Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Americans were allowed to retain up to 5 one-oz gold coins, although I don't think that was widely publicized. Big fines and prison time though for more than that.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

There ARE lots of those, yes, but I personally know a fair number of very bright people who are just laser-focused on their careers and/or families, don't spend much time surfing New Media, and get much of their info from the social environment at thier government employers (many of are programmers for gov't and gov't adjacent companies). They have big IQs but are a bit short on social smarts.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

One more reason to celebrate:

  1. These indictments hugely enrage and energize the base and are so clearly fraudulent that millions of fence-sitters will move to Donald's side and wake up many who hadn't quite let themselves see how vile the Cabal really is. As a result, the indictments ensure a win so big for Trump in 2024 that no amount of cheating can overcome it.
Narg 11 points ago +11 / -0

For some reason, I'm still amazed at the number of verses and chapters in the Bible that are absolute stand-outs, centuries later. Thanks for posting this.

Narg 26 points ago +26 / -0

Very true. I'm incredibly grateful for Q.

Before the 2016 election, when it seemed Hillary's steal of the Presidency was in the bag, I was seriously, painfully depressed.

I knew damn well what we were in for: The end of America. The end of freedom in this world. A fall of darkness that would not be lifted for centuries, if ever.

No, I don't think that is hyperbole.

Then Trump started turning things around. And now: You said it, FatReggie. "Calm, excited, and even giddy!"

Like everyone (I hope) on this board, I understand the situation (with Trump being indicted for nothingburgers) very differently and far more positively than I would had Q not educated and energized us.

Obi Wan's famous assertion fits today perfectly:

"If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."

This will be the boomerang to end all boomerangs. Can a former President -- be indicted? Why yes, he can . . . the Democrats have made that very clear now. ANY politician or VIP of any type can be brought to account -- just as it was supposed to be.

Thank you, Q team. Thank you mods on this board, working to keep this place running and usable despite the efforts of trolls and other bad actors. Thank you, fellow pedes for being part of this extended family working for a sane, healthy, and less-corrupt world.

America was MEANT to be an example and beacon of freedom and civility, and to help bring freedom and civility to mankind throughout the world by that example.

The Cabal and other bad actors pulled us off course long ago, with our compass getting further off-track as the years went on.

We are in the process of correcting course. This lawfare indictment of Trump today is just another step in the process; [they] know what the endgame is when their corruption and evil are dismantled and are increasingly destroying themselves with ill-considered and desperate actions.

Bless you Donald Trump, and all who work with you for a better world.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

But if I want to I understand and accept others for their beliefs, how do you reconcile that with your own, without conflict?

I'm going to disagree with tren ashlanddog here -- who says "you can't" -- but perhaps that depends on the definition of "reconcile" -- which actually has several definitions . . . here are two:

rec·on·cile | ˈrekənˌsīl | verb [with object]

cause to coexist in harmony; make or show to be compatible: a landscape in which inner and outer vision were reconciled | you may have to adjust your ideal to reconcile it with reality.

make (one account) consistent with another, especially by allowing for transactions begun but not yet completed: it is not necessary to reconcile the cost accounts to the financial accounts.

Viewpoint and causality must be taken into account for evil behavior to be understood. That doesn't mean evil and virtue can be reconciled in the sense that they can or should "coexist in harmony" -- virtue should NOT coexist in harmony with evil, although it certainly is not possible to overcome every evil in the world and one must cease trying at least some of the time to have a healthy life.

But understanding the causes of evil -- seeing that harmful actions and attitudes are consistent with human nature, given certain harmful prior experiences or events -- teaches us what, other than punishment, we can do to reduce evil in the future; what we might do to turn people acting in evil ways back to less harmful behavior, and when it makes sense to shutter our compassion and do what is necessary to destroy, if necessary, those who are destroying the lives of others.

This begins a much longer discussion than we have room for here, but I'll say that Jesus' teachings on the nature and treatment of children -- in particular, on not offending them -- plus an understanding of sociopathy (being walled off to some extent from one's soul, due to early trauma) and psychopathy (being physically cut off to some extent from one's soul, due to brain deficit, mostly in the prefrontal cortex) -- are, together, an excellent start on the topic.

Narg 12 points ago +12 / -0

Interesting post and good comment. Yes, the Enemy has been doing something similar for a long time.

Socialism is an excellent example: How could anyone oppose something that sounds so friendly?

Socialists (and other statists, including George Freakin' Bush the First) have been wildly successful at selling government as a kind, caring, and protective parent figure, which provides for the citizens/children in response to their need. Statists have done this by constantly repeating the lie that coercive government's reason for taking people's money and running people's lives is to exercise compassion in one way or another.

But anyone who pays attention knows the truth. Here's Nietzsche's summary of what government REALLY is:

Indeed, a hellish artifice was invented there, a horse of death, clattering in the finery of divine honors. Indeed, a dying for many was invented there, which praises itself as life: verily, a great service to all preachers of death! ~ Friedrich Nietzsche, on the state

Of course, America is different. It was certainly MEANT to be different, as the Declaration, the Articles of Confederation, and even (to a lesser extent) the Constitution show. But after the last 150 years in particular, no honest person can deny that the United States has become another example of what Nietzsche was writing about.

The Plan is to turn things around, of course, here and world-wide.

I don't know if that can really be done, but believing that it can and probably will be done is what keeps me going. WWG1WGA, either way.

Narg 18 points ago +18 / -0

The whole point of TRUMP being indicted is to give a big GREEN LIGHT to indict other politicians, past and present for their many and serious crimes.

Some Dems may not understand that, but many do and are worried by it. WE should certainly be clear on the situation: the time to start UNSEALING THOSE INDICTMENTS and BRINGING NEW ONES is almost here . . .

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pride goeth before the fall.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

Also, hyperinflation destroys the buying power of the currency; very few people will have "disposable" income and many will have NO income at all, so almost any retail business will suffer. Who's gonna go out to eat, or buy a new anything when prices are 50X higher than last month and income is stagnant or completely gone?

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

"The lack of (justice) has been bothering us our entire lives.

THAT is the pede-quote of the month, u/2ndenthusiast. Wow.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, pathetic. Good that we're finally about finally End the Fed, which -- despite the convoluted BS "descriptions" you can read on the web -- is nothing but a monster counterfeiting operation for the bad guys.

I've been a fan of Dr. Paul since before he ran for President the FIRST time, as a Libertarian. He's among the few our Founders would be proud of.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

prophecies of doom from people with fancy titles and degrees have been a dime a dozen for decades.

Very true. On the other hand, "even a broken clock is right twice a day."

Mass extinctions DO happen (ask the dinosaurs); many scientists believe we're early in the sixth major example right now. Huge genocides and democides DO happen. Mile-high glaciers DID cover most of the North America (more than once) in ice ages that a greatly-diminished population of humans lived through.

And quite a few major empires have fallen over the centuries.

None of that proves that AI is an existential threat, but it sure doesn't prove the opposite.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, HANDWRITING is enough to identify someone's gender. There may be exceptions -- I'm sure there must be -- but the common observation of sex-determined handwriting differences are yet another thing proving that one's biological gender involves a lot more than one's sex organs, whether one has breasts or an Adam's apple, and other obvious physical traits such as skeletal differences.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Exactly. The A-bomb, then ramping up to the H-bomb. "Gain of function" bio-research. Genetic modification of food organisms, of mosquitos, etc. Big Money almost always wins, no matter the harm or the dangers.

We'd better find a way to get it right this time, but since much of the AI research, development, training, and implementation around the world is being done by or for the military, I believe we will have a serious problem on our hands at some point.

In AI time, "at some point" could be later this afternoon.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

One thing I do in some cases is to just offer information about supplements and strategies known to be helpful to the cardiovascular, immune, and neurological systems. These all degrade over time as we age; it's not as if heart problems etc were never a problem before the vax. And today's poor diets, GMO and Monsanto--drenched food, and so on certainly make a case for actively supporting one's health.

In short, offer advice if they're interested but without mentioning the jabs.

Narg 21 points ago +21 / -0

Yeah. "Elite global organization insists the world is NOT secretly manipulated by a Global Elite."

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yesss -- I love a good movie quote.

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