I haven’t seen any denials from the royal family. That says a lot, I think.
We need to get rid of public education. If you can’t be bothered to home school your children, you’re a bad parent, period.
Make sure your child has plenty of ivermectin during his recovery. It’ll help make sure the issue doesn’t recur.
This. The “loss” was actually a victory—AZ SCOTUS then the big SCOTUS.
Yes! Guillotine beheadings of traitors on TV all day every Saturday would be appointment viewing.
FEMA camps? Ohioans should count their lucky stars FEMA isn’t involved. This is something that has been put way out of proportion by the MSM. It’s a distraction.
- Flynn, 2. Lake, 3. Don Jr.
Doubting Trump’s plan is the same as doubting God’s plan. All we know (and all we need to know) is that in the end, God wins, and Trump wins.
This. Not my kids, either, so why should I care?
Either you’re a globalist traitor, or you’re not. Haley has made it clear which side she’s on.
There was no train derailment, period. It’s CGI. Let’s please not buy into the MSM narrative. We’re better than that.
Joggers definitely got the message in the golden days. Keep them in the tree for at least a week.
Not just live, but interrupting other programming. Make it impossible to avoid.
The MSU story is just as credible as the “train derailment” in Ohio. Hint: there was no train (and anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is a shill).
They’re not on your calendar. They’re on God’s calendar.
Fox covering is proof it didn’t happen. I won’t believe it until I see Patriot coverage.
Lol ok glowie. Or do you prefer shill? The fact that the MSM is all over this says all we need to know.
I think the owl is related to the World Health Organization. HOO HOO = WHO WHO
Weapons and troops? No, at least not mainly. Those tunnels are full of millions of children. Putin and the white hats are there to save them.
The fact that it’s being heavily reported in the MSM is a clear indication it’s a cover up. There is no train.
I’d love to see Hungary restored to the Russian Empire. Putin would make Hungary great, truly.
He’ll fold like a cheap suit the moment he shares a stage with Trump.
You love to see it.