Stdh2 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have run down that thought process. My conclusion is that they didn't count on how many free thinkers where actually left. They expected when this is all over that there would not be enough people left to oppose totalitarian regime that will be in place or put in place at that point.

Stdh2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well that would mean those of us close enough or able to pop in to vote in their elections can just swing on in and vote out the people that made this possible and fix it then

Stdh2 2 points ago +2 / -0

This did not make local news in Tulsa. Broken arrow was voted safest city in America with a pop over 75k not that long ago so I should expect this on every local news outlet but as of yet it's crickets

Stdh2 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have been lucky to have two doctors we use that are independent,with small practice. Can be inconvenient when you need x-rays as they send you somewhere to get them. One is mine and one for my kids. Neither have mask mandates and both said don't take the jab. It is a totally different experience compared to a corporate doctor. So much better, you feel like your talking to someone who truly cares about you and your health.

Stdh2 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you find yourself in that spot again he would probably like this one aswell..same theme,protect me n mine https://youtu.be/AY7ap_PQ4fw

Stdh2 2 points ago +2 / -0

In general I don't like music that is violent in theme but this is more of a I told you not to come in my house and attack me and mine now this is what happens when you do. And protecting me and mine with high velocity projectiles is my responsibility to my family.

Stdh2 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's on my playlist,they have a few songs but from what I've seen this is thier big hit this far

Stdh2 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's a load of crap, I've seen those hospitals nothing out of the ordinary. Alot of doctors here are wise to the world. No masks not pushing the death shot. Now the big corporate chains are as you would expect but the local docs with their own practice might well be scrolling this page from the few I've talked with. Just another state on their hit list of noncompliance. If y'all would like I can try n go get some video I'm close to the second largest city in the state.

Stdh2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ha,,,my wife says that's an insult to retards everywhere.

Stdh2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just a thought. Once it is approved will that remove the immunity that it was given for emergency use. Will we see lawsuits start pouring in?

Stdh2 2 points ago +2 / -0

This one is one of my favorites, for those who don't have the CDs there are alot of good songs only heard from cd,, "propaganda "being one of my favorites and this one takes it a bit further,,,STAY SAFE N LOVE LIFE HOG FAM!!!

Stdh2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Had it twice. First round was late 2019 before it was on tv but fairly harsh respiratory and Dr would not come in the room with us,stood in hallway to diagnose nurses commented they had never seen him do that in the 15 years she had been working there. Second time sister in-law came up sick and tested positive the day after we had been there for full day, few days later we came up sick bit this time just wore down and sick feeling but nothing to take note of I just assume it was Rona due to the timing and only people who where there that day got sick at same time. Brother had it said it was a fairly harsh flue like our first round was. All in all it's the flue and the only place you see it as a pandemic is on the tv. A population in fear is more easily controlled. And the timeout generations did not produce many strong willed people.so the sheep line up to drink the Kool aid

Stdh2 2 points ago +2 / -0

For me it was trump and the media. At late 40s I always new the media had some bias and the government had some corruption. Did I think trump would be an awesome president, no but I always said the first time a non politician ran with a chance to win I'd get behind him/her. So I watched the speeches n such and would see how badly the media would edit/twist things. Next the government officials would start citing those stories and if could see the lie then they surely could aswell so they are knowing/purposely deceiving the public. Next I started seeing how the mockingbird media works and decided there has to be a majority of that group involved to have not been called out on a broader stage.further research deeper the rabbit hole goes. Now I believe the news is nothing but propaganda, I do watch tucker and hanity but believe they are controlling the conspiracy, say just enough to make you think they are exposing the swamp but keep you looking/talking about the top of the water never seeing what's underneath. And what is at the bottom has to be brought into the light the things these people do is way beyond simple greed can only be described as evil now I just pray for the day we hear it. "MY FELLOW AMERICANS THE STORM IS UPON US" This does not mean sit and wait get involved at a local level,wake up those you can and move out the political entities that do not fit into the plan. Protect the kids look at your local school boards, see who is in charge of Shaping the children are they making patriots or sheep. This country was not founded by men who sat and waited for someone else to fix things and it won't be saved by those people either.

Stdh2 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had a glitch few weeks back, cable went out,internet,cell phones and the land line, lasted maybe a minute but got excited when I realized we where in a complete communication blackout. It has never happened before or since. But as it was only a minute or so I had to except that it was not the day I had hoped it was.

Stdh2 9 points ago +9 / -0

I can only think the refusal to look at the fraud was part of the plan. If they had and overturned ,it would be great for us right there. but it wouldn't be as deep of a healing as letting people see that there's Powers behind the scene. willing to put a bumbling idiot into that seat of power for their own control .I think this will wake up people to the idea of the cabal more than a court case victory would have.thats the only way I can see that in a positive light. We can look to see if more cases are judged as they should be for verification of this theory but I feel a shift in the matrix I don't think we have much longer before it comes to light.

Stdh2 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah they do it all, tom and nova. He has a few songs talking trash about the music industry and how if you sign you become a puppet for the label so he says they will always be independent. I found it pretty awesome that he signed each cd they sign and ship all merch themselves. Outside of having truth bombs left n right they are hard working business savvy people.

Stdh2 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hog fam knows. Fake woke,no lives matter,people so stupid,clown world,,,all good stuff to be had in those songs

Stdh2 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hog fam has all sorts in it. Tom claims no political view but states things from common sense point of view. Just happens that only one side views things through that same lense so he has alot of conservative fans.this next album will have alot of good tracks, fake woke,clown world, cancelled,no lives matter...was not a rap fan but his stuff has a message. Got hooked like crack...

Stdh2 3 points ago +3 / -0

As an ex-meth addict I know this struggle. It runs deep and you do things and act in ways that are completely against who you are. That drug pulls a veil over you inch by inch. After about 6 years I woke up to who I had become and truly asked myself if this was the father my kids deserved or the role model I wanted to be for them. It was a hard addiction to break. I'd say two years before the random Jones left,even after a decade I will still catch a chemical smell from time to time that makes my heart race and gives a flash of that Jones again. Keep in mind that this drug will change her and no amount of pushing from you will truly get in, only when she has her moment of self realization will the healing really begin. There will be depression and self loathing just remind her that this is not who she is just things she did while being controlled by that the addiction. it does control you. Truly hope she comes through it soon and things work out for all three of you. Your family will be in our prayers for sure.

Stay safe n love life

Stdh2 4 points ago +4 / -0

No deal I would take to mean the real players, but the chess pieces, though on the other side of the board are still just pawns. So deals there to move along the plan is to be expected I would think.

Stdh2 5 points ago +5 / -0

Maybe I didn't dig deep enough I just used that one source posted and it just seems like they were deciding the female body was underrepresented in crash statistic data for future safety guidelines but I truly hope he she it bullcrap is just a fad that will fizzle itself out

Stdh2 13 points ago +13 / -0

I find number 11 as an actual win . On face value I see merit to the article. There should be equality in test dummies. The win comes from the fact that they have to admit there is a physical difference between the 2 sexes, muscle mass ,bone density and such that would make a difference in results in a study of that sort.

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