It will not be true freedom for frogs until Ireland expells Rosie kek
Me thinks their cash cow went to the butcher, & a few Bentley's are gonna go up on CraigsList
There is even a NORD VPN proxy for Kiev. Musk should look at Langley or Ben Gurion for traffic to Kiev from those places to Kiev
A "line item veto" would be sweeter
The Thule Municipal Airfield Social Activities committee approves of this aquisition. But, there is a 1917 legally binding agreement that gives Englandistan 1st right of refusal from Denmark. Apologize for the link. A Englandistans perspective:
The next Demorat controlled legislative/exec, MAGA will be erased. We the People, 1984'd. Be careful what you wish for. Lipstick on a pig only works as long as you have lipstick.
This made me think of "Total Recall" with Terminator vibes. Troubling thought at best.
What would butter my biscuits is a Obama authenticated hot mic video of Hillary & Epstein "reminiscing" with Bill & Fauci.
Disbanding the atf/nfa, irs, seeia, epa, FedRes, blm, withdrawing from nato, annexing Greenland/Canada/Chagos/Taiwan/Antarctica, arresting & gitmo-ing all masons level 32 & higher, & elimination of income tax/citizen debt could disuade my fiery desire for the Epstein release for a bit. You?
Makes me wonder why 100s of billions "gifted" to US/POTUS is coming out of the Persion Gulf players now
I actually loath popcorn now. Is there a frog approved substitute?
Nuckin Jes ... biclin.... obarna
My doctor of 25 years dropped me for refusing Rona & Flu vax. They have since retired d/t medical disability (looks twice their age now as well). Karma.
I swear it is downright spooky how many frogs on this board can read my mind
Schiff is legislative. Slick Willy is executive. Patel is right
Not seeing the discourse reflecting the Canada/Greenland assimilation causing the DS to divide its focus & resources to counter the play. Am I off thinking this?
I guestimated 350M legal citizens.
For grins, the math is $157 USD per person. Elon, your gonna have to impress me way more than that buddy.
I can give a master class on grain to Glencairn for American +/-- peated single malts to any Canadian for the asking for the sheer pity upon them of how bad their liquors are. BCs threats are all huff & no hump
Can we just STOP saying the DOJ or FBI or House whatever has launched jaq schitt? ARRESTS ARRESTS & SENTENCED TO GITMO already!!!!
We received a medevac pt one night from a LearJet60. The crew overnighted, & left. Turned on the news at home that morning to see their burning wreckage near a tree after a fuel stop. Geese cruising at 4-5000ft were implicated. However, 7/10 crashes are targeted hits. The plane in the vids made a left bank before impact
What a smoking hot woman. Just smoldering. Yeowweee!!
Hope they brought Karl Gustav to advise
Like Alberta Canada, the most common name in the UK is Muhammad IMO. It would be a Demonrats wet dream to have the extra votes of CAN & UK in DC. No thanks. I'll pass.