Narg 10 points ago +10 / -0

If you possibly saved the lives of five or six people, you've already contributed plenty!

And waking those people up probably had knock-on effects also.

Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0

He's dead right: They WILL "burn it all down" rather than face justice.

The question is: are the White Hats, and "we the people", ready, willing, and ABLE to stop them before that happens?

Just repeating "NCSWIC" and "Patriots are in control" doesn't change the fact that we've already suffered death and destruction on a biblical scale; it doesn't bring the (recently estimated) 13 million global dead from the jab back to life; it doesn't reverse this week's poisoning of a fair percentage of America's prime farmland, it doesn't fix ANYTHING.

This is war -- the most epic in history, and the enemy has been planning and setting things up for the end-game for many decades (for centuries, some would say), so of course we're taking damage and casualties. But we're only human, so we can't help but ask:

Will the Cabal be stopped and brought down while there's anything left to save?

And if so, how much death and destruction is yet to happen before the final victory?

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

All four major brands of "vaccine" were represented in the autopsies. Naomi's comment near the end, starting at about 8:38, is devastating, if not exactly unexpected:

. . . it's very hard to imagine that we're not going to see mass death.

Narg 42 points ago +42 / -0

Thanks for the list of hopium-worthy truths, TexasPatriot_40. With large swaths of American farmland apparently being destroyed in multiple attacks today (there's not much chance these are all random, accidental disasters), I was feeling pretty negative. We ARE making progress; it's just that the enemy isn't sitting on their hands, either. That's war for you; nothing to be surprised at.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Glad to hear of your good fortune. I know two people with issues (a dental assistant I've known for years who had a stroke and needed two stents) and the husband of the woman who cuts our hair (he's had heart pains since his Moderna jab) but no one in my family yet. My wife and I are unjabbed; some of my extended family aren't.

Are you in a Blue state or Red state? It's been reported that Red states got more of the especially harmful "vaccine" lots, but Blue states probably have a higher percentage of people who are jabbed.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Another version of the theory: a nuke was embedded some distance beneath the seabed at or near the faultline.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0


Forbes Ex-Tokyo Chief talks about Japan Earthquakes being manufactured (twitter.com)

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Computers aren't human, and they aren't alive. Experience cannot be programmed, including empathy, compassion, and love -- all of which are experiences. Imitations of the external expressions of such experiences can be only that: imitations.

Humans are naturally programmed to see the soul of a living being in anything that even slightly imitates human or animal life, but it is dangerous to let yourself believe that ANY computer has human consciousness and especially to assume it has compassion, empathy, or anything else characteristic of a human-like soul.

A computer has programming, written by fallible and fallen humans. It's not the same thing.

Narg 11 points ago +11 / -0

Nice meme!

Ron Paul and 5,000 years of history agree with you. So do I.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Me too, for a long time. Nearly all of us were.

The Great Awakening is kicking Evil's ass.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Charitable schemes are not the same as, and no guarantee of, charity. We must deal with the actual and individual, not the theoretical and general. Blake famously wrote:

He who would do good
	to another must do
	it in Minute 
General Good is the plea
	of the scoundrel,
	hypocrite & flatterer,
For Art & Science
	cannot exist but in
	minutely organised
And not in generalising
	Demonstrations of
	the Rational Power.
The Infinite alone
		resides in Definite &
		Determinate Identity.

The Matter With Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions, and the Unmaking of the World , p. 1298

Narg 35 points ago +35 / -0

THIS is the short clip (2 min 19 sec) to watch and to share on Twitter hearings -- at least in regards to COVID and "vacciner" censorship.

Nancy Mace is the Republican rep from South Carolina.

She says, right in the hearing, that she has vaccine injuries that she believes are NEVER going away.

Her questioning of a Twitter exec makes it clear that people at Twitter with NO medical background were censoring the voices of highly respected medical doctors on the life-critical topics of COVID and the "vaccines", AND that Twitter "received demands from the US government and governments around the world to do so".

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I won't argue with that; pattern recognition is a big part of intelligence. My point was that people with high inherent intelligence can be blinded by a narrow focus (including by things like neurosis, which is literally a partial denial of reality), which, yes, makes them overall less intelligent -- often in the the area we'd call common sense, but in other ways as well.

You also see this often in professional people when they are talking about things outside of their own field; super-smart in engineering maybe, but not more than average smart anywhere else.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sounds exactly like the type of convoluted BS reasoning the Cabal uses to tell itself it has no liability generally.

"They have to show you what they're planning to do" for the same reason; they've TOLD YOU it's coming and you didn't object, so in their own eyes (and in the eyes of Satan, for those who believe in him) they are blameless.

Neurotic fantasy justification for evil behavior, is all it is.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting idea.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, provided you not target ships being watched over by whichever faction might be interested in them, assuming ANY faction has the resources to do more than the most sketchy surveillance and protection of the sea lanes in that area.

It takes a LOT of money and a LOT of hardware and operators to both surveil and especially to project the force needed to protect the sea lanes. THAT is why America is slowly pulling away from the job; it costs a lot and the US economy is no longer as large as the rest of the world's put together. Also, we're large and diverse enough economically and geographically that we can survive alone better than most any other nation, at least once we build some of our industries back.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Finally had time to watch the video, and it's terrific -- every bit as engaging and data-dense as his books.

AND as in his books, no mention of the Cabal, Wokeness, or other such topics at all, which is odd. He's a very observant guy, so I have to wonder if this is just narrow focus (although his version of "narrow" is much broader than most peoples') or something else.

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

She said those receiving the number 3 bottle will develop soft tissue cancer within two years of receiving the jab.

THAT information needs to be plastered everywhere, if true.

And get the gallows ready.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe you're thinking of The End of the World is Just the Beginning and The Accidental Superpower EDIT: and The Absent Superpower, the book where he describes the booming energy sector etc.

Zeihan IS very interesting, if not always on-target. Accidental Superpower describes the incredible and largely unique geographic and other advantages that America has, and End of the World provides a look at something else I'd never considered: that the corrupt military over-reach America has been guilty of for more than a century had the major benefit of keeping the sea lanes almost entirely free of pirates, both national and independent, so that cheap and reliable trans-ocean shipping could allow for creation of the modern world and low-priced goods for the common man. Much of what we need is ONLY available from one or a few locations; without American overwatch and protection of the oceans, life in the last century would have been far less prosperous for almost everyone.

Narg 11 points ago +11 / -0

It wasn't IQ-type intelligence that was being tested; I know a number of people who are seriously smart -- programmers, scientists, etc -- who took the vaccine, probably because they were focused on their work and had been working and living socially within a narrow slice of the Establishment for decades. Some (like Steve Kirsch) figured things out afterward and have become vocal truth-tellers regarding the jab, some haven't.

by PepeSee
Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0

Certainly any DOCTOR involved with this knew what they were doing.

KNOWINGLY, KNOWINGLY, everywhere you look these days. Every Woke and Cabal policy has been imposed with the full knowledge of the harm it will cause by those setting the agendas and by many of those carrying out the agendas.

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