True. But if it was. They’d have been kicking in doors by now.
And most of the areas these are being spotted. Military Bases, Airports, Trump properties he’s been known to favor and other spots of strategic and or economic importance.
Aren’t likely the places most “Enthusiasts” will screw around. Due to the risk of ending up catching Federal Charges.
And Federal Agents who are supposedly supposed to be investigating are stating they are seeing these things near their private homes now. Which wouldn’t indicate run of the mill enthusiasts screwing around.
Defense officials do not believe the unidentified flying objects are coming from “a foreign entity or adversary,”
The people whose jobs, in a just world, would rely on there not being a Ship launching Drones have confirmed there is not a ship launching drone.
Which means there more than likely is. Hell there maybe multiple if the amount and size of Drones being spotted is any indication.
For once an elected official might be telling the truth. Or at least part of it any rate. As I don’t think it’s the Iranians launching them. With the amount of problems they’ve got going on in their backyard. Tying up potentially several decently sized ships if the size of drones spotted is any indication. And an undisclosed number of trained Pilots wouldn’t be a good use of resources given their current strategic situation.
Better odds of it either being the Chinese or one of the 3 letters.
If you’ve seen any of the new clips of the Drone Raids in Ukraine either side is launching on each other. Especially at night.
It’s eerily reminiscent of the WW2 Bomber Raid Movies. Streaks from Tracers all over. Puffs of smoke. Occasionally a streak of Fire as a Drone is hit and doesn’t explode immediately but careens out of control.
Trump though has stated a desire to create an IRON DOME esc system to protect the mainland United States. Which posits an interesting question. What exactly is coming that we’ll need a Nationwide Missile/Anti-Air Defense Grid?
Ironically part of the reason Canada is even a Country. Is the British had several fears. One of which being the Canadian Colonies deciding U.S statehood might be better economically. So they sought to tie them closer to the Empire. And nurture a nascent National Identity.
And two. Regarding the deepening relationship between the U.S and Tsarist Russia. Namely A Russian Empire with an Army equipped by American Industry and ships built in American Ports. The American-Russian feud that has more or less defined Foreign policy is about a century old. Maybe a bit less. And largely stems from WW1 and Woodrow Wilson. Before that both Countries had a seemingly strange affinity for each other. With both countries granting each other favorable trade privileges and diplomatic treatment.Despite all indications including our chosen forms of Government. Being seemingly opposites. Tsarist Russia at least on paper being an absolute monarchy. Versus a Constitutional Republic.
Also fun fact. Some indicators British Support for the Confederacy went far deeper than popular history would suggest. With Confederate Intelligence operating quite openly in Canada. And several cities including Montreal reportedly hotbeds of Confederate Sympathizers.
The First place Jefferson Davis went after being bailed out of prison by Cornelius Vanderbilt and several other Wealthy Men. Including two Republicans. One of whom was an avowed Abolitionist. At least publicly.
Was Montreal Canada. Where he was reportedly greeted with a hero’s welcome. They even had a plaque commemorating his arrival that was in place until the early 2010s.
5 bucks says either the CCP or one of the three letters. Maybe both.
There are somewhere between 1.5-2 Million+ Non-profits and NGOs nationwide. And god knows how many unregistered groups.
San Franshitsco is barely even a drop in the bucket of bullshit and funding sources. That frankly maybe the source of most of the problems we attribute to shitty Government.
“Out of touch” is a good way to describe the past 40-50 years of American Government. Especially when it comes to technology.
About the only thing I’d disagree with is the comment about the American peoples intelligence. Frankly a disturbingly large portion of the American People aren’t intelligent enough, or I suppose aware enough is a better way of phrasing it, to realize they’re being insulted or should take offense at something.
As the state of the Entertainment Sector should so readily point out. About the only reason things have started changing there. Is Pop Culture influencers and YouTubers have more or less been explicitly laying out how the entertainment companies are insulting the intelligence of the average consumer and telling people it’s okay to feel angry about it.
TBH. Most groups now on both sides of the aisle are just money grabs. And ways for people to feel important, or excuse their own desire to do illegal shit, engage in bad, and or societally detrimental behavior. Instead of making actual positive societal or social changes.
One of Trumps stated goals for this term was to cap the interest rates that could be charged by credit card companies at 10%.
I’ve got coworkers that walk similarly. Though the Robot might be more useful than they are.
Most of the Corporations backends are in just as bad or worse shape. Which is something not many realize.
It’s amazing how often people forget the 1950s-2000. Where Communist groups of one flavor or another and Environmentalists. Were assassinating, kidnapping and murdering CEOs, Corporate, Military and Government personnel. Granted it was mostly in Europe, Asia, and South America. Several Weapons companies had entire lines of weapons devoted to hold out pistols and CCW specifically for Military, Political and Corporate Leaders at risk of kidnapping, Murder, and Assassination.
But it’s hardly a new phenomenon. If anything it’s only a sign. Distance is no longer the shield it once was in keeping the rest of the world’s problems off our shores.
Generally the trend with like 95-99% of Rebellions and Revolutions over the last couple hundred years. The replacement for the Tyrant or Authoritarian. Often enough ends up making the previous guy that got overthrown look like a Saint by Comparison.
Or plunges the country into total anarchy as whatever Government they establish proves unable to enforce anything and no one on the Rebels side actually made plans as to how to fill the power vacuum previously occupied by the Regime. Which normally leads to either another Dictator, often a disaffected Militant Rebel Leader overthrowing the new Government. Since it proved unable to do anything. And then they promptly turn into a worse version of the previous Dictator.
Which repeats the process. Until you get one willing to eventually surrender power and oversea an orderly transition. With or without international pressure. Which only takes a few decades and a few hundred thousand to a million or two lives.
The American Revolution was very much a rare and extremely lucky roll of the Dice.That it succeeded as well as it did the first time.
Quite a bit of the retarded political ideology that has been causing issues for the past couple centuries.
Either stems from French Revolutionary Thinkers. Or people who were inspired by French Revolutionary Thinkers.
Endlessly pursuing higher and higher GDP and adopting tactics of debatable ethical and moral alignment in order to squeeze another couple percentage points on a chart. Is partly to blame for many of the bullshit problems in this country. There’s more to a Nation and Economy than numbers on a chart.
Not to mention similar past increases would indicate that any dramatic changes or increases in Wealth and GDP. Would largely be concentrated towards the top end of the spectrum. Meaning the rich will get richer. While everyone else either remains stagnant and or gets poorer.
Speaking for myself, I was self-aware enough to check off “I require excessive admiration,” but I made sure to leave out “I don’t feel much empathy for others” to ensure that the next regime doesn’t peg me as a sociopath.
The way he worded this would imply his self-awareness extends to an acknowledgement that he doesn’t feel empathy for others. But is purposely omitting that from the test to avoid an official record of existing in any form. Which is in fact something a sociopath might do.
While the context of the rest of the article would lead one to the belief it was an attempt at humor. One could just as easily draw the conclusion of it being a Freudian slip. And the Journalist is in fact a self-acknowledged Sociopath
This was a suspicion even in the days after it happened. With information and reports on Japanese movements being kept from Kimmel and the Army Garrison.
Going by existing provincial/state boundaries in those Countries. Canada would be 10 States and 3 territories. Mexico 31 states. Bringing the United States to 91 states and 8 inhabited Territories.
It would actually by virtue of the increase in size. Likely necessitate the construction of a new Capital. Probably in the region of the Midwest. Simply because the existing Congressional building couldn’t hope to hold the new Congress.
Russia is also apparently washing their hands of Syria and appears to be pulling out as well.
Irans already withdrawn their ‘advisers’ and their Militias are either going to ground or beading a hasty retreat towards friendly territory.
So was this a Sheriff taking the law into his own hands type of deal? Or did the Judge get handsy with someone he shouldn’t have?
As last I saw the story. The Judge and Sheriff were supposedly friends. Until there were apparently allegations involving the Judge and Sheriffs daughter. That the Sheriff found out about.
So was this Old Western style Sheriff Justice? Or an angry father seeking to destroy the man that had hurt his daughter?
As while the two aren’t mutually exclusive. Both being justice after a fashion. They’re under taken for different reasons. One being a man acting in his role as Sheriff and protecting his community. The other a man acting in his role as Father and destroying a threat to the continued safety of his family and children.
“I saved you the cell right next to Joe, Barry, and Big Mike.”
Nope. Though it sounds more refined than “Taken out back and shot in the face.”
This offensive was reportedly mostly supplied by Turkey.
Though the U.S Airforce reportedly blew the shit outta a column of Iranian-backed Iraqi Militia that were sent to support Assad.
Depends on the faction. A couple of the largest Rebel factions are basically radical Muslims. One is straight up led by an ex-ISIS Lieutenant. Who claims to have moderated his stances.
I’m aware of at least at least one smaller Druze Militia faction in support of the Rebels. Though it’s not particularly unexpected. The Druze flip flop regularly to the due to their low population and religious quirks making cultural/religious self-interest and self-preservation a bigger priority for them than national and political loyalties.
So expect lots of openings for cleaning staff, Janitors etc. At Schools and Hospitals.