Slyver 13 points ago +13 / -0

One down, about five hundred to go.

Slyver 3 points ago +3 / -0

This by itself wouldn't do shit. Blackrock isn't the culprit, it is merely a pebble in the pond. Please see my report.

Regardless if it would help, this still isn't the path. The government has no business having this type of power. We The People need to learn to exert our power to control commerce. All we need to do to have that power is a Free Market. We've never had one, nor have we ever even been close to having one (in 250 years). We don't even understand what "Free Market" means.

That then, is the path. We need to learn what that means, and then we need to have the freedom to implement it. Of course, we can't learn what it means without being taught what it means. That is going to fair a bit to collectively learn, but I suggest my report goes a long way towards that education.

Slyver 4 points ago +4 / -0

My observation is, there are multiple factions of the Freemasons. Is this action of Eric's hands, or anyone's hands or other apparent similar symbolism, an indication of those multiple factions? I have no idea, but that there appears to be multiple factions of Freemasons (and previous iterations of that same organization) is obvious to me. I have found hundreds of pieces of evidence of this faction system going on for 250 years and beyond in my investigations.

Thinking of anything in any investigation in our real history, as black and white, is foolish. Even the most "obvious" piece of fact, upon deeper investigation, can be as clear as mud. Nothing is black and white! That is the first and most important understanding for any investigation, especially when it comes to history.


Remember that, understand it, grok it. (If you think I mean the AI, read more Heinlein, (a Freemason)).

Slyver 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ontology? This has nothing to do with philosophy. I have only given facts. Every single thing I have said you can look up as factual. Specifically looking up what a "corporation", or "law", or "court", or "municipal corporation", etc. is in Black's Law Dictionary (or numerous other places in BLD), will give it as plan as day. Looking up the facts about the creation of Rockefellers programs takes a fair bit of look to show; it has taken years of research for me to find, and hundreds of pages to lay out fully, but it is all there, all factual, no speculation of a spot in a single word.

What ever word you were intended to use, "ontology" was wholly inappropriate.

Slyver -1 points ago +1 / -2

They are all fiction: towns, counties, states, countries, the world court, the WHO, Maderna, Ford Motors, the US Constitution (which defines the bounds (articles of corporation) for our particular country (USA)), the US Senate, The House of Lords, Mom and Pops groceries (if formally incorporated) a Trust, a Bank... Every single entity that has been legally acknowledged (in a recognized legal system) as a corporate entity does not actually exist.

Not a single one of those entities has the capacity to give input into the universe, and are thus not real, but fictional. A person can give an idea to another, through a formal idea, in a specific format, and that idea can then act a real action through a real person, through a program (also a real action, requiring another person), but without that, nothing can happen. Nothing would exist. It would be as if nothing, because it is nothing. It can only act within the framework of law, which is a legal fiction which itself can only act if a person deems it so.

I would say about 99% of all laws (probably more) are completely useless, Rockefeller designed social program intended to make life soulless and controlled. If you didn't know those laws didn't exist, would you know? They aren't "wrong." They are victimless crimes. If you didn't know about them, you couldn't commit them. The laws don't create reality, rather, the people, through coercion, force us to comply or lose our money, our children, our livelihood, our property, our freedom, or our life. The laws don't create that, quite a few people are complicite in the scam, even if most of them are gullible dupes (include the victim themselves). In some cases it wouldn't work at all if an intended victim simply ignored the law completely, because it doesn't actually exist, and a judge was forced to recognize that fact. (I've only see that happen a few times, so please don't tell me how to do it, I just know it can happen).

Slyver 4 points ago +5 / -1

Things could be better, but recently has been much worse. I'm not out of the woods yet, but at least I can read and write again. (That was impossible previously. It is still a little bit difficult, but I'm getting better.)

Slyver 0 points ago +2 / -2

Well, in my case, it is the King County Treasurer's Office.

This is not the ultimate authority of your taxes. The taxes ultimately go to a bank, and finally to a Banker. This is the process:

  1. A municipality (or rather, the people who run the legal fiction called the municipality, in this case called "King County") takes out a loan. This loan process is done by ANYTHING that the municipality wants to do that costs money. EVERYTHING is done by these bank loans.
  2. This loan is apportioned in the form of a selection of Bonds.
  3. Bonds are bought from Banks (more than 50%), or individuals, mostly Bankers.
  4. The Bond holders ultimately control the municipality of that loan (collection of Bonds). They can exert control if there is any mispayment of the Bonds. ANY cent out of place, at any time, on ANY Bond, over the century(s). This gives them complete control of the entirety of the municipality, and all the property managed within it.
  5. Your taxes pay the interest on the loans.
  6. King County Treasurer's Office collects on those taxes, acting as agent of the Bond holders..
  7. King County Treasurer's Office pays those moneys to the Bond Holders with your taxes.
  8. Again, the Bond Holders control the municipality through leverage on the loans. The collective control of municipal bonds is > 50% across the entire United States (I imagine is is probably similar to other countries. It is certainly >> 50% in England where the Rothschilds specificaly own most of it). The management of the resources is generally controlled by the Board of Directors of their respective municipality (County Seat e.g.), but they act as agents of the ultimate authority (the Bond Holders AKA the Bankers) of every municipality in the United States.

Your argument degenerates into the thesis that information does not actually exist.

I can give you more information if you want. I assure you, it is your lack of knowledge, not a degenerate thesis, that is the problem.

Slyver 1 point ago +3 / -2

Banks not a banker.

"Banks" do not actually exist (not the buildings, the corporation). They are legal fictions. They can't act, do laws, collect money, taxes, etc., etc. Only Bankers, or active agents of Bankers (actual people) can do those things.

Again, people do not understand what is real, and what is fictional in our world. They have created our "legal", fictional world, which causes all sorts of confusion for most people. ONLY People can do actual actions (have input into the universe). Nothing in our legal world can do so. The only actions that legal fictions (corporations) can act within is in is the fictional, legal framework. They can't even speak at all except inside of a court room (another fictional entity).

I iterate, only BANKERS can do any of those things. Only People. Banks do not exist, but Bankers do, and they control every aspect of property in America. (And the world really, though I can't be 100% sure about that with regard to some property owned by some Monarchs.)

And they are intertwined with those who do make the actual laws and tax codes. This is why nothing gets accomplished.

That's not really true. The reason that nothing is accomplished is by intention. In 1931 Rockefeller et al created our current version of our legal system (specifically I mean our system of laws, and the way by which we interpret, or write laws, but it really applies to the entire legal system). By creating that system, this allowed them to ensure that the only laws that work were the only the ones they want them to work, and they obfuscate any that they desire otherwise.

Slyver 4 points ago +6 / -2

They are a tool for municipalities to control you and steal your property.

This isn't really true. A "municipality" is a legal entity, a legal fiction. It doesn't actually exist. It can only act within the framework of "law", which is itself a fictional framework. It too doesn't actually exist. (It has no capacity to influence reality, only people can.) In other words, a municipality can't actually tax anything.

It can't control laws, it can't collect taxes. It can't be the beneficiary or the trustee of the monies from taxes. It can't act against the person if they have grievances against the laws, etc.

ALL of those things, or anything else you can think of regarding property taxes, is done by a person. As it turns out, usually, that person (or a person act as one of their agents, in the case of tax collection) is a Banker (or a Bank of Governors, etc.).

All of the things you can imagine regarding property taxes are controlled by Bankers.

This is, I believe, an important perspective that far few people think about, or even realize. I think if this fact were appreciated, the problem would resolve itself.

Slyver 2 points ago +2 / -0

AP and NYT both report the same total number as NBC (12.02M), as do whatever source you are using, but the percentage reported is all over the place. The AP/NYT says 65%, NBC reports 74%, and whatever resource you are using reports 71%.

Slyver 4 points ago +4 / -0

CA is part of We The People too. The GA won't be leaving us behind. CA may require us as a state to be more active than most, but that's OK, we are fighters. There are millions of fighters here. In fact, there is a larger population of Patriots in CA than in any other state of the Union, even if the real numbers are what is reported (which I highly doubt).

We won't be left behind, don't you worry none.

Slyver 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm pretty sure there was an episode or two dedicated to this on Frank Underwood's maniacal plot to take over the world on House of Cards.

Even if it wasn't in there (I haven't seen it in many years), it is a very Underwood type of move.

I'm not trying to imply anything there, I think it just sounds familiar.

Slyver 3 points ago +3 / -0

There are 55% counted according to AP. Who knows what the real numbers are. It may not be fully counted until Dec. 3rd (iirc).

It says that Sacramento Country is +17 Harris, but only 40% of the results are counted, and the results so far seem to be trending early Harris. Before the Election my internal polling (guessing) would have bet my life that it was close to around even/even in Sacramento.

It is an absolute mess here.

Slyver 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are you asking about the actual vote or the Dominion vote? I think we've probably lost CA to the Dominion vote unless a miracle happens (some intentional glitch e.g.). I think it is unlikely that we will ever know the actual vote count in CA.

I think NY has a much better chance than CA.

Slyver 7 points ago +7 / -0

Keep it up. Let's see how far we can go.

In truth, we are so sold short, I'm waiting for the squeeze. Let's bust this bad boy to the MOON!!!

Slyver 5 points ago +5 / -0

I won't be paying taxes regardless of who wins. Taxes go directly to the Fed. They have nothing to do with the US Govt.

The IRS is an agent of the Fed. The Fed is a private bank who takes off 8% per annum for the privilege of using their Federal Reserve Notes for each and every single transaction. The IRS is a Fed police power whose power exceeds that of the federal government, acting above US Govt law.

They get nothing from me.

Slyver 3 points ago +3 / -0

You would be amazed how elaborate controlled opposition operations can be. Operation Trust was amateur hour.

You should investigate the Wobblies, and their counterparts the Industrialists. Rockefeller/Rothschild et al set themselves up as both villain and hero (as did the Wobblies) purposely making huge propaganda campaigns to make themselves look like the worst sort of social cancer; even evil. From this effort was created the USSR, all of our labor unions, socialistic policies (New Deal e.g.), monetary control systems (Breton Woods e.g.), and no small part in WWI, our entire population control agenda, the modern art movement (a propaganda control mechanism), in part our medical and science systems, and more ramifications to boot.

They did it by attacking themselves. They made themselves out to be the bad guy.

Of particular note, they accomplished the creation of all Communist and Socialist governments from the 20th century (including Fascism and the Nazis) by pretending to be pro Capitalist. I mean, they were the Capitalists. Their agenda was the opposite, because of course Communism is the end game for Capitalism (almost no one really understands what Capitalism means, thinking it is a good thing). Through the Wobblies (and/or the ring leaders of the Wobblies before and after the fact), they created the USSR, Italy's Mussoulini and Hitlers NSDAP, designed specifically as Controlled Opposition.

The twists and turns, connections, spy network, all sorts of crazy shit were all tied to the Wobblies. I have several hundred pages dedicated to that investigation. Some of it will be in the next section of my report.


As a bonus, the Wobblies were an anarchist group, They have direct relationships with all of the other anarchist groups across America and Europe. They promote violence and anti-social behavior (called "propaganda of the deed") to push for freedom from our Rulers.

The reason we think of anarchy as chaos and lawlessness is because of these people, and the other agencies and people like them (all related). As a people, we very much do not want anarchy. We loathe the idea of anarchy. But anarchy only means "no ruler." What it means "To Rule" takes a bit to explain, but short version is, it establishes a Ruling class, a Tyranny, which makes false claims on everyone else's jurisdiction. Not all Tyrannies are created equal, but all Rulers are always Tyrannies.. This is true even if it is a true democracy (Rule of the majority).

It is because of these agencies of controlled opposition anarchists, all controlled by the Rulers themselves, thatt we never consider anarchy. It is among the most insidious of control mechanisms, ensuring that the Rulers always Rule.

Another example of such an associated anarchy network is the MKUltra project. For example, both the Unibomber and Charles Manson and his gang were known MKUltra anarchists that created terror at the very word Anarchy.

Slyver 2 points ago +3 / -1

That's not how controlled opposition works. EVERYTHING meaningful that we have ever experienced on this planet for the past 150 years (I think a lot longer, but I'm not making that case) has been controlled opposition (not counting hopefully Q). There has been nothing organic that was big enough to be noticed by a meaningful number of people. Anything they don't want doesn't make it outside of local news. They contrive a ton of elaborate events, controlling entities seemingly at odds on the world stage (almost all major ones), but even those things that arise organically are completely controlled. When you control ALL information (which they do), you ensure that the reports of events you want get espoused and controlled, the stories you don't want get nixed. Any thing that accidentally gets through gets memory holed. If you have heard of it, it was intentional, no matter what "side" you think it was on. That means that if there has been a situation anywhere on this planet for the past century plus, where you think two entities have been at odds, they haven't been.

This conclusion is part of my report. It's far from done yet. I hope to put out the rest which will make the full case for this conclusion beyond a reasonable doubt. Nevertheless, the first part which is out shows how the economic part (and to some extent the information part) of that system was originally constructed by Rockefeller/Rothschild.

Controlled Opposition looks IN EVERY WAY like real opposition. If it did not, it wouldn't be very convincing. Most people involved as controlled opposition are unaware that they are, but some are. In addition to complete control of information, there are spies everywhere: and I mean everywhere (by "spy" I mean someone acting against their apparent intent).

And while you may not appreciate me saying it, if Q is a controlled opposition agency, then Trump is a knowing one as well. A person acting against their apparent intent happens all the time (notably spies, actors, politicians, sales people, etc.). Trump is an actor, salesman, politician, and a master of Kayfabe. It is entirely possible for him to be acting different than apparent intent. I'm not saying I think so, I am only saying, from all I've seen, he's got the ability.

Slyver 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is a third path. Q is a legit Psyop, but is under the control of the Cabal. A controlled opposition Agent; i.e. it is not the Psyop you think it is.

There is no doubt in my mind that Q is a real Psyop. There is just too much corroborating evidence, and none that I have found to the contrary. But my investigation into how the world works suggests that everything is controlled opposition. Indeed, there is only one controller in the world, and has been for a very long time.

So to me, the only two choices are:

  1. Q is run by people who truly want to give all the power to We The People, with a recognition of the Sovereignty of the Individual. This program is being controlled by Q completely. The previous tippy top of power was replaced by Q. All Cabal agents are getting their direction from Q, still believing that the Cabal runs the show. Of course this means that all of the main events on the world stage for the past 6 years or so have been run by Q as the Director with the stated goal above. This may seem crazy, except that is exactly how the world has been set up to control for well over a century (really more like two millennia, but that's a longer discussion). I can see no possible way to enact a regime change except to take out the top and control them, dismantling them from the inside.

  2. Q is run by the same people who were running the show before. The Director has not changed. Q is instead the necessary controlled opposition agency to enact the Cabal End Game (there is always a controlled opposition).

Slyver 2 points ago +2 / -0

CA is redder than iron rich clay. There is NO WAY it would vote blue if not for our Dominion overlords. The perception of a blue CA is an Illusion, albeit a powerful one.

Slyver 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am not near my notes so I will talk about just a point I remember off the top of my head.

He was the mayor during 9/11. He had installed an entire floor in WTC7 (right next to the NYC C_A center, among other interesting Cabal agencies) designed to control the WTC area in case of a crisis, terror attack, etc. on the Twin Towers. It was designed to be "close enough" to the Twin Towers that it could be managed, but far enough away that it was unlikely to be a target if it did. Rudy's floor in WTC7 was designed specifically for any event like exactly what happened. Just prior to the event, Rudy had everyone move out of the floor, making it empty.

There were several other things: stuff he said just prior and during, other daming ties (Rockefeller, the guy who owned the towers, etc.), conflicts of interest, etc. I can't remember specifically atm, but it was made clear to me during my investigation that he knew, and played at least some part in the event. I'm not suggesting there is meaningful evidence that he was in the ring leaders, I have no idea, but there is every indication that he knew, and played a part in the charade. That is enough.

Slyver -6 points ago +3 / -9

I do not see how he can be "vindicated" given his complicity in 911. I mean, I have no idea which team he is really playing on now, but regardless of WH or BH, he can't atone for what he did in 2001.

Slyver 2 points ago +2 / -0

Umm. Where did he say anything about that with regards to me?

He's also not wrong, though I think "constructed dismantling" would be a more appropriate phrase. We just need to be motivated to do so, and we need all the tools in place to motivate personal action. The second is largely in place already, so all we need now is motivation.

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