Hes about to use his next move, back currency with the worlds largest gold reserves
Glad u did some critical thinks
Nice man, thanks for that, like i dont know forced medical treatments are bad, im just looking for if anyone has anything on hep b shots not someone coming andtelling me "C'mon man" are u a brandon
Well those 10 days since he invoked didnt seem too dark ;)
Why we neeed censorship resistant money XD
I havent worn a mask period. Since day 1 i printed this off (https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/200263) and have been educating anyone who asks me to put one on. Best part is u dont gotta deal with the bs i did after 2 years
Sounds like its a good idea to buy monero XD just saying
My grandparents had everything ripped away and so my parents which came over to NA. I learned alot from all of them. Nobody gonna keep me down ever again
Dem croats dont like commuism trust me
Wats up with moon landing? Was moon landing fake?
I dont get this, can someone fill me in
I live in kanada, province starts with an o, 95 percent are sheep,everyone waitingfor the personnext to them to take off there mask. Jk im out here since beginningnever wore a mask once. But majorityareretarded pussies
Wat file is this in
Wat file is this in, wats the path
Hes based took a while but woke up, its amazing he even admits he was asleep for a year
said watch CA not california, ca could mean canada as a countrycode, election 20thsame day evergrande will go belly up since they are bamkrupt
Yea i feel i cant be the only one
Crypto removes the need of banks. Removes and makes it harder to tax ppl think XMR
Not to be a downer, but how exactly is he going to win? Cali is mostcorrupt of voting. They just gonna rig it again
-10 driving a bike OUTSIDE with a mask on
Im pretty sure red october either means pedo joe is gonna fall over or this whole stonk market is gonna have the worst october considering every year october is worst performing month
Famous words by joey diaz
Croatias are balkan based, dont fuck with them, cold blooded ppl