SocratesKnowsNothing 2 points ago +2 / -0

indeed! kek

one of my favorite quotes which is attributed to Socrates is presented in various forms but has the same ultimate message: "I know only one thing: that I know nothing". a statement of humility. https://reasonandmeaning.com/2019/11/03/socrates-i-know-that-i-know-nothing/

SocratesKnowsNothing 10 points ago +10 / -0

I think Tucker is much the same as a Joe Rogan in this way. I also believe Rogan knew more earlier than he let on, but both Rogan and Tucker and even Elon are needed for the slowly waking normies to follow along with. they cant jump straight into a truth spitter like an AJ or Isaac Kappy or Q. my money is on Tucker knowingly playing this role to slowly wake the normies out of their slumber

SocratesKnowsNothing 0 points ago +1 / -1

good grief, you never replied to Jolly above. 5ths application is what ? misplaced mention initially by Trf I think, and that was the point, but go on thinking your the smartest 1 in the room

SocratesKnowsNothing 1 point ago +4 / -3

my statement?? I'm simply asking trfsrfr why he's focused on 5th and then simply stating 5ths purpose (to protect one from self incrimination, even if it's fed falsely established incrimination). not taking a position on trump and whether he should testify or not. also never even came close to suggesting that testimony couldn't and wouldn't be twisted in this kangaroo court

SocratesKnowsNothing -1 points ago +3 / -4

so you're suggesting Trump is or may be guilty? pleading the 5th is to protect one self from self incrimination

SocratesKnowsNothing 2 points ago +2 / -0

that, or more likely you'll need a bunch more dollars to buy a taco

SocratesKnowsNothing 3 points ago +3 / -0

or actually produce cars that use batteries simply for electrolysis power (battery + water) and wahlaa

SocratesKnowsNothing 4 points ago +4 / -0

typo it seems. couple times in substack it spelled at Woo but Yoo everywhere else

SocratesKnowsNothing 2 points ago +2 / -0

this is one of many defenses. not a statement being made that prevents alternative arguments claiming undercover agents provoked

SocratesKnowsNothing 1 point ago +1 / -0

thanks for the sauce. I would suggest that if Henley was some cabal pedo than he would have been protected from this story "leaking" and he would've been with much younger children. in the haze of being a grade A rock star celebrity is it likely one experiences excesses? I say yes. being young and perhaps naive would it e reasonable to assume a girl was of age? is it possible story is completely made up or the cabal entrapped Henley to have blackmail on him? who knows but something tells me it's not as black and white as Henley just being some pedo that's part of the pizzagate gang

SocratesKnowsNothing 2 points ago +2 / -0

so where's your sauce to "debunk" the fact checkers here. they claim the journalist referred to in Elons meme tweet never did attempt to "debunk" pizzagate. I certainly can't make a strong claim 1 way or the other

SocratesKnowsNothing 1 point ago +1 / -0

how are there 2 judges involved in this case, or so it seems. unless Jack Smith has multiple cases against Trump in different venues. Judge Chutkan is on the same matter is she not? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/federal-judge-denies-trumps-claim-of-presidential-immunity-in-special-counsel-jack-smiths-jan-6-case/ar-AA1kS1xd

SocratesKnowsNothing 9 points ago +9 / -0

when the "hidden" image/symbolism was first pointed out to me years ago, even though I had no problem seeing the penis, it still appeared as a dress for mini. nowadays I can't even see a dress or at least how the heck the penis head could be anything but that

SocratesKnowsNothing 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree, Just Human seems solid enough thus far and he has a good delivery method

SocratesKnowsNothing 4 points ago +4 / -0

finally, 2 weeks!! (to produce hard drive even though it'll likely be wiped, like with a cloth, cackle cackle)

SocratesKnowsNothing 1 point ago +1 / -0

because she has been given the green light to spout. she even said this in interviews. I consider myself quite skeptical (e.g., not committed to Flynn being a white hat) yet Dr Jan gives me great hope and I cant fathom how she's not a white hit that's "in the know". particularly given Trump's endorsement of one of her interviews where she spouted off many "conspiratorial" statements

SocratesKnowsNothing 3 points ago +3 / -0

don't fret the grammar nazis. when Trump misspells something it's comms, kek. the intended message is loud and clear

SocratesKnowsNothing 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd say it's because he's now controlled by white hats or he's in prison and the white hats are controlling his social media. it would raise too many eyebrows if he suddenly became MAGA so best red pill Georgey boy's influence can have is to be ratiod, hard! all the normies that follow him will be influenced instead by this phenomenon Asch Conformity Experiment https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TYIh4MkcfJA&pp=ygUaYXNjaCBjb25mb3JtaXR5IGV4cGVyaW1lbnQ%3D

SocratesKnowsNothing 1 point ago +1 / -0

can you share for us, or at least me, your awakening process. I investigated it when it first came about and I was very wary of the MSM version already at that point so felt then it was true. why did you and the many others of you do you think it was a hoax and what finally got you to realize ? was it ultimately the same distrust you built up in the main stream version of the story?

SocratesKnowsNothing 1 point ago +1 / -0

what makes your think it was another restaurant? here is a quote from this article (https://www.metroweekly.com/2015/04/from-scratch-james-alefantis/amp/) from an interview with Alefantis regarding Comet:

MW: What was it they couldn’t believe you had made?

ALEFANTIS: Well, we make everything from scratch. Other restaurants, even good restaurants, will, like, not roast their own peppers. You can just buy the roasted peppers in a can. Or you can buy garlic oil. Some products you can get, and they’re consistent and they’re easy. But I didn’t even know that existed actually until they said that. I was like, “What do you mean? There’s another way? You can just buy these things?” Because a lot of restaurants will open a can and put it on. Like our sauce — we harvest a whole crop of organic tomatoes — 10 tons of tomatoes every year. Can them all, store them in the basement, have like a harvest party when it gets loaded in.

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