Outsidein406 1 point ago +1 / -0

Spoiler alert: they are.

I know a lot of Germans. There’s a couple that might hold out against this but for the most part Germans today are so reliant on the state to provide everything for them that they don’t question anything the state says. If the state told them to form a line and walk into a running saw blade they’d do it without hesitating, and they’d make sure to keep the line straight and efficient the whole time.

Outsidein406 2 points ago +2 / -0

My phone's still hanging in there but I've been looking at something like the Wise Phone or the Light Phone. Using phones for endless browsing and gaming and all that is a massive waste of time and causes all sorts of mental issues, anxiety, you name it. Heard from people that these other type of phones give you the navigation and messaging but without any of the extra stuff. Just don't know how secure they are since it looks like they're still based on a custom Android image.

Outsidein406 16 points ago +16 / -0

Yep. Had an uncle who got into a pretty bad accident a while back and was a registered organ donor. They had to do a ton of surgeries on him to get him stabilized and he was still unconscious a while later. The doctor comes into the room, says that he’s obviously brain dead and that they need to take his organs since he’s a donor. My dad told the doctor that he’d rather wait a couple days to see if there were any developments. The doctor gets mad, says that my dad is being selfish and that if they don’t harvest my uncle’s organs right now then they’re not going to be usable…to which my dad just replied that it didn’t matter if he was brain dead for 10 hours or 10 months, the organs are still going to be just as fine.

The doctor gets all upset and slams out of the room. A couple days later my uncle wakes up…with a pretty big headache lol…but otherwise doing fine.

Think something like 90% of my close family were organ donors before that. Now the number’s 0%.

A MASSIVE amount of organ “donations” have back door money involved, think a heart is something like $100,000 by itself. That money sure as hell isn’t going to the insurance. Makes you wonder why that doctor was so mad…hmm…

Outsidein406 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well obviously that’s so everyone can have a week of mourning for the one-year anniversary of the largest domestic terrorism event in US history. /s

AMC doesn’t look like it has anything nationwide but chains like Cinemark have stuff starting on 1/13 or so after a week off. Yeah, kinda odd.

Outsidein406 7 points ago +7 / -0

If both sources are accurate, my guess is that they’ll try to push something like

“After two years of fighting, we’re going to acknowledge that covid isn’t going anywhere. As such, we need to anticipate that hospitals are going to be overloaded forever. We need to reward those who have done their part to help slow the spread and only failed because of those who wouldn’t get the clot shot I mean vaccine. So from this point forward any hospital getting those Medicare $$$ isn’t allowed to treat unvaxxed people”

Or some such similar bullshit with higher health insurance premiums or fees as part of income tax or whatever.

Outsidein406 9 points ago +9 / -0

Saved offline stuff would be good. The only exceptions may be single player games that connect to web services in order to prove they're legit copies. Think stuff like Cyberpunk or whatever. There's a couple hints that Steam may be affected but again, info is still being discovered.

The main concern is that if there's a way for this to spread to your PC through a Java program that connects to an affected server (like they're trying to prevent with Minecraft), then your PC could get encrypted with ransomware or be used to propagate the worm to other computers.

Outsidein406 4 points ago +4 / -0

Even before the whole China virus nonsense, the people that were obsessed with TV and movies treated media as a higher priority than life. What they see on TV means more to them than their real life. They're able to live vicariously through the lives of fictional characters so they disregard their own life. It's escapism taken to the extreme.

If TV and movies were to show fictional characters as conforming with all this mask/lockdown/THE VARUS bull then those media-obsessed people would have nowhere left to turn and would begin to rebel again the systems perpetuating those behaviors since their escapism would have been taken away. So the networks and movie studios keep it up so that people remain drugged and lazy. They continue to lose their zeal for life while paying these studios for more and more of their drug of entertainment.

Outsidein406 6 points ago +6 / -0

She had a great talent for writing, even in her asides:

In the moment of surrender, I let go of all the theological or social questions which had kept me from [God] for countless years. I simply let them go. There was the sense, profound and wordless, that if He knew everything I did not have to know everything, and that, in seeking to know everything, I'd been, all of my life, missing the entire point. No social paradox, no historic disaster, no hideous record of injustice or misery should keep me from Him. No question of Scriptural integrity, no torment over the fate of this or that atheist or gay friend, no worry for those condemned and ostracized by my church or any other church should stand between me and Him. The reason? It was magnificently simple: He knew how or why everything happened; He knew the disposition of every single soul. He wasn't going to let anything happen by accident! Nobody was going to go to Hell by mistake.

She had a lot of philosophical struggles all throughout her life and a lot of health and family issues that were thrown on her. Hope she found peace.

Requiem æternam dona ei, Domine

Outsidein406 6 points ago +6 / -0

If all you’re using Adobe for is Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign then check out Affinity. They make stuff that’s 100% compatible with Adobe and it has the exact same features. Only difference is that Affinity products are about $50 each and then you own them forever.

It’s annoying to hunt out alternatives but I can count the amount of subscription shit I pay for on one hand.

Outsidein406 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just saw an article about this on a local news syndicate. They're saying how he was fired for "helping his brother deal with the fallout from a sexual harassment scandal". And that it's still unknown how he was "heavily involved in helping his brother" other than that he "asked for sources of information".

Enemy of the people continue to be the enemy of the people.

by hundro
Outsidein406 2 points ago +2 / -0

No worries, surprised I’m functioning as much as I am this morning myself…got to get some of that caffeine going for myself too!

by hundro
Outsidein406 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fake. Check the CTV Twitter for Dec 2 2021 if you want to verify:


Doesn’t even match up with the formatting of every post on that account.

Outsidein406 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not a lawyer but this seems like a step in the wrong direction. Sounds like at the moment the school district has three ways people can opt out of the vax mandate: religious reasons, secular reasons (don't know how they define this, I'm guessing health reasons?), or if someone is pregnant. If someone puts in a protest using religious or secular reasons, they have to put in an argument and it has to be evaluated before it's granted. But right now if someone is pregnant, they don't need to say why they're refusing the vax. It's a "per se" refusal, meaning that they don't need to give any more reasons why. If they're pregnant, they can refuse it just because they're pregnant.

What this ruling does is make it so that the mandate is halted only until they remove the pregnancy exception and make pregnant women submit either a religious or secular exception that has to be evaluated. It's a temporary pause, yeah, but if the school district makes things harder for pregnant women, then they'll be allowed to enforce the mandate.

The circuit judge Ikuta's opinion also doesn't look great. Right now the school district is granting more exceptions for secular reasons rather than religious reasons. His opinion is saying that they need to stop granting as many secular exceptions, which will reduce the overall number of exceptions granted.

Might be a temporary win but looks like bad signs ahead for this case. Ninth Circuit gonna Ninth Circuit.

Outsidein406 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haven’t lost anyone to Covid either. Had a good friend take the vax, got a blood clot that went into his brain and he died. My best friend of 20 years lost his job which led to him and his wife losing their house. He shot himself. Another friend also shot himself after all his “friends” shamed him and cut off all ties with him after he didn’t get the vax. Lost more “friends” than I can count to their self-imposed segregation.

Outsidein406 5 points ago +5 / -0

The German “Church” right now is a dumpster fire that’s only getting bigger. Should’ve been declared schismatic and 99% of the bishops there excommunicated ten years ago.

by BQnita
Outsidein406 4 points ago +4 / -0

Doors anything say what the protest is about? Apparently it may be because the government just tried to enact a mandatory lockdown out of nowhere. But another post on that account says that there are protests because the government is “breaking diplomatic ties with its long time friend Taiwan” and partnering with the CCP.

Outsidein406 103 points ago +103 / -0

Ton of based stuff lol.

“Watch out, it might collapse without any explanation.”

“Hope everyone there is vaxxed.”

“Alec Baldwin must’ve found a prop flamethrower”

“At least no fire departments are closed because of vax mandates”

“Don’t worry, just NBC burning more evidence.”

Outsidein406 9 points ago +9 / -0

I’m guessing KiwiFarms. They do a ton of doxxing over there from what I’ve heard.

Outsidein406 18 points ago +18 / -0

Went into that subreddit to try and find this post. Surprised to see that a lot of the top recent posts there are really redpilled. The top one from the past week is a guy saying how the “minor attracted person” thing is a load of shit and that it’s just a made-up term for a pedophile scumbag. Then in the comments for that post, some of the highest comments are people talking about celeb pedo rings, Bill Gates, etc. Guess the Reddit censorship Nazis haven’t totally strangled that community yet. Maybe more people over there are waking up than I thought.

Outsidein406 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same thing here, had super mild symptoms. Just some sniffles and a super light cough. Took ivermectin and a Z-pack just for shits and giggles and that all stopped in a couple days. About two weeks out now, smell is coming back stronger each day but taste is sort of all over the place. Can taste salty stuff decently, sweet stuff is still pretty flavorless and savory stuff is hit or miss. It is getting better every day, just taking a while. Think it’s just a matter of time.

Outsidein406 44 points ago +44 / -0

Love that POTUS kept blowing off everyone that's been saying "oh you'll do great in 2024!", saying that doesn't matter because it won't make a difference unless the election issues are addressed before then.

Also (and I'm paraphrasing hard here) I was interested that both of them kept saying that things had to happen this way, that people wouldn't have realized the extent of corruption until they saw what happened with the election and Biden's "presidency", stuff like that. Think they brought that up at least two or three times.

Outsidein406 3 points ago +3 / -0

Should be doing one cock push-up a day, every day.

Outsidein406 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep. And Gianforte made his money by starting up a software company from nothing and turning it into a huge employer and producer. As far as I know that money is all legit.

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