Stekky75 1 point ago +1 / -0

You don’t need a cage. Just make a container wrapped in metal like tinfoil.

The cage design just shows how wavelengths can be blocked. Shorter wavelength, smaller holes in cage.

Stekky75 5 points ago +5 / -0

Nope. Execute a few dozen of them live on telemundo. Do the murderers first. Say illegals and anyone employing them have 2 weeks to expatriate themselves or face similar consequences. They will leave.

They aren’t only here for welfare. They are living and earning tax free. Putting in nothing and taking everything to send back home. They are parasites who add little back to society besides reduced labor cost.

Stekky75 1 point ago +1 / -0

They don’t need to spend when the American taxpayers will gladly pay to defend them with taxes and lives. I dont really blame them. Why spend your own money when someone else is offering to do the job for “free”.

Stekky75 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m old enough to remember a time before self checkout. Far more cashiers and bag boys for sure! I also remember waiting in lines for at least 5 minutes and up to 15+ on every trip. I remember watching women pull out wads of coupons and debating prices on merchandise or just trying to have a chat with the cashier like its some after church social. I remember the check book pulled from purses only after the total was given like paying was some big surprise. It was horrible.

Today there are a dozen self checkouts open at the local supermarket. Typically one is open but on a bad day you might need to wait 1-2 minutes and never more than 5. Sure I have to slide some items past the scanner but I just saved several minutes of my life to do something else beyond standing in a boring line. Anyways, I LOVE self checkout. If AI improves my life as much I will welcome it too.

Stekky75 6 points ago +6 / -0

Pretty sure all of this authority was granted with the "net neutrality" debacle a decade ago. It was rescinded under Trump and is now back.

The only surprise to me is that it wasn't back sooner.

Stekky75 1 point ago +1 / -0

“Rocket exhaust”. It burns methane and produces carbon dioxide. We aren’t talking about exotic organics being let go here. CO2 is completely understood by scientific communities and there are hundreds easily accessible research papers on its effects. Now add fresh water. Add in the 10th grade education from the fish and wildlife people and we get months of waiting, A completely new pad, new rockets and F&W are still scratching their heads with the complication of water. 😆

It’s okay though, China will have figured out the reusable rockets in a few years and will be onto something completely reusable like starship and we will be here scratching our nuts because environmental regulatory agencies run by yet another incompetent US bureaucratic nightmare who are likely just having a temper tantrum and want a bigger budget so they intentionally slow work the papers just like the EPA is doing. “We could do our jobs better if you doubled our budget.” Every one of these grifters should be fired.

Stekky75 1 point ago +1 / -0

F&ws are currently “studying” the effects of fresh water from the deluge not about the previous pad. Can you possibly give a good rational response on what needs to be studied about fresh water entering a “habitat” that commonly receives rain or even hurricanes. It’s nonsense.

Stekky75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Back in my day if you wanted a machine to crush a man against a conveyor a human operator would do it! Dey took er jerbs!

Stekky75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nope. Best you can do is get a package forwarding service and deliver it to a state with no sales tax.

Stekky75 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not sure. Maybe testosterone therapy? I assume you are the alpha of the relationship and he is the submissive so maybe its just fate.

Stekky75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry but if wifey wants to redecorate a bit, I don't see the issue. Stale surroundings can be depressing to many people. You may be affecting your relationship and honestly living in fear of the future for years/decades is unsustainable.

Diversify your wealth, prep the best you can for a bad scenario but in the end you need you live your life for the purpose of being happy. Worrying about a budget because of an "open border" is extreme in my eyes. Also, worrying about WW3 sounds alarmist at best. Watching too much fake news?

Stekky75 2 points ago +2 / -0

It seems like SpaceX is actively trying not to guarantee or promise anything until they are forced to. They are launching hundreds of satellites and actively updating those satellites year by year. I think they are experimenting and have no direct need of new (uninformed) customers to need to market to them. If you have a area of land with a good exposed area of the sky it sounds like a no-brainer to me. Most unhappy reports ive heard are of people getting "only" 100mbps.

There is a trial period of like 30 days.

Stekky75 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most customers currently get 100-200mbps. Very low latency that you can't get from HughesNet. All the limitations that any dish TV brings.

Ultimately, Starlink will always be relatively niche provider just because of how the network works and the limitations on bandwidth a single satellite has. In those niche cases it can give fast internet to most anywhere on the planet. With the v2 satellites and sat to sat interlink communication,, it can provide light speed communications entirely on its own network across the globe without reliance on any other network or country. This is the game changer part.

Stekky75 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are probably lots who agree with you there but had their comments deleted as well. It’s called a echo chamber and used to reinforce their opinion as popular.

It honestly wouldn’t support me if that forum is owned or financed by a pharmaceutical company.

Stekky75 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you remember, Trump made a peace deal with the Taliban before he left office.

I personally think all that equipment left when the US “retreated” under Biden was part of that deal. It was done to make Biden look like a fool and to transfer equipment that could never have been done otherwise due to public perception.

We invaded a place that had nothing to do with 9/11 to install a deep state controlled government. That deep state government is now gone and the country given back.

Stekky75 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’s a Texas law that applies only to local governments from enforcing restrictions.

Private businesses can still do what they want.

Stekky75 5 points ago +5 / -0

For a lot of people COVID was the best thing ever. They got several months paid vacation. They then got to “work” from home for a year. Free cash was deposited into their accounts to help out with all their hardship. It doesn’t surprise rise me that they want it to happen again.

Stekky75 4 points ago +4 / -0

The tech is fairly simple but ridiculed as too expensive. It was thought up in the 1950s by a Boeing engineer and was probably doable then.

Stekky75 1 point ago +1 / -0

…but he was following all the steps! Yale, Harvard, military service and then politician. Very triumphant show publicized by CNN and Fox News. Please clap.

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