I’m here, I want my money back, not to mention all my rights and our pride as a red state!
Remember GEOTUS warned that FISA works both ways....
Spot on assessment that everyone here should already understand!
Wow! The comments in that stream just ooze with ignorance! What a complete bunch of maroons..
Yes, it is the HM of a Danish country iirc.
That’s a good thought, it would keep the cheaters(counterfeiters) from getting it real easy.
Sun, I kept my mail in ballot and voted in person in Cali. Should I check my mail in ballot?
Perhaps they could recommend that a prosecutor presses charges against her...
Jeez, no kidding. I’m on vacation in a rural place. In the motel there is tv only. I haven’t had cable in over 7years. It’s all shit that’s on the programming along with 30 mins or more of shit repetitive commercials an hour. WTF?! How can anyone with a thinking brain stand this assault?
Too many people in the hospital, MASKS DO NOT WORK. This is in the early stages in chyna..
Have faith,(I’m saying this for my benefit too), be strong, stay frosty. We’ve already won..
Aha! I see what you did there! Clever, very clever???????????????
That’s so gay! Warped sense of reality.
Where? it’s been eerily quiet here in nor-cal...
Yes, write a post about what your father shared!
Simultaneously I would expect.
Got Goosebumps reading and visualizing this. AMEN!
Could it be considered a C_A Black sight???
Got to let the plan play out, remember, you’re watching a movie, NCSWIC.
Very well written, and I thank you for your reply. I understand everything you described. It seems that you and I ran some pretty similar lines and are probably within a few years of age. The issue of me calling people out because of their being late to the party is my own problem. I am normally a very humble person, however, with all the frustration of obvious fraud, corruption and just downright stupidity, I lose it from time to time. Me putting out that statement was the internal struggle to keep the faith vs lash out at the lazy sleepers(as I see them, justly or not).
How could all miss this? FB is upset that there employees information was shared. What does FB make their money from? Selling your information without permission.....start there.
☝?THIS, and that is the simple truthful
France and LePen