It isn’t that I didn’t/don’t believe that is the plan. But at this point and actually at points along the way to now POTUS Trump should have begun questioning the jab. He really did and does act like a salesman for the jab long after it should have been outlawed.
I am on the side of what I think is right.
I am a true long time supporter of POTUS Trump. But I will call out even my own when they do something wrong. I think blind allegiance is a dangerous thing. It is like a sportsball fan (fanatic) who will literally beat someone to death because they are a supporter of the other team.
I call POTUS Trump out on his support for the jab and Israel and some of the miscreants (faggots) he supports and elevates. Regardless that he is my good President and I support the vast majority of what he does.
I agree with your last paragraph wishing/wanting everyone had simply ignored the lock downs.
But POTUS Trump though I greatly admire many things he has done and fomented should have backed away from advocating for the jab years ago. As soon as the country was opened back up he should have miraculously discovered that the jab was bad for people and shut it down.
Don’t try to deny it. POTUS Trump for all of his good attributes and intentions continuously pushed “this beautiful shot” at many of his rallies and during many interviews.
Excuses and obfuscations don’t cut it. POTUS Trump needs to come clean about this. Our defending the indefensible is a discredit to us all.
I am quite happy he is POTUS considering the alternative. But he has his faults that need to be pointed out so they can be corrected.
Yes. A lot of rules. But almost any aircraft above a certain weight (25 pounds?) operating legally in East Coast airspace is required to be utilizing an ADS-B transponder during most phases of flight and even when taxiing on the ground at larger/busier airports.
There are many other rules regulating this. But in particular trying to navigate up the east coast after passing by Dover AFB and then Atlantic City and McQuire Approach’s airspace and then to New York metropolis airspace VFR would really be a challenge. But even VFR and squawking VFR when close to congested airspace the aircraft must be transmitting data using an appropriate ADS-B compliant transponder.
Not a plane FAG but they are using sites like or Those sites display airborne craft that are transmitting a discrete frequency for ADS-B compliance. That shows their call sign and or flight number along with speed, altitude and heading.
BUT- For example- Many aircraft are not broadcasting that information (think fighter jet.). So those can not be tracked as easily.
AND- Small drones of the types many hobbyists own and fly do not broadcast the necessary information to be received and rebroadcast/distributed through the ADS-B system.
Rumble link to assassination video-
Nixon took the USA off the gold standard (Bretton Woods.). That was bad. Inflation has run amok ever since.
Cutting out sugars-
I don’t know if it’s true or not but I’ve repeatedly heard that cutting out sugars is harder than quitting a cocaine habit.
Refined flour is unfortunately taken up by our bodies much as sugar.
Natural sugars in many fruits can also be quite negatively impactful.
I remember describing all kinds of “good for me” health foods I was eating to a nutritionist friend of mine. He said “that’s great; now just eat a lot less of it.” That’s the tough part. That same nutritionist did not start dabbling with fasting until he was in his 60’s. After he did that for a couple years he reported that in his opinion there was almost no other nutritional thing he had done that was as beneficially impactful. Fasting that is.
You missed D3. You missed ivermectin and fenbendozol and black seed(cumin) oil.
You can’t just throw supplements at it.
Clean up your diet.
Earth yourself. Earth your bedsheets. Use silverel fabric from
Do all that; give it time. It took a long time to get there. It takes many months to decrease the level in the bucket of crap you’ve ingested over time.
Kind of interesting but the Federal Election Commission defers to the states until such time as votes are certified and submitted and then presumably the electoral college vote is submitted and accepted.
So the results are not official yet.
A significant reason to hope for a large well attended inauguration in DC is optics.
Primary goals of an election include making people think their votes counted and to make them think the election resulted in an accurate result. And to project that energy to the world.
A massive supportive crowd embracing the new POTUS Trump demonstrates the support of the civilian population.
Interestingly enough biden’s inauguration was very poorly attended and the excuse was COVID. Bad optics.
Who put the site together (who owns/controls the site?)
There are a lot of nominees on there. I wish I knew more about all of them; especially any snakes in the grass that might be there. I sure don’t want to just vote based on name recognition (ie- General Flynn, Dan Cox, Scott Ritter though I think any of them would be great.)
Is there an honest write up on these candidates anywhere?
You describe yourself as paying attention to detail. I can’t get over how much this is lacking in today’s society. Everyone around you seems to subscribe to the “Why do grade A work in a grade B world?
I see this play out all around me everyday. People simply cannot (will not) stay on track.