NoApologyTour 3 points ago +3 / -0

They say 80% of the population was jabbed. But it was pretty clear they were lying to facilitate compliance. I think 20% was embellished and about 10% faked their vaccination status. I’d estimate about 50% of the adult population or slightly over 45% of the total population got vaccinated. I know this doesn’t seem possible if you’re in a blue state, but a massive portion of the population didn’t get it.

NoApologyTour 1 point ago +2 / -1

Possibly. But there’s also a difference in types of migration. There are individuals and families that are willing to jump through the hoops to legally come to America because they appreciate its culture and opportunities. This process requires a plan to integrate as well. These people have a much different mindset than a group of 20,000 that are shipped to some random town with a promise that the government will take care of them.

NoApologyTour 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m getting tired of foreign entities being accused of election interference because of public comments or stances they take. I know the US is going through an election, but other countries are free to make any opinion or comment they want, whether it’s Germans, Russians, or anyone else. There’s so much actual interference with foreign entities buying politicians, illegally voting, and rigging machines… deal with that stuff.

NoApologyTour 8 points ago +8 / -0

The polls have always been lies. I truly believe that Trump had more than 60% support in 2020 before they started flipping votes. I’d be surprised if it was less than 75% right now.

NoApologyTour 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unfortunately, you’re right. And the sad part, many many products are designed to harm you or in multiple ways. Even something that should be safe and natural, like a piece of fruit could potentially be genetically altered and have pesticides on it. If you get a processed product flavoured with that fruit, it’s probably just a chemical concoction to mimic that flavour.

NoApologyTour 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m not sure he needs any tips on grifting. These are his people + he’s probably getting a nice cheque for showing up.

NoApologyTour 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s all talk. If push comes to shove, the NDP will bend over backwards to save him.

NoApologyTour 7 points ago +7 / -0

IQ is a persons ability to process information. This is an incredibly important quality to have. Unfortunately, having a high IQ can be useless in scenarios when you’re brainwashed to literally disregard the most important data when you process information. This is why the oppressors have been so successful. They’ve built a cult of authority/academia where people will literally only believe information that comes from a source they control.

NoApologyTour 2 points ago +2 / -0

They could care less about illegal immigrants. The only reason they would get involved is if the Venezuelan gang was fucking with their members, territory, or operations. If this is the case, their reaction will be proportional to how they assess the threat.

NoApologyTour 5 points ago +5 / -0

Trumps impending election is the gun to his head.

NoApologyTour 2 points ago +2 / -0

Smoking, for all the bad things it does, it can have a positive effect of hurting parasites in your body. Maybe, to the average person, the benefits from smoking (killing of the parasites in your system) were greater on a net basis than the harms (getting cancer)? In this case they’d rather have most of the population have parasites thank have a small percentage die of smoking induced cancer.

That’s the only reason I can think that they’d target smoking so aggressively.

NoApologyTour 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is what I don’t get, why are people like Trudeau pushing for weed to be legalized. Is it just because their desire to decriminilaze and push drugs in general is stronger than their urge to prevent people from accidentally curing themselves?

NoApologyTour 7 points ago +7 / -0

Nothing like having some unaccomplished, morally compromised, idiot family members pop out of the woodwork to kneecap you on the world stage. If this statement carried any weight I would feel bad for him.

NoApologyTour 1 point ago +1 / -0

The problem is that this would be just as bad. The implication here is that they’re trying to frame Trump for having the information. Him admitting to having that information from another source (that many would presume is illegal) would just be worse

NoApologyTour 16 points ago +16 / -0

The Q posts were pretty clear that about 70% of them will get deals for cooperating. I’m hoping that the Justice they serve on the 30% (that are presumably the worst of them) will be so epic and meaningful that I’ll forget that they cut so many deals with the lackeys.

NoApologyTour 3 points ago +3 / -0

Doesn’t the Bible say something about those who take the mark of the beast will develop open sores, etc.?

I’ve also wondered why the white hats let so many people take the vax. IMO the only justifiable reason for doing this would be if it helped the vast majority of people to wake up. And it really seems that most are so deep in their sleep that the only thing that will cause them to reevaluate their world view is to let them get to the point where they realize they poisoned themselves (hard to deny if everyone who took it breaks out in sores), and then hopefully offer them a cure.

NoApologyTour 2 points ago +2 / -0

Im the wrong guy to answer, but I think you’re asking the right question. There’s some interesting info I’ve read that all of this goes back 6,000 years and the root of it is the cult of Osiris that has been spiritually suppressing humanity through various forms since then.

NoApologyTour 24 points ago +24 / -0

So I’m trying to piece this together like most here. Can anyone let me know if I’ve got the (alleged) story straight?

From what I can tell, over a thousand years ago, ethnic Kurds started moving out of what is now eastern Turkey/Iraq/Iran/Armenia and over hundreds of years they built an empire (known as Khazaria) that extended up to what is now eastern Ukraine. During this time they also adopted an occult religion that we would now identify as being basically satanic.

Long story short, being an expansionist/satanic empire caused a lot of grief to their neighbours, particularly the Slavic people (Russians and Ukrainians) who eventually had enough and allied with other empires in Asia to defeat the Khazars. Upon defeat they were forced to adopt one of the Abrahamic religions and cede territory that they had taken. The Khazars agreed to these demands and adopted one of the religions and gave back territory that is now held by Ukraine/Russia/Georgia.

Then came the plot twist, the Khazars lied and only adopted that religion in name, and went underground with their satanic practices. While many stayed in the Slavic empire (now areas of Russia/Ukraine/Georgia), a large number from the lost territory dispersed throughout Europe and integrated into the local populations while keeping their true religion hidden. They developed a very tight knit community and targeted certain industries that gave them wealth and control (banking, finance, media, etc). Over centuries they became very successful and integrated in countries all across Europe, and then the Americas. This went into overdrive as they expanded into central banking. Printing money gave them the ability to capture control of virtually every government, major industry, and corporation.

Through all of this, the Khazar elite never lost sight of its blood oath to destroy the Slavs and other Christians. They orchestrated a communist revolution in Russia and two world wars that killed hundreds of millions. They have captured virtually all of the west at this point and we’re basically in the final battle for our existence. Collectively, most of the west doesn’t realize they have been enslaved. But Russia does and is leading the charge to take out what has basically become the Khazarian HQ (Ukraine). The success of this fight will depend on everyone waking up to what has actually happened.

Anyways, that’s the gist of what I’ve picked up. Let me know how off base I am.

NoApologyTour 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yup… “she” is the only real option they have. They can’t run on the economy, their record, or their policies. It’s an uphill climb to even get enough support to make their cheating seem possible. Their best best is to run on the nostalgia that they can return the US to a pre Trump world. It would literally have to be an Obama 2.0 campaign with unprecedented levels of media gaslighting.

NoApologyTour 10 points ago +10 / -0

I know it seems like it’s a done deal, but I still can’t imagine Harris being the nominee. She’s that bad.

The wheels are still in motion for pushing Joe out of the picture. As soon as that is formalized they’ll immediately switch gears to replacing Harris.

They can’t push out a lady who’s pretending to be black and replace her with a white guy. It has to be a black lady who can credibly carry the torch of the ‘Obama Legacy’, because literally the only thing Democrats have to campaign on is the idealized period of time before Trump. Thus the only possible candidate to replace Harris would be Michelle Obama.

NoApologyTour 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m quite certain that Harris won’t be on the ticket. Something will happen in the next month to replace her because they just can’t run with her as their nominee. She’s that bad. I think they had to use her to get Joe out and hold the spot so that no one else pops out of the woodwork to challenge for the nomination. But the second they’re able to they’re going to find an excuse to replace her.

NoApologyTour 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think if they stop the electoral fraud California is voting red already. If you can address the criminals and illegals it will become dark red. But like you said, it’s not going to voluntarily happen. Someone is going to have to confront these commies directly.

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