Octobyte17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dom has most definitely improved over time. I unfollowed him early on because he was jumping the gun and getting facts wrong more than I liked. I've since refollowed and he seems to have learned from his experiences and is far more hard hitting when he simply sticks to the facts. The truth is what really matters, so long as he sticks to that, it could make him quite wealthy.

by FF0000
Octobyte17 5 points ago +5 / -0

The QAnon post was in relation to the Q AGI reveal today by OpenAI. And also, going by past performance, Elon gets entertainment value from trolling, and this is a juicy topic to troll with.

Octobyte17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Honestly? No, not real. He's likely guilty of what they are throwing at him, but make absolutely NO mistake, this is part of the smoke and mirrors to deflect from the Biden crime family. He's being thrown under the bus by his "betters". He and his family aren't important enough for the Cabal to save, but the Bidens are.

Octobyte17 4 points ago +4 / -0

How many here had at least one shot of the Covid 'vaccine'? I know I didn't. I didn't even get tested. I suspect the number of non takers on here would prove the 'personality cult of Trump' claims as false. He's a businessman, not a medical professional. Personally, and thanks to circumstance of the time, I researched myself and found the answers severely lacking and not even close to covering informed consent. But I am actually curious about my opening question.

Octobyte17 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Reuters link it uses as the source for tomorrows date is actually an article from 2020. It has info on previous Black Mondays, but nothing specific for this year. If it happens, then I'll be highly suspicious it was a planned event via market manipulation.

Octobyte17 5 points ago +5 / -0

Funny thing, I was made aware of the Truth post on Twitter, via a WOKEist using it to make fun of his spelling. I went over to a drop database and [H] pulled up 3 posts from the same day, then I came here to make sure I wasn't reading TOO much into it. They really don't seem to understand the concept of comms while they mock and deride.

Octobyte17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Some bumper stickers aren't clear and don't say enough. This one is very clear and doesn't say more than it needs to.

Octobyte17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sounds good to me.

Also, as a side note, the way he pronounced film as "fillum" is how we pronounce it where I grew up. Nothing of importance, just brought a smile to my face.

Octobyte17 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'll be doing precisely what I did before Q. I'll continue to question EVERYTHING, as I'd already been doing my whole life. All Q did was show me I was on the right path. The truth, consequences be damned.

Octobyte17 12 points ago +12 / -0

You should probably point out that is the country, not the state.

Octobyte17 6 points ago +6 / -0

I've warned people before that this video would most definitely fall under child abuse laws, so owning, or even just viewing it, is illegal. They can downvote all they want, but that's the reality of it. This video is a "view at your own risk" form of media, whether video OR uncensored screenshots.

Octobyte17 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was a few years ago I saw it on a few number boards. 8ch and the like. He apparently likes them very young, male, and enjoys hearing them screaming in agony, loud, while being raped. This upset the other pedophiles on the island, they demanded he be removed, or they were leaving. That's the main part.

Octobyte17 8 points ago +8 / -0

The details I heard about what actually got him kicked off Epstein Island is vile and disgusting. If anywhere near true, he doesn't deserve to breathe.

Octobyte17 2 points ago +2 / -0

His account is a gold mine. Often hilarious too.

Octobyte17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Optics. He's letting them expose themselves long before he would need to call them out. The long game is indeed just that.

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