Ntwess 4 points ago +4 / -0

Dick Tracy: 1936 “The Hotel Murders” or “Dick Tracy and the frozen bullets”. The villain “Athnel Jones” used parafin coated frozen bullets to kill and leave no ballistic evidence. Maybe the CIA learned from one of Tracy’s villains. Kind of amazing what the movies and big little books (1936) can foretell.

Ntwess 1 point ago +1 / -0

See my earlier comment about the Texas Rangers. There have been complaints by gays for years about the team never having held a gay pride night. They have been targeted, but haven’t given in to demands. Hopefully they will remain the lone holdout in their stance. As you state, the leagues have all been corrupted, but we do have for now, this one lone holdout MLB team. By the way, I’m not suggesting the Rangers are perfect.

Ntwess 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not quite all, God bless Texas.

Ntwess 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Texas Rangers appear to still be the only MLB team to have never held a gay pride night. They actually had a pride night last year, but that was to honor the late great country music singer Charlie Pride. They gave out Charlie Pride bobbleheads in his honor as he was a long time Rangers fan. He often attended spring training sessions with the team, and previously was a minor league player.

Ntwess 3 points ago +3 / -0

Leviticus 20:13. “If a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death: their blood shall be upon them.”

Ntwess 2 points ago +2 / -0

We will never see the real version of the manifesto. This makes one wonder, what is the truth. She decided to kill children to make a statement that guns should be banned. She outed her FBI/CIA handlers/doctors that influenced her actions. An employee of the school when she attended did something to her. All speculation, but the delays make one believe the document is being completely rewritten and we will never see how deranged and mentally ill this person was groomed to be.

Ntwess 4 points ago +4 / -0

My ancestors never owned slaves, but lived in Lexington County South Carolina prior to, during and after the Civil War. They had a small farm and were responsible for a good portion of the construction of St. Stephen’s Lutheran church, built in 1831, the first Church in the area. In 1865, General Kilpatrick, part of General Shernan’s army, burned their farm, salted and destroyed their small fields, and killed all the livestock. Kilpatrick went on to burn the St. Stephens church to the ground. My ancestors fled temporarily to Northwestern SC. I guess my ancestor’s were simply guilty of being in the wrong place, but travel and relocation were not simple endeavors in the 1800’s unless you were fleeing with no possessions but your life. My ancestors arrived in Charleston SC in the early 1700’s, with a desire to bring Christian values to the New World, so they had already moved quite a distance to get to Lexington County. Later in life, in the 1920’s, my family’s property was taken by the government to support the building of a hydroelectric plant. Today, none of my family are able to visit their graves, as their bodies lie deep under the cold waters of Lake Murray. Their graves were not moved, but simply flooded over. To complain of this was a waste of time, but I have feelings that these acts constituted war crimes. F reparations.

Ntwess 3 points ago +3 / -0

So a State that never had slaves feels they need to pay reparations for something that never happened there. They are crazy!

Ntwess 1 point ago +1 / -0

It seems kinda crazy that the South Carolina House could overwhelmingly pass constitutional carry (90 to 30 votes) back in Feb., the State Senate is strongly controlled by Republicans (30 seats to 16), the Governor is Republican and will sign a Constitutional Carry bill, but somehow the State allows a RINO Republican in Luke Rankin to be the Chairman of the Senate Judicial Committee who controls what bills will be discussed/legislated and which bills will be shelved into oblivion. It is obvious this bill is ready for approval, but one key individual is going to try his best to make it disappear, until the same process is repeated next year. Something similar happened in 2021. If Rankin can stall this for two more weeks, I think the bill is dead for 2023. As I think Rankin only accepts comments/calls from constituents in his own district, people in Horry county (Myrtle Beach) should be flooding his office with calls. If we have any South Carolina residents living in this area, they should call his office: 803-212-6610.

I do not know a lot about Vos other than his failure to pursue investigation of the obvious election fraud in WI. He basically stonewalled the process, fired the investigators, refused to release investigation results, and said there was no evidence of election fraud in 2020. Sounds a lot like a deep state, uniparty, worthless RINO. Obviously many individuals in positions of power have no interest in representing “we the people” and are paid shills to the deep state.

Ntwess 13 points ago +13 / -0

This is great news. NC,being one of six states I have lived in, I have thought for the last 10 to 15 years was getting more and more blue liberal. Having lived in Raleigh, Durham, and Winston these areas all seem like liberal cess pools pushing CRT, abortion, climate change, and anti-gun policies, Gov. Pooper is horrible. This move by the House is wonderful. Hopefully things are changing in The Old North State, now that the Poop has been neutered of his veto power. Now the Senate needs to do its job and approve the bill. This is something that South Carolina apparently does not want to do. The SC House approved Constitutional Carry in Feb, but it now appears the RINO jackass, Republican Luke Rankin who heads the Senate Judicial Committee is going to stonewall the bill so it cannot be passed. South Carolina politics is truly a hot pile of RINO garbage. Congrats to NC, and GET IT PASSED.

Ntwess 1 point ago +1 / -0

Must have polled the criminal element that has not been prosecuted and is released time and time again to be on the streets committing crimes. Certainly they want guns to be banned, it ensures their safety. To pollsters looking to make a political statement, all of these individuals are “voters” and good poll participants.

Ntwess 5 points ago +5 / -0

If there was one topic he consistently discusses that virtually no one on a major network (MSM or Cable) seemed to want to touch, it is the truth about the Ukraine. The US biolabs, exposing the false impression that Ukranian forces are destroying Russia, the fact that NATO aggression and the threat of nuclear weapon deployment in Ukraine left Russia with few options, congressional and regime money laundering through Ukraine, exposure that no traceability of funds to Ukraine could be established, congress ensuring audits of fund trails would not happen, significance of Ukraine in the development of Covid, the Military Industrial Complex thriving via trillions being spent on Ukraine, the threat of a nuclear WWIII, …. So much points to the Ukraine that Tucker hit on every show. No other source dedicated as many minutes per show on the fallacy of supporting this effort and the traitors perpetuating this scam for their own profit. I believe Faux news, and the MIC could not let this go on.

Ntwess 20 points ago +20 / -0

Just what we need, a global warming pushing, gun grabbing lib for a VP. Nope. Let him try to fracture the dem party and open some eyes as to internal primary election cheating when he fails to get the nomination and leave it at that.

Ntwess 2 points ago +2 / -0

That was actually signed into law by Ron Desantis on May 3, 2021. S.B. 2006 banned the use of vaccine passports in FL, but allows for the FL Dept. of Health to force vaccinate its citizens upon a declared health emergency.


Ntwess 6 points ago +6 / -0

Maybe it’s not mRNA surviving in the steak at all. It could be a host of things. Graphene oxide, which will survive any level of heat via cooking. No telling if there is mRNA even in these shots, but if there is who knows what type if poison it is instructing the cow/pig/chicken to make. Remember, one side effect of the covid jabs was neurological issues which mimicked madcow disease. Maybe the livestock shots simply result in the poisoning of the livestock that can be transferred to humans after consumption via the gastrointestinal tract. I still would not eat a well done burger knowing that it came from a cow having madcow disease.

Ntwess 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your “or” alternative is correct. In reality we haven’t been on a true committed gold standard since 1913 when the Fed came into existence. The true gold standard existed from 1879 to 1913. The value of a dollar remained consistent over this period. A 1913 dollar would actually buy 1.01 in 1879 dollars. In order to finance WWI the gold standard was suspended and the Fed printed money. A 1920 dollar would only buy .49 of 1913 goods. The Fort Riley Flu plandemic or as some call it the Spanish Flu pandemic shut businesses down across the country and led to the depression of 1920-1921. I think we’ve seen this movie before. The Covid plandemic and multiple war efforts culminating with whoever we are warring with today or tomorrow are nothing new as we kill the dollars value and the American consumer. This has been the plan since 1913. The dollar has continually been dying beyond life support since 1913. Hence we are at a 2023 dollar only being worth .03 of 1913 purchasing power. Our government cares nothing about our economic well being. It has been designed since 1913 to pad the wallets of the elite.

Ntwess 2 points ago +2 / -0

This twitter post that was embedded in TGP article explains point by point how the Ukrainian scam came about and who is profiting. Every politician supporting the war effort in Ukraine should be considered a traitor to our country and is complacent to committing crimes against humanity and genocide.


Ntwess 13 points ago +13 / -0

Every politician that supports and demands we fund the War in Ukraine is in on the scam and is receiving kickbacks / money laundering. US govt and its big pharma partners used biolabs to create disease, placate genocide upon the world, provide a “vaccine” to fake a cure but actually leads to depopulation, and plan to repeat the process over and over. All roads lead to the Ukraine and they must keep the war going to try and reduce their exposure to the truth of this scam. Trump was close to exposing these traitors and this resulted in impeachment #2. Death brings millions of dollars to these traitorous politicians. All of these traitors need a date with a tribunal and dealt with accordingly.

Ntwess 4 points ago +4 / -0

Tim Scott has not had any accomplishments as a Senator or representative of South Carolina. In regards to the raid on Mar A Lago, he said let’s not be critical of it and let it play out to see where it goes. In regards to the Ukraine, he thinks Biden has been too slow and soft. He wants more funding and more involvement with US against Russia. I have written many e-mails to state and local representatives and usually receive some type of response in return, even if it may have been written by a staffer under the representatives signature. I have never received a reply or any response from multiple emails/correspondence which I have written to Tim Scott. I no longer write to no response Tim as I think he just doesn’t care. I cannot imagine he fulfills any credentials that someone thinks make a great Presidential candidate, other than if someone wants to play the race card. This is so wrong.

Ntwess 1 point ago +1 / -0

The use of the word “vaccinate” is pure BS. A proper term would be population control, eradication of humanity, mass extermination, genocide, or simply murder. The hidden distribution of toxic poison to the masses is far from a “vaccine”.

Ntwess 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think you will need to be more worried about what the MRNA injected into the cattle has told the steer’s body to produce. It could be producing a bioweapon that could then be absorbed into a human’s gastrointestinal tract upon consumption. Regarding cooking, that did not resolve madcow disease very well. I would not want to eat a well done burger processed from a cow known to have madcow disease. Also, recall that one of the side effects from the covid jab was in fact, madcow disease. Another issue is that MRNA might be the least of the problems. As pharma refuses to release the ingredients of the covid shot, I would not trust the release of ingredients in livestock shots. We may find toxins such as graphene oxide and aluminum in these shots just as in the covid shots. There have been reports that MRNA may have never been in the covid shots. Sickness may have been attributed to toxic metals poisoning. The inclusion of these toxic metals into cattle injections could result in the poison being transferred to humans via consumption of the meat. I do not want to breath, eat, or be geoengineered via a chemtrail bath of graphene or aluminum oxide. There are so many ways the poisons could be administered to humans. It’s obvious that genocide population reduction is a very real item propagated by the WEF, WHO, and countless governments. Also remember graphene oxide was found in the flu shots created for the 2019 flu season, the year before covid. I think the population was already seeded with the graphene poison for the sickness to be called Covid. This created the fear hysteria necessary to gain acceptance of the bioweapon injections. Livestock bioweapon injections appear to be one more step in the population reduction plan.

Ntwess 7 points ago +7 / -0

That’s just it. It is not just milk being impacted. It is beef, pork, poultry. This genetic technology is also being incorporated into seeds for vegetables. It could be used as a means for nefarious distribution of WHO knows what.

Ntwess 10 points ago +10 / -0

Merck is marketing Sequivity which is an M-RNA particle genetic therapy injection for livestock. Bayer partnered with Biontech/Pfizer in 2016 to produce M-RNA gene therapy injections for livestock. This is already upon us and it is not only milk that is of concern. Consumption of meat products having been injected could be absorbed through the GI just as milk has beed evidenced and result in M-RNA infiltration into the body. These livestock injections should be halted, I believe Missouri has started a bill requiring labeling to be placed on all food products which have utilized these injections. I have requested my state representatives to follow Missouri’s lead. It’s kind of late, but this uninformed process of contaminating our food must be stopped.

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