Suicide weekend will probably be when real top government figures are arrested! Once those that held bigger positions in their secret society are arrested, those that thought they would forever be protected will panic!
I'm 50/50 too! The White Hats won this war a decade ago! All wars are won before they are started! It's all staged! Knowing this, the White Hats could have planned how information will play out for the next couple decades to awaken those asleep and those that have been taken by the matrix! They need to save as much people; even the brainwashed! Peace is the prize! Now, why I said I'm 50/50! I have seen a VHS video from either 1987 or 1997 with this guy being interrogated and he claims that the elite know that on the 21st of December, 2012 the timelines converge and they are eventually defeated, as predicted in the Mayan calendar! The end of their world. Q points to moves and countermoves but also states that Nothing Can Stop what is coming! The best anology I've read about NCSWIC is- Two Chess Grandmasters are sitting around the board and they both know it's Checkmate but they still have at least seven moves each for this eventuality and the global elite, who never thought she would lose, are trying to stretch out their existence by saying outright lies! A looking glass allows for ensuring that the best timeline plays out! I may die but Trump lives! Protecting the leader may involve accepting timelines with collateral damage! Peace is the prize!
Outright criminals, have blocked the masses from enjoying the fruits of life! The dumbest are running the world and their MO is to prop up other dumb mfs like them! In a fair world the cream rises to the top! Our world is ran by people with connections; instead of people with genuine solutions to uplift our humanity! They sold out to the system! That mentality is now done!
They will bow their heads in shame, when they realize they were on the wrong side of the spiritual war! Our job is to comfort those who have been deceived for so long and took longer than us to wake up! I have continued to pray, while they sleep! Peace is the prize! Most of these people have good intentions, unfortunately they were deceived by those they trusted the most!
Pushing the transgender agenda and the vax on the military, in my opinion, represented infiltration to destroy America! I could not believe how political leaders would undermine their own military! This was treasonous as treasonous as Obama allowing warships to be built with inferior iron from China!
Imagine receiving $5,000 tax refund and those with TDS still thinking that they are trying to buy your allegiance! Some people just don't have any common sense! Pumping that money in any economy in the world would create a super multiplier effect!
Speaking arrangements, book deals, paintings, etc. all coverup for money laundering! These mfs have nothing to say that cost real money; these mfs lives are so inconsequential that the puppet masters hire phantom writers to create a romantic fake profile of their existence! These mfs hire real painters and give them 500 dollars for paintings and put their signature on those paintings and sell them for 500,000! Most politicians are puppets, who receive their rewards from their puppet masters! Using logic clarifies why the military needed a billionaire, who is a Patriot to change the world! Game theory! He had no puppeteer! So no outside influence! Like-minded wealthy individuals joined the quest of liberation! Some had to be 'taken'!
Just need to ask you a few questions about the Standard Hotel and Andrew Bourdain! Killing African American kids is just as important as killing any kid!