Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah, "he now recognizes that his company should have been more outspoken about the administration’s overreach."

Well OK then. We'll cancel your ticket to Gitmo; run along and be a good little CEO now.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, it's not news that several South American civilizations committed ritual sacrifice. The article describes finding "a practice of ritual child sacrifice focused exclusively on males" when it had often been thought that these sacrifices were primarily of females. Not an important detail, to me anyway, but I wanted to get the topic of child sacrifice out there in this post.

It's an interesting point you make that many of the Cartel kidnappings and killings South of the border are likely motivated in part by death cult beliefs from centuries ago, which never really died out.

The public needs to (and is starting to) wake up to the fact that right here in present-day America (and plenty of other places), child sacrifice is going on, and widely. That's the only reason for my post; just another small push of that reality out into the world.

President Trump talks about 300,000 missing children in the United States.

“The 300,000 children that are missing, many of them are dead and many of them are in sex rings and all sorts of things going on. It’s a terrible thing.”

https://x.com/TheStormRedux/status/1826719631219773529 (includes short video of Trump speaking).

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

That would make a great Substack column. Excellent, uplifting, high-effort post. Thank you, fren.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

You can buy infrared camera attachments for your smartphone.

I have one, and it does what you'd expect: you can see the heat gradients of things in your house, for instance; the hot water pipe from your water heater is bright red and other parts are cooler, etc.

Never saw a demon, though.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

This fantastic interview goes perfectly with Trump & RFK Jr.'s focus, during Trump's welcoming Kennedy in to his campaign, on improving (restoring) the health of Americans.

I've been a "health nut" for decades and I learned quite a bit from Calley and Casey -- some of it shocking, even to me -- that I hadn't heard elsewhere. The depth of the corruption and harm caused by the food and pharma industries is staggering, and these two siblings have the details and convey them intelligently and in plain language.

The interview is long enough that I broke it up into several viewings. It's well worth the time.

If anyone still has doubts that Tucker is working with Trump, this really should clear things up.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. Clearly, the article is BS. My point was just that [they] made it as convoluted and confusing as possible to hide what [they're] really doing. It doesn't matter how many of the details are left out, or described accurately -- it's all hand-waving to cover for the unimaginable theft and the power-grab that the Fed really exists for.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

a scam to steal wealth, but with a lot of high-sounding verbage to justify it to the normies.


I came across this years ago (it still references Bernanke as current Chairman) and was floored by the Byzantine maze of bullshit used to hide the nature of what is essentially a massive counterfeiting and power-grabbing operation.


Narg 10 points ago +10 / -0

No hate at all, Popcorn. I feel the same way. UNITY! MAGA! NCSWIC!

Like probably EVERYONE here, I've been waiting a long, long time for the corruption, evil, and insanity to be overcome. It is now more clear than ever that a new dawn is coming.

We'll have some difficult times ahead, courtesy of the Cabal, but the end-point is in sight.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

My wife found relief from pain in a different context with PEA (Palmitoylethanolamide, in the form of a Life Extension AM/PM product), and we have a friend who uses it for "phantom limb" pain from a lost finger joint. As an adjuvant therapy, this might be helpful.

PEA is unlike typical pain relievers -- it may take weeks or months to begin having an effect -- but many people find it works well to reduce chronic pain.


At least one study found that PEA (in this case, at a much smaller dose than in the LE product, and without the second ingredient -- Honokiol -- in that product, but with added α-lipoic acid) took 6 months or more to begin really having an effect: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320978795_Chronic_pelvic_pain_quality_of_life_and_sexual_health_of_women_treated_with_palmitoylethanolamide_and_a-lipoic_acid

EDIT: The two people I know who have used PEA got results much quicker than six months -- a week or less in both cases -- but they were using the LE product which, again, has a higher dose plus an added ingredient.

As an aside, your post is incredibly well-written. Welcome to GA!

Best wishes in finding relief for your problem.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

With food and gasoline and other perishables, ROTATING STOCK (newest at the front) and culling the no-longer-reasonably-useful is a constant job.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

So, exactly HOW would you prepare the troops for participation in a nuclear war?

"Prepare to be vaporized, or burned alive, or to die slowly from a massive dose of radiation. Thank you for your service!"

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Consent was removed and that is a crime under the Nuremberg code.

Yes, exactly.

And I was a little shrill in my response; sorry. It's a topic that gets my feelings up.

Narg 10 points ago +10 / -0

More law, less justice.” Marcus Tullius Cicero, On Duties (44 BC). https://kwize.com/quote/5434

I've also seen it translated as "The most law, the least justice" and in other ways.

However you say it, the point is that coercive Power-- the Power to inflict coercion and violence on innocents with impunity -- is evil. It can NEVER be used for good, because it attracts and empowers psychopaths and sociopaths, so corruption and evil INEVITABLY grow once the ember of coercion is set alight.

See: America since its inception. "The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave" gradually became the Land of Tyranny and the Home of the Cowering Slaves. Let us PLEASE, PLEASE not start the cycle anew after the Great Awakening blossoms.

The Ring of Power MUST BE DESTROYED; civil society must be our goal.

Narg 10 points ago +10 / -0

people getting heart conditions are statistically low and would be deemed and acceptable risk. Too bad if you are one of them but its within tolerance levels.

REALLY? Children getting myocarditis (typically, death within 5 years) or pericarditis, or outright dying -- yes, a small number statistically, but when it happens to you or your child it happens 100% -- versus ZERO deaths or heart problems in the unvaccinated. I would NOT subject anyone I cared about to such a risk, and since NONE of the cohort -- jabbed or not -- died of COVID, there's not much point to the "vaccine" in the first place.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yay for those hippies who fell hook line and sinker into drugs, depression and a generational malaise!

Uh, well SOME boomers did, but you can say the same about any generation, including whatever yours is.

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