I think, he can only think in 3-9 panel frames, while projecting those thoughts upon constructs. Maybe someone can mail him a box of crayons to help him get through this.
OK. But that's the header image. The side bar is the information on the right side of the screen.
"This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines"
I do not 'play along', or act in bad faith.
"“We are particularly interested to know how China plans to vet incoming foreign researchers from countries of biological weapons proliferation concern,” Clinton added."
To me, it seems she was looking for a way in, without asking China directly.
So lost signal, but retains camera feed? Right, how is the camera feed transmitted? And you can't think of any other cause of the battery fire? And you've used the word conspiracy wrong. The correct word is theory.
Does his mask have a zipper drawn on it? Like a Sex Gimp mask?
This movie was illegally seized and removed from public domain in America.
This isn't a Christmas movie.
It's a movie about the banking systems and the Federal Reserve.
I think this is normal for children.
To be fair though, 9-11 really skewed these numbers.
Can someone tell me if I'm joking or not?
I don't even know anymore.
Congratulations! You got your raise!....
....to match inflation. So that you can continue working.
Who would have guessed that the pure blooded Chinese immigrant would have ties to Communism???
Shocking! Really shocking to no one!
It's not even Pizza day. February 9th is Pizza day.
Like I told my coworker, I think it's the 5G.
He intros the statement talking only to those who are bad at critical thinking, and then refers to 'we'. In which he admits to poor critical thinking skills and proceeds with the statement with that as context.
If intended, this sentence structure shows a high IQ, self awareness, while admitting to poor critical thinking skill. Which would lead me to the conclusion that Scott Adams does not fit the definition of a retard, who's IQ is lower than 70, though through admission, possesses a lack of an ability to asses the current situation regarding vaccinations.
Provided of course that his statements are earnest and in good faith.
That's a valid logic.
Heated up from the skin? As though being irradiated? My coworker mentioned this, as we both became warm without a heat source.
"Okay, I'll play on more time."
I'm not playing. And I denounce such assertions.
"you're a fucking idiot for using that 250 mil figure."
I must be, as the pharmaceutical companies will sue you for billions if you appose them.
" you sue corporations for huge sums, then settle for less -- it's the American way."
You disgust me. That is not the American way.
"Pfffffft! Bye bye!"
And like a fart in the wind, he blew away.
" She just picks out safe topics to hit on."
A man got payed 250 million dollars in defamation lawsuits for having a drum beat in his face.
The pharmaceutical companies won't target a person like you or me, because our voices don't carry in social media, but if you stand up against them, you better be damn certain that you have done your research and that you pick a 'safe' topic to hit. Especially if you no longer have the protections of the House as she was ousted by her own party.
"I'm proud to take the hits. Means I'm over the target."
Do your best not to virtue signal, as it reminds me of my Mother.
Yes and no. They are claiming this mostly to scare you, and claiming that it's a new variant and caused by an HIV patient, and most likely the antivaxers.
So they are not admitting to anything, only creating more lies to cover up this possibility.
The topic was "Merck's experimental COVID pill molnupiravir" you worthless muppet.
That was my first thought as well. Do they mean frogs?...
No, they are targeting Turds. Catturds.
I'm going to be honest. I'm fine with it being memory holed. I only expect a speedy trial and a swift execution, along with those responsible for allowing this man out on bail to lose their jobs and livelihood along with any possible charges that may apply.
Caring about what they say, and trusting them, are not one in the same.