violently and to treat members of other religions (including those without any formal religious affiliation) with civility -- or better still with LOVE, as Jesus insisted his disciples learn to do -- then Islam will be the enemy of both Man and God.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

Well, now I've read the text of your post instead of just the headline.

Wow. I'm so sorry to hear how you're doing.

Yes, talking about your feelings and listening to your loved ones is important -- critically so. CRYING itself is also important; it's the outlet nature provides for us to deal with certain feelings. It helps a LOT if you can connect with what is making your cry (plenty of people cry and don't know exactly WHY they're crying . . . you'll feel better if you CAN connect, because you'll start to actually resolve the feelings).

I don't know exactly what happened to set off your feelings today, but I hope you get through this time and into a better one.

That sounds -- hell, IS -- pitifully inadequate, but for what it's worth, you have many well-wishers on this board, including me.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

I've not been severely depressed since before the 2016 election, when I was convinced that Hillary was going to succeed at stealing the election from Trump.

I knew exactly what was coming if that happened, and I also knew the odds of EVER setting things right were near-zero once the Hill-beast had finished what Obama had started. America would be OVER, forever. There would no longer be a strong nation that openly defended freedom and guarded the freedom of its own people at home.

Hell on Earth, in other words.

Thank you once again, Donald Trump and those who helped insure your 2016 election victory, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you Q and all involved in the Q team. Thank you to the mods and posters on this board and on The Donald / Patriots.win.

It's the least of your accomplishments, but I'm probably alive today because of your collective efforts. I need to see SOME sanity and decency in the world, and all of you have managed to not only keep that spark alive but to help it to grow, slowly it seems but actually with surprising speed, back to something resembling health. Because yes, every newly "Woke" idiot and publicly-demonstrating Satanist generates hundreds or thousands of truly "AWAKE" people here and around the world. People are sick of it all and ever-more of us just won't take it any more. THAT's how we win. It's the only way we ever COULD win.

So no: I've not been depressed for a long time now; not since November 2016.

Narg 10 points ago +10 / -0

100% agree that we NEVER should have had a central bank in the first place; Andrew Jackson is among the few great Presidents in my mind for actually getting rid of one. The Federal Reserve and the income tax (two fetid peas in the same pod) are absolutely the tools that have enabled America to become so corrupted as to be nearly unrecognizable. And yes, the Rothschilds are a major part of the problem. Not "Jews" generally, but the Rothschilds and a large number of other uber-wealthy Jews have been working against civilized humanity for a long time. Plenty of wealthy gentiles also, of course.

Narg 11 points ago +12 / -1

No, the Nazis and Fascists and war-mongering Imperial Japan had to go.

There's a contingency here of people who believe the Nazis were the good guys.

They weren't. Read R. J. Rummel's well researched Death by Government for a quick overview of the horrors they inflicted on millions of people, in ADDITION to the millions dead and millions more injured, paralyzed, raped, or maimed in the war. The Nazis are third on Rummel's list of Mega-murderers of the twentieth century, with about 20 million dead (PLUS war dead), behind the Soviet Union and, at the top, Red China.

Nazis and Fascists were infiltrated into American institutions, including think tanks, universities, and government, by our own people. A combination of factors, but mainly Deep State corruption, made that happen.

We made plenty of other mistakes during and around WWII, such as ceding half of Germany and half of Berlin to the Soviets, but despite the far-from-perfect aspects of England, France, and all the other Allied (and already conquered) nations, America was on the right side.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've yet to see a study looking at potential remedies for COVID "vaccine" injuries.

The Spike protein causes damage wherever it goes, and the areas where it concentrates most heavily in the body varies from person to person but tends, from what I've seen, to cause harm to the cardiovascular system in particular, also to the immune system (thus, turbo-cancers and AIDS-like symptoms generally).

Harm to those two systems, by themselves, can cause all kinds of problems.

If I'd been jabbed, I'd be taking EVERYTHING I could find that protected the cardiovascular system and which helped the immune system. Again, there isn't strong evidence yet that this would help someone injured by the jab, but there seems little chance it would hurt, and it might be life-saving.

Also, I'd do every other positive thing I could think of: quit smoking, quit drinking, get some exercise, eat healthy food, and so on.

And I'd add nattokinase, Vitamin K2 (as trans menaquinone-7) -- rare, so here's a source, taurine -- those three in particular have been recommended by well-respected MDs in recent months for jabbed victims -- along with a selection from the wide group of supplements and foods you've seen recommended by people (doctors and otherwise) all over the web.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Also, I don't think they're even playing by the corrupt "rules" -- in addition to the shockingly poor quality control, I suspect they're making whatever changes they want, when they want, without regard to any rules, laws, agreements, or other alleged restraints supposedly in play. This is an all-or-nothing, "get it done before we get caught and hanged" situation for them, and they're behaving accordingly.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Good summary of the dire retail situation, and what it portends.

One factor he doesn't mention: the jabs are killing off and disabling millions of consumers world-wide, so in addition to the economic issues people have (i.e., little or no spending money), a lot of them are now either dead or so ill that they spending what little money they have on medical care of one type or another.

Narg 1 point ago +3 / -2

Holy shite, what a list. Thanks for putting all that together and posting it here, u/area.

We all know that black-on-white crime has become a serious problem, but a long list like this really drives it home and provides red-pilling ammo.

I've viewed a handful of the videos in your comment, and they are exactly as you describe them. (BTW, The very first one on your list, https://files.catbox.moe/1v9790.mp4, comes up a 404. It wouldn't surprise me if others get expunged over the next few weeks as well ).

These horrific examples of sudden, unprovoked violence against peaceful individuals needs to be more widely seen.

by BQnita
Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for the terrific compilation, BQnita. I'm sending this to others.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

Horrific. I often pass on material like this (I've seen plenty already) but it seems important to remind myself of the emotional impact that SEEING this level of harm causes. Statistics and even reading about individual cases don't have nearly the same punch as seeing what has been done to a person, and it's exactly that impact that gets people energized and talking about the problem.

by BQnita
Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting commentary, FractalizingIron. We're in agreement for the most part although using different terminology and concepts in some areas.

We need to understand the limits of intellect. The intellect thinks that it can 'know' everything, but there are many things that transcend intellect.

That, and "we can indeed understand the nature of God, because God created us, and we are part of both the material and spiritual world" sounds a LOT like Iain McGilchrist, who I've mentioned to you(?) before. His books discuss the two intertwined, co-dependent, yet very distinct worlds brought into being by the two hemispheres of the brain. Your comment that the intellect thinks it can "know" everything" echos a point McGilchrist makes repeatedly about the Left hemisphere. He goes well beyond that, actually:

The left hemisphere is not in touch with the world. It is demonstrably self-deceiving, and confabulates - makes up a story, when it cannot understand something, and tells it with conviction. Michael Gazzaniga first demonstrated this in split-brain patients. Subsequent research shows that, unlike the right hemisphere, which tends toward self-doubt, it takes a distinctly flattering view of its own capabilities. ~ ibid, p. 31

It [the left hemisphere] is not reasonable. It is angry when challenged, dismisses evidence it doesn't like or can't understand, and is unreasonably sure of its own rightness. It is not good at understanding the world. Its attention is narrow, its vision myopic, and it can't see how the parts fit together. It is good for only one thing - manipulating the world. Its world is a representation, a virtual world, only. It neglects the incarnate nature of human beings, reducing them to the equivalent of brains in a vat. It reduces the living to the mechanical. It prioritises the procedure, without a grasp of its meaning or purpose. And it requires certainty where none can be found. ~ ibid, pp. 31- 32

The left hemisphere tells us that the quest for meaning is meaningless, because it is not equipped to deal in meaning or understanding, but manipulating and processing. ~ ibid, p. 33

Meaning emerges from engagement with the world, not from abstract contemplation of it. ~ ibid, p. 36

from The Divided Brain and the Search for Meaning

And below, from Ways of Attending: How our Divided Brain Constructs the World -- a good place to start btw; the paperback is only 32 pages:

I believe the essential difference between the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere is that the right hemisphere pays attention to the Other: to whatever it is that exists apart from ourselves, with which it sees itself in profound relation. It is deeply attracted to, and given life by, the relationship, the betweenness, that exists with this Other. By contrast, the left hemisphere pays attention to the virtual world that it has created, which is self-consistent but self-contained, ultimately disconnected from the Other, making it powerful -- but also curiously impotent, because it is ultimately only able to operate on, and to know, itself. ~ ibid, p. 23

Experience is forever in motion, ramifying and unpredictable. In order for us to know anything at all, that thing must have enduring properties. If all things flow and one can never step into the same river twice - Heraclitus's phrase is, I believe, a brilliant evocation of the core reality of the right hemisphere's world - one will always be taken unawares by experience: since nothing is ever being repeated, nothing can ever be known. We have to find a way of fixing it as it flies stepping back from the immediacy of experience, stepping outside the flow. Hence the brain has to attend to the world in two completely different ways, and in doing so to bring two different worlds into being. In the one, that of the right hemisphere, we experience the live, complex, embodied world of individual, always unique, beings, forever in flux, a net of interdependencies, forming and reforming wholes, a world with which we are deeply connected. In the other, that of the left hemisphere, we "experience" our experience in a special way: a "re-presented" version of it, containing now static, separable, bounded, but essentially fragmented entities, grouped into classes on which predictions can be based. This kind of attention isolates, fixes and makes each thing explicit by bringing it under the spotlight of attention. In doing so it renders things inert, mechanical, lifeless. But it also enables us for the first time to know, and consequently to learn and to make things. This gives us power. ~ ibid, p. 22

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