Communists aren’t people.
How many movies are we watching at once?
Now we’re talking.
Suspends? Throw it in the trash and burn it!
This is not a new clip.
Driving? Aren’t they banned from just being in Wyoming? Where TF do we draw the line?
Load up the PEADs, boys!
Does he mean other than planning and orchestrating attacks on American interests and citizens?
Maybe Flynn is a quadruple agent.
Two more weeks! It’s good to see we aren’t the only ones getting played by CIA info ops.
I’ll be stunned if someday we find out this isn’t the case.
Is she trying to kill the vaccine industry? Because this is how you kill the vaccine industry.
Maybe all this H1B nonsense is a smoke screen to slip this in without a fight.
Is this the “secret”?
No, he’s a crazy liberal.
Hilarious move
Discover? They already know.
Didn’t this happen months ago?
“After hearing”? Something tells me this is not news to President Trump.
Is that Ivanka?
Clean up crew coming in.
Sure is. I was just laying out that side of the argument, as you seemed to have missed it. God bless, fren