PatrickDuffyLeg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Could Trump issue an executive order across all states making vaccination optional for all K-12 and college students?

PatrickDuffyLeg 3 points ago +3 / -0

I suspect that, once we see the true level of corruption within the VA, this will pale in comparison.

PatrickDuffyLeg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Holy cow! I have a buddy suffering from congestive heart failure who’s been trying for months to be approved for disability. I hope this whistleblower’s testimony goes far and wide. So many actual citizens have had their cases turned down or have been made to jump through endless hoops. It really is disgusting.

PatrickDuffyLeg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can’t wait for them to expose the money that’s been wasted on NPR

PatrickDuffyLeg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Would love for DOGE to look into agencies like the TSA. I can’t imagine how much all of that equipment costs the taxpayers. Not to mention - safety considerations around people walking through those scanners Makes you wonder.

PatrickDuffyLeg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Prayers to you and your grandma. Some antibiotics can also cause stomach upset. Praying that she has a speedy recovery and regains her strength and appetite quickly.

PatrickDuffyLeg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’ve been listening to The Telepathy Tapes (it’s a podcast on Apple and also on YouTube). The public education system has set many of these children back in a big way - particularly the non-verbal and minimally verbal ones by denying them access to assistive typing devices. These children are highly intelligent and have telepathic abilities. The system at large stifles them. Highly recommend The Telepathy Tapes - listening to the episodes blew my mind.

PatrickDuffyLeg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not as top of mind as the other agencies, but would love to see the USPS scrutinized, too. I’m sure there’s some pork to be trimmed there, too.

PatrickDuffyLeg 2 points ago +2 / -0

On a similar note, just started listening to The Telepathy Tapes podcast. (Series is also available on YouTube). Absolutely worth a listen — provides a fascinating new viewpoint on non-verbal autistic children and their true abilities. Our entire family started listening to this podcast and has loved it. It also calls into question how public schools tend to shy away from assisted typing and similar supportive devices for these children. The broader education system has failed so many of them.

PatrickDuffyLeg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I grew up Catholic and was disgusted by how tightly my diocese in Florida was clinging to COVID protocols. During Mass, you’d see the priest, alter server and others in the procession all wearing masks as they walked down the aisle. Once they all got up to the altar, they all ceremoniously removed them. Once mass was ended, they would put them all back on and walk back down the aisle. I guarantee the protocols were handed down from up above.

They even forced children to continue wearing masks in order to get into the parish center in order to receive first communion lessons. Parents also had to put one on in order to come into the building.As long as they were in the building, the mask had to remain on. No exceptions.They were forcing this in our parish (in Florida) up until early 2022. Disgusting.

I have a suspicion that they were receiving some sort of federal subsidies, similar to how the public school system was forced masking children for money to get their hands on the Esser funds.

Final straw was when the priest complained during his sermon that the parish community needed to give more money to the church. This was right before they took up a second collection to benefit Catholic Charities. That was it. I left and joined up with another Christian church outside of Catholicism. Wish I had left sooner.

PatrickDuffyLeg 1 point ago +1 / -0

They’ve been putting SV 40 into vaccines since the 1950s (Polio vax).

PatrickDuffyLeg 4 points ago +4 / -0

According to her congressional bio, she serves as Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Committee and sits on the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee, and she is the Ranking Member of the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Subcommittee, where she oversees our nation’s investments in education, health, and employment.

But wait. It gets more interesting she’s married to Stan Greenberg, a political strategist.

Found this old USA Today article that says he’s a pollster and political strategist whose clients have included Bill Clinton and Al Gore:


PatrickDuffyLeg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agree with the comments below about cutting out sugar and carbs - and moving to more of a carnivore/keto lifecycle.

In addition, look into the work of Dr Jack Kruse. (He can be a bit gruff, but content around grounding/earthing and optimizing our exposure to sunlight has been a total game changer for me.)

Not sure where you’re located, but if your weather cooperates, get outside 10 minutes before sunrise, face east, and get your bare feet in the grass. I also downloaded the Circadian app (it’s free) to figure out when UVA sun is present outside (ensuring I get ten minutes of UVA exposure - feet in grass - each day). Then, a midday walk for 10-15 minutes after lunch when UVB rays are present.

I don’t put on any sunblock or sunglasses. (I live in central FL, by the way.) Been doing this for the last two months and my sleep has improved immensely. Best part - it’s free!

PatrickDuffyLeg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lord, we pray that those who are stuffing or destroying ballots - for those knowingly involved in accepting bribes - for those involved in any malfeasance - may their hearts be turned and moved by you. Give them the courage and wisdom to do what is right and just for the American people. May those who are bribed or blackmailed come forward and speak the truth. May we restore this sacred process. And may we each understand our individual calling to contribute to a greater society and a better future for our children, grandchildren, and generations to come. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

PatrickDuffyLeg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dr Jack Kruse has some excellent talks / videos up on YouTube. It’s absolutely worth diving into - also from a decentralized health care perspective. I’ve been putting his practices to work around sun exposure and earthing/grounding. - big game changer to my sleep, weight management and overall health.

PatrickDuffyLeg 1 point ago +1 / -0

So glad she and the babies are okay. Could it be implantation bleeding? That happened to me during my first trimester. Thought I had miscarried, but heartbeat was strong and baby was born healthy.

PatrickDuffyLeg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ve been following this story over the last couple of days. She was undergoing treatment for PNH, a blood disorder. Her specialist gave her an ultimatum and she had to take three vaccines at once — Meningitis, Pneumococcal, and possibly TDAP — within ten minutes she went blind in both eyes and started vomiting. UCI Orange hospital has done a horrible job treating her. Sounds like her story is finally getting some well deserved attention and she’s been moved to a new hospital. I really hope her story keeps getting out there. More people need to know about these dangerous protocols.

PatrickDuffyLeg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Didn’t even vote in 2012. Something seemed off to young me about Romney. I knew I didn’t want Barry, but Romney seemed like an equally bad choice, even though I couldn’t exactly articulate why.

PatrickDuffyLeg 1 point ago +1 / -0

The problem with that is, over the years, many of the small family – owned hardware stores have all closed up due to the pervasiveness of the big box stores like them.

PatrickDuffyLeg 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know middle- and elementary-school aged children in our neighborhood who are going around telling people that they’re pansexual, etherian, and other assorted things. I’m convinced that much of this is learned in the halls, on the bus, playground, video game chat, and YouTube / TikTok videos. It’s honestly disturbing how strongly these trends have surfaced in the last four years.

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