One question, when the internet is gone, Taken down by White Hats or Black Hats, and it will happen someday. What happens to your crypto wallet? You won't even have that paper."fiat money", to help start a fire to keep warm.
Hard to believe that young people are really that stupid. I guess the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree, as a lot of parents are that stupid as well. I can say this, if my door us busted in, I am not going to shoot the ceiling. Just sayin'
Man is he into class 3 or what? He's holding a M-60, and Mom is holding a Thompson, and the Daughter in the middle is sporting an UZI. And the boys are probably holding NFA items as well, (my old eyes can't see that well). Gotta be on our side.
I live in the N.O. area. Once was a Saints fan, haven't been in 25 years or more. If they gave me a dollar to take a ticket, I would, so I could light my cigar with it. Fuck the Saints and the NFL, I hope they all go down the tubes. Serve them right.
I don't know anything about crypto, I do have fair bit of Silver. How can you access crypto if the internet is gone, as it will be when SHTF. I can get to my silver easily for purchasing goods after SHTF, No internet no access to crypto. Am I right?
Edit: OK,I commented B4 reading comments. Everything answered. Thank You.