Plebbitimmigrant 7 points ago +7 / -0

It was. China offered to produce parts, food, and equipment at rates U.S Workers/Companies couldn’t hope to match. Often subsidizing their companies to further drive down their companies costs allowing them to further undermine U.S Companies.

Because U.S Workers want things like Work-Life-Balance. Insurance and Health Benefits. Livable wages etc. Meanwhile the Chinese get paid peanuts in comparison. Have fewer benefits and work longer hours. So U.S Companies flocked to do Business in China.

Also helpful is the Chinese have a fraction of the Environmental Laws. So it’s comparatively easy to dispose of Industrial Waste. And Mine for Metals. Both of which can be environmentally destructive. Especially when done with efficiency of extraction in mine. Versus preservation of health and the environment.

Which contributes to saving U.S Companies very large sums of money. Money that pad earnings reports for shareholders and ends up in CEO Bonuses. Which eventually ends up in political campaign funds. Which fund candidates in support of more outsourcing and overseas trade. So the Shareholders, CEOs, and Corporate Management can continue to make piles of money.

The Chinese are also in part funding Woke. Their heavy investments in tech companies, and seeming rise of woke, and other seemingly inane political ideologies on both sides of the aisle aren’t complete coincidences. Sew Discord, Distrust and uncertainty in your opposition is a sensible strategy. And it happens to benefit our own political elite so they aren’t going to take serious action. Even if they use it rhetorically in political speeches.

I’ve been told that it’s the “Free Market” at work. And we should copy the Chinese if we want to stay competitive. And that taking action to stop Chinese Companies for undermining the U.S Economy is horrible, uncompetitive, and an assault on Freedom.

To put it another way. The U.S and West opened up to China because we thought we could repeat the fall of the USSR and Warsaw pact. The Chinese however decided to settle in for the long game. To undermine the West. Out of Malice and perhaps revenge as well. For several centuries of embarrassment, territorial concessions and abuse.

Plebbitimmigrant 6 points ago +6 / -0

Many schools will withhold degrees if you don’t take certain classes and meet their own arbitrary requirements on top of the bare minimum State Requirements.

So it’s fairly likely at least one or more of them is there because the school explicitly forced them there with a “You don’t take this class. You don’t graduate.”

Still fuck paying their loans. I’m getting my degree the hard way by paying for classes one at a time. Why would I pay for someone else’s?

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Big man is likely trying to fluff up his reputation for a run at Prime Minister.

Energy exports, particularly to the United States, however more important to places like Alberta. Who are heavily reliant on them to keep their Economy going.

You’ll see likely see other provinces bend over backwards and likely pick up Ontarios slack to avoid sanctions. Supposing he’s stupid enough to do it.

Plebbitimmigrant 3 points ago +3 / -0

Army Regulars yes.

Conscripts and Foreign Dumbasses. Those they still have some of left to spend.

Plebbitimmigrant 5 points ago +5 / -0

Unless something changes dramatically. Politically, Culturally and Economically. A very likely outcome for Canada at the moment is Balkanization of some form. More than likely largely spurred by Eastern Canada and its continued domination of their political system.

Likely followed by Annexation of at the very least Western Canada by the United States. Less because the U.S has any overwhelming desire to add new States to the Union. And more it’d be a National Security Risk that couldn’t really be afforded. The Resource gain would just be a bonus.

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Breitbart News noted that while Chicago and Everytown pointed to China as one of the sources for “auto sears” uses in the switches, they do not explain the degree to which China is allegedly committed to saturating the United States with such switches.

If it’s anything like the Fentanyl. Probably extremely committed though they’re also willing to play the long game. Short term the biggest threats in regards to the dumping switches in shitholes like Chicago are probably Domestic actors. NGOs, Charities, and Government Actors etc. Seeking to manipulate public policy and public opinion.

Plebbitimmigrant 16 points ago +19 / -3

As best I can tell. It’s not a completely ‘New’ Chapter.

But rather an extremely early writing of an existing chapter. That has some context and words that were missing/omitted from later translations that we are more familiar with.

Plebbitimmigrant 4 points ago +4 / -0

It’s Wider Modern American and frankly internet meme Culture as much as it is any hate or dislike of humanity and tradition.

As both of those things generally promote taking an irreverent, even disrespectful, approach to and dunking on political and cultural ‘Sacred Topics’ and Traditions for laughs and to specifically cause offense. Ala Internet Troll culture. And the edgy/safe edgy.

So your particular ‘Sacred Topic’ or Tradition is hardly going to be safe in such a culture.

This isn’t a defense of Netflix. I don’t care for it either. But it’s more an observation of the culture we’ve created for ourselves. That people defend religiously. Until it comes for their own personal ‘Sacred Topics’ or traditions.

Christians in particular are susceptible to being targets in such a culture. As they don’t go around hacking off heads, blowing up shopping malls, and other associated activities. When people poke at them.

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Apparently rumors going around now is that several places where Drones reportedly landed. Saw Hazmat Teams. And Tactical Units both State and Federal deployed to the areas.

Which may lend credence to the idea that the Drones are ours and are being used to look for something.

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Doesn’t stop stupid people from having ideas. Granted it’s next to impossible to stop stupid people from having retarded ideas. Unless the Idea wins them a Darwin Award when it goes wrong.

Plebbitimmigrant 5 points ago +5 / -0

So if I’m reading this right. In essence he said ChatGPT basically slightly edits training data and regurgitates that as if it was completely new material when it’s just slightly edited versions of the material it was trained on.

Hardly seems like something worth killing a guy over. Though I suppose it’d be worth killing over to hide from investors and other competitors whose programs are far ahead of OpenAI. In that they seem actually capable of generating novel and new material

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

At the moment many of them are too self-Righteous and unaware of how one-sided the power imbalance is. And how much influence over the situation they actually don’t have.

If they do something that stupid. It’ll become readily apparent.

To make it really amusing, get most of the world to collectively shit itself, and drive the point home. They should start lining up Military Units along the border. For “Drills”.

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean given Socialisms track record. That is a very very low bar to clear.

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +3 / -1

Official story. Last I heard at any rate. He apparently got really into psychedelics to cope with chronic pain surgery/pharmaceuticals couldn’t fix and spiraled from there.

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most of Mexico is about as Christian as Pelosi or Biden. So it doesn’t surprise me.

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Northcom and National Guard are excellent questions.

NORAD has been of debatable functionality for a while. Especially considering one half of it. Has more or less been rendered ineffective by budget cuts and Force Drawdowns. With the Canadian Airforce having a grand total of 86 Fighters. Only 79 of which are capable of sustained operations. Last I was aware at least.

Plebbitimmigrant 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sleek ultra modern curves. With no hard edges of the typical modern standard designs.

More a fan of more classic Victorian/Gothic designs and or Art Deco personally though.

Plebbitimmigrant 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’d imagine it’ll also spur the drive to automate some functions they currently rely on the illegals to do.

Which leads to a somewhat fascinating phenomenon. You’d think they’d be inclined to have been automating from day 1. But the desire to do so eventually stagnates in a “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” type of mentality. Which is a curious phenomenon that regularly crops up in civilizations.

That seemingly flys in the face of the idea of constant progress that seemingly underpins quite a bit of modern Western Philosophy.

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +3 / -1

Quite a lot of people have attacked and murdered our servicemen over the years and suffered no consequences for it. The Liberty is only one of a long train.

Cold War in particular saw numerous bombings and Assassinations by political groups that were sponsored trained and equipped by the USSR, the CCP and Eastern Bloc states. And the casualties included American Military personnel.

Like everything else politically inconvenient it was brushed under the rug.

It’s also rumored U.S and Soviet Submarines waged a quasi-war of their own. With that being the reason why the U.S.S Scorpion went down. Like wise why several Soviet submarines sank. With the official stories concocted by both sides as a reason to prevent a war. And why you can sometimes find anecdotal stories of Submarines from both sides of the Iron Curtain reported to enter port with unexplained damage.

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

If his neck wasn’t also on the chopping block. He’d probably be jumping for joy Hillary was going to get locked up. Not much love lost between the two of them.

Plebbitimmigrant 5 points ago +5 / -0

They’re also starting to feature White Guys in recruitment ads again.

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

True. But if it was. They’d have been kicking in doors by now.

And most of the areas these are being spotted. Military Bases, Airports, Trump properties he’s been known to favor and other spots of strategic and or economic importance.

Aren’t likely the places most “Enthusiasts” will screw around. Due to the risk of ending up catching Federal Charges.

And Federal Agents who are supposedly supposed to be investigating are stating they are seeing these things near their private homes now. Which wouldn’t indicate run of the mill enthusiasts screwing around.

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