NeuroticFisherman 0 points ago +2 / -2

Why must everyone be on two specific "teams?" Why the explicit push for more division and sports team politics, where everything is about your side or their side, no room for nuance, context, agreement, or cooperation. Just "you're on the wrong team so I hate you." That's not a healthy way to go through life, and will only lead to furthering division.

NeuroticFisherman -3 points ago +1 / -4

As someone above said, are you just looking to get called an antisemite? Why do you so readily and easily share your hatred of an entire group of people because of a few evil elites and your interpretation of the Bible? Seems pretty convenient that you say God hates the same people you hate.

But God doesn't hate Jews. God doesn't hate anyone, but is the embodiment of love and forgiveness. And even if he did, it isn't your job to be judging and speaking evil about a whole group of humans. Figure out where that hate comes from inside of you and purge that hate if you want to truly connect to God.

Luke 6:43-45:

A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.

NeuroticFisherman 0 points ago +2 / -2

I know this is Russia, but for those wishing this would occur here, the government shouldn't be enacting laws that would strike down free speech and censor Americans, even if they're Americans you don't agree with. Everyone alike should be able to put their opinions out there, and the free market of ideas will see what wins out.

NeuroticFisherman 0 points ago +1 / -1

Please say uneducated another time. I was almost convinced by your high quality and informed argument, but I think another "uneducated" would really bring your argument over the top.

NeuroticFisherman -1 points ago +1 / -2

Why not share the wealth we have now by taxing the rich more and giving it out to regular citizens who actually need such money? There's been fairly successful smaller trials of universal basic income, and it ends up measurably improving the lives of those involved, and allowing them to have more of a proper life.

NeuroticFisherman -8 points ago +1 / -9

Undocumented immigrants actually pay like a dozen billion dollars into the system with taxes they pay. They also use government services less than normal citizens, since the undocumented person often wants to stay off government radar and avoid deportation.

NeuroticFisherman 0 points ago +1 / -1

If a sound is loud enough and in the right geography, a single explosion could end up causing lots of echos against other land structures or huge chunks of tall buildings. The size of the explosion sound of a volcano would be very big, and could travel quite a ways before even starting to echo back. By the time you have lots of potential echos from different directions, all needing to travel different distances at the speed of sound, you can be hearing multiple, realistic sounding echos from multiple places where the single original sound is now a much bigger number of sounds getting to you at different times.

NeuroticFisherman 1 point ago +2 / -1

Trump did work in media, some Hollywood, TV shows, celebrity parties. He's been a pubic figure since at least the 80's. He even ran for president with the reform for a short bit in like 2000 maybe? So even in politics he was making waves for a while. It's perfectly possible that people had formed opinions on Trump long before he ran for president.

NeuroticFisherman 0 points ago +1 / -1

Average lifespan of women in the US currently is around 79 years old. People die much younger than that all the time too though of natural causes. I'm sure we've all known people who have died before getting to the high 70's, I know I sure have. It's well within the realms of normal possibility for a 73 year old woman to die of natural causes.

NeuroticFisherman 0 points ago +1 / -1

Seems California did something good then. They do often have better worker protection laws than other states, and those other states desperately need more worker protections to keep the elite from exploiting us workers through slimey schemes.

NeuroticFisherman -2 points ago +1 / -3

Toronto does come to the US a lot to play, as I understand it. So Kansas is just going to a home Toronto game. Aren't the Blue Jays part of MLB? (I don't really ever watch it). Seems fair if they come to play games, their opponents would go to their home stadium to play sometimes as well. I'm not sure what your issue is?

NeuroticFisherman 1 point ago +2 / -1

Crime scene investigators wouldn't eat to and shouldn't be working where 20 tons of compromised structure could fall on them at any time. It'd be much safer and effective to demolish the other slabs of granite before investigating. Any bomb residue, pieces left over, or other clues would mostly still be intact, and keep the investigators from possibly being killed in the process.

NeuroticFisherman 1 point ago +2 / -1

Any video showing someone doing nefarious actions on the stones would probably not be released and would be kept private as part of a police investigation. It's not a big surprise there's no video of the possible subject published yet. If that's even what was going on.

NeuroticFisherman 0 points ago +1 / -1

Crime investigators don't want to be working right up under 20 tons of granite that may collapse. They'd need to demolish the unstable granite structure before any investigators could even safely evaluate the scene.

NeuroticFisherman 4 points ago +5 / -1

There very well could be such footage, and the police just aren't releasing it right now cuz it'd probably interfere with their investigation.

NeuroticFisherman 0 points ago +1 / -1

Well, we all should be able to choose what we should do with our bodies free from influence of others or the government, like explicitly with vaccines and masks shouldn't be enforced on citizens... Seems wrong to laugh at someone wearing the same argument.

NeuroticFisherman 0 points ago +1 / -1

Lol, contraceptives are not free. There may be some places that hand condoms out, or provide medical interventions on a sliding scale, but otherwise contraceptives are not free, and not always easily accessible.

NeuroticFisherman 0 points ago +1 / -1

He did take the government workers, secret service, and took them to his self owned golf resorts nearly every weekend, where all these government employees had to rent rooms, eat on site, get any water from the club, rent golf carts, etc. There was a lot of government money spent at his own resorts one way or the other by the end of his presidency.

NeuroticFisherman 1 point ago +2 / -1

Isn't it a good possibility that in such a high profile media event, the family would indeed ask that the records be private? It would seem this request result wouldn't mean much unless you specifically knew that the family didn't request the records be private.

NeuroticFisherman 1 point ago +3 / -2

Any sort of potential student loan forgiveness will by nature always leave some people who have paid off their loans. If it's always going to be about how some people paid loans, there would never be any improvement. The benefits to the economy will help everyone regardless of if they've paid off loans or not. And if we fix the predatory nature of college costs and predatory student loans, young people wouldn't have to fight such problems going forward, continuing to improve the quality of middle class life.

NeuroticFisherman -1 points ago +1 / -2

This also obviously doesn't count any online viewing through various news YouTube channels, or CSPAN, or online CSPAN, or other variety of streams, or people watching collections of clips the next day on YouTube. It doesn't make sense to measure how much the public is consuming something by registering over the air and cable tv. A huge amount of people have no form of cable or cable viewing abilities with cord cutters. There's a huge number of ways to be consuming the hearing without it being one of these cable TV channel watches.

NeuroticFisherman 1 point ago +2 / -1

It didn't take some secret plot to inform Pelosi before the 6th that something was coming. The plans were all over the internet, broadcasted freely looking to get people to show up. I saw it advertised many times on /r/t_d before the 6th. So I'm not so sure that part of the theory works out or would be explained in the way you described.

NeuroticFisherman -15 points ago +1 / -16

I agree. There should be better background checks and waiting periods for guns. Maybe register them so we could trace where a gun In a crime came from and how one obtained it. 4,300 kids a year are killed by firearms in America. There's lots of talk about saving unborn babies, but seemingly no regard for protecting kids like these. No other country has such gun deaths amongst kids, and it shouldn't be continuing to happen over and over. Believe it or not, but the vast majority of teachers don't want to be responsible for security and carrying a gun. They're already expected to put down their lives for the kids. To be effective in such an adrenaline pumping situation one needs to train a lot. Teachers are already expected to work often overtime and pay for their own supplies, there aren't enough hours in the day for them to continually train firearms too when they should be focused on education aspects of school. And random kids not raised In a house with responsible gun ownership may try to cause problems and mischief, or a teacher will be negligent and a kids will still get hurt.

If anything we should be using our bloated and militaristic police budgets to protect schools and have members of law enforcement on site. Seems stupid we have the funds for multiple tanks for local police forces but can't even put 1-3 officers at a school to protect children as guns will continue to be easily obtainable by nearly anyone of age.

NeuroticFisherman 2 points ago +2 / -0

California often has droughts and corrupt energy companies (like most places) that will post record profits but not maintain their lines properly. These two things also contribute to the number of fires there too.

NeuroticFisherman 4 points ago +4 / -0

Shingles are caused by the dormant chickenpox virus. If you have had chicken pox, you have a chance of developing shingles at some point or more than one point.

Also, just adding based on the root comment here, but shingles cases happen in people even without vaccines, even young people. I had a case of the shingles a few years ago when I was about 26-27, in 2017, when I was really stressed about some work stuff. It wasn't fun, but it obviously happened before there were any spike proteins around in others even.

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