Yep, we're pretty much the world's "charity" fund which probably mostly goes back into politicians pockets. Ukraine is a prime example... So many Americans are hurting... 46% of credit card owners are delinquent but we have bottomless pockets to fund wars and supplement illegals. All paid for by the working class of Americans who don't get a damn thing... Our Social Security system is collapsing. But hey, there's a war over there we can fight! We have billions for that!
Especially after rigged elections. We can't even get honest representation. They steal our money and they steal our vote.
Isn't it amazing that not one Democrat disagrees with the Democrat position on this? I mean, not one person on their own team sees things differently? I call bullshit.
They'll have egg on their face when the truth of J6 comes out. The internet doesn't forget.
I get that. But we need to hear them say that and the only way to get there is to ask the right questions.
Why didn't she ask why these tweets were suppressed? Who at the Twitter made the decision that only CDC compatible data was allowed on the platform and why? When is the science ever settled? Safe and Effective was thought to be settled and now we have people suddenly dying. Seems the 1st Amendment has justified itself during the COVID era. Lives would have been saved if we just followed the laws of the land.
It's not over. BUY DRS HODL!!!!
Is this real life?
Don't feel bad for taking any credit for engaging your brain. It's why you have one. Many take them for granted. God or not, you made the choice. Kudos.
LOL NATO is going to get their asses kicked. Russia has an estimated 650,000 troops around Ukraine... NATO could MAYBE amass 100,000 troops within a year...
The West cannot and will not stop Russia.
"Bitch" please.
Could be the tweet we're all looking for... Seems it would fit right in with what would appear like WW3.
He's the perfect deity for you.
You sound indoctrinated.
Isn't it amazing how someone is critical of your dogma and you attack the person? I didn't attack you or anyone in it. This just goes to show you that it's not one's beliefs that make them a good or bad human, it's their behaviors.
Well, that religion is all about catering to his fragile ego. Worship me or I'll torture you!!!!
But he's a great deity! Not a tyrant at all!
LOL he's not worthy of my endorsement.
I think some people are in that perfect age group/environment where they've been gaslit and propagandized for so long that they don't think to question the "experts" and are real victims of being lied to. They just have never thought to question those in authority until now. It's gotta be a hard pill to swallow when your health is totally compromised.
Lake = Watch the water?
How do you come to that conclusion? Couldn't it be the vaccine as well?
So, are the games about to begin? With Elon's symbol tweet indicating we may be in the end phase. I expect the NG could be rounding up people under the guise of riot control. Who knows?
It was Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton about to make news?
Exactly, nobody is going to trust the vaccine mandating WEF after this. Their Great Reset isn't going to happen. They won't be able to walk down the street.
It's Firefox. Anyone heard from Clint Eastwood lately?
Let me get this straight, so if you're not at risk of myocarditis, blood clots, aggressive cancers, etc etc... You're at risk of being disappeared?
What a surprise!!!
Money is currency. Currency is current. Water has currents. Money is liquidity.
Water is money.
Watch the money.