Take Lindsay Graham. He is useless unless you want a war
You can’t undo rotten
The censorship machine is bigger than I thought. This interview describes the machine and what organizations are behind it. It’s a long video but packed with info right up until the end
Maybe there would not have been any censorship had he not given $400m+ to the dims election in 2020. What do you think happens when you play with skunks
If you are not going to run than get the hell off the stage
As three people clap
Train wreck Tim
September 18th will be like when the guitars start soloing on Freebird (yeah) taking us to Election Day as the end of the song. It will be biblical
Have you noticed all the vomiting? Someone is throwing up in every show and it’s disgusting.
I think the one on the right is the mother of the one on the left
The count may be debated on this forum. The submarine fired missile at AF1 was considered by many as an attempt. There are likely others
It might be related to this earlier post
I’m not sure about generals but there is a scene that wipes the image of Gabriel walking through an airport. The code was removing this guy from any kind of digital fingerprint in real-time. Ethan Hunt’s team deduced it was happening and trashed their computers because the data could no longer be trusted. I am sure there are other movies out there about worldwide hacking.
Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning. I just watched it last night. Ethan Hunt tracking down a special key that unlocks the entity which is an AI program that infects everything but leaves no trace
You’re in the jungle baby
You can do it Joey Boy. You got the key to their master’s house
If it was, we probably would not be here to read about it.
She is charging $80 a ticket at the fox theater in Atlanta to talk about her new book in October. Looks like a clone to me
Yeah, under the lid
I had a summer job at McDonalds. Impressive credentials
When the government is finished wringing your neck for ever ounce they can use, they toss your carcass on the "bring out your dead" cart
Follow the children.
In the words of Joe Biden, "you ain't black"
It seems the answer to every new world order problem is to stick a needle in it.