Q post 1803: How do you safeguard the integrity of our elections from domestic & foreign criminal actors?
Q post 1822: Define Conspiracy...
Q post 1809: Q posts a breakdown of all sealed indictments by state.
I’m kinda surprised that Christopher Walken is still alive. Wasn’t he on the boat when Natalie Woods drowned? I guess he was a team player at the time. I was born a few months after her death, so I wasn’t around at the time. Lol. Curious about older anons who lived through that era, what are your thoughts?
Trump and the Military are basically doing The Big Lebowski.
In the movie, there is:
A narrator like Q
There is a burden of a Russia Hoax carried by the Dude (White Russian beverage that the Dude most dexterously carries)
The Dude is following the white rabbit (Bunny)
The Dude and the Military Vet beat the shit out of Antifa (German Nihilists)
Trump is literally prosecuting himself.
White Rabbit (Bunny) is literally kidnapping herself.
The ringer / The bribe
Maude Breeding Program /Epstein Breeding Program
Jacki Treehorn / Podesta
Before Trump is arraigned, a plane crashes into the mountain and things appeared fucked
Before The Dude is arraigned, a plane crashes into the mountain and things appear fucked.
Trump couldn’t possibly be forcing the prosecutor to charge him in an effort to maintain a complicated narrative with many twists and turns.
Bunny couldn’t have possibly kidnapped herself because she is missing a toe. But The Dude was right, Bunny did kidnap herself, and the toe was fake evidence planted by the German Nihilist, all this coincidence maintains a complicated narrative with many twists and turns.
Declass / New shit has come to light, man
Is this your homework, Larry? Is this your document, Biden?
Someday I’d like to lose everything, just to find out who’s loyal.
You see what happens, Larry!
Media : This is our concern
Brandt: This is our concern
Trump: This is a nothing Berger
The Dude: Nothing is fucked, man
Trump: We are handing it back to you…
The Dude: I, the Royal We, you know the editorial I
Trump: We have it all
The Dude: I’ve got certain information, man.
Total Recall is set in the year 2084
Q operation day 2084 is Thursday, July 13, 2023
This is one month from Trump's second arraignment. (Heads up announcement was on day 2049, which is Blade Runner 2049, and arraignment was on day 2054 which is coincidently the year Minority Report takes place)
This is 100 days from Trumps first arraignment. For reference, Trump was arraigned in NY exactly 1984 days from Q's first post. John Hurt stared in movie 1984
I'm not going to datefag, but it would be hilarious if Trump were arraigned a third time on a third anniversary corresponding to a Philip K. Dick inspired movie.
I really think they keep indicting Trump on the anniversaries of dystopian science fiction novels and movies.
Matrix is set in 2199 and Q operation day number 2199 is Election day, 2024.
Which is also Remember Remember the 5th of November. Both V for Vendetta (starring John Hurt) and Matrix were directed by the Wachowski Brothers. There are no coincidences.
I doubt they cut power to everyone, the white hats don’t want to kill people or spoil food. But definitely cut power to media buildings, and communication equipment that hasn’t been whitelisted. Ground air travel, shut down subways.
Total Recall
Q operation day 2084 is Thursday, July 13, 2023
Total Recall is set in 2084
I think they will arraigned Trump a third time. In Georgia or Federal court again.
For reference:
Trump announced he was going to be arraigned on day 2049 since Q started.
Coincidentally there is a movie called Blade Runner 2049.
Ryan Gosling has a Bacon Score of 1.
Major Relevant Themes:
Two Tiered Justice System
Assumed Identities
False Allegiances
Child Trafficking
Rumors of War, Reprisals, and Retorsion.
Other movies based on dates with deltas that are thematically significant: 1776 and 1984.
Queen died on 1776 and Trump was arraigned in NY on Q day 1984.
John Hurt has a Bacon Score of 1 and stars in 1984. He doesn't survive.
John Hurt is the Villain in V for Vendetta.
He doesn't survive.
Also in Alien, again, doesn't survive.
Trump was arraigned on day 2054 of Operation Q.
Minority Report is set in 2054.
Like 2049, it's inspired by Philip K Dick, who was obsessed by coincidences.
Tom Cruise has a Bacon Score of 1 Relevancy:
The accused is never present for trial, is not allowed a defense, and is convicted before he is aware he is on trial.
Accused is framed for a crime by the police Director so the Director can become a totalitarian Ruler.
Q day 2199 is Remember Remember the 5th of November, 2023
Matrix is set in 2199.
Laurence Fishburne has a Bacon Score of 1. I'm not going to date fag, but lets see what happens.
Remember Remember the 5th of November. John Hurt (High Chancellor Adam Sutler) has a Bacon Score of 1 V for Vendetta.
So Matrix and V For Vendetta both point to Election Day of November 5, 2024
Q military operation day number 2179 is October 16, 2023
Aliens is set in 2179
Bill Paxton has a Bacon Score of 1.
‘What the Fuck are we gonna do now?’
‘17 Days? Hey man, I don't want to rain on your parade but we're not going to last 17 hours!’
‘Why'd they cut the power? They're animals!’
Cannon Place is Mission Accomplished
Probably Nothing...Probably just a coincidence.
Isn’t it more like 16 months and three weeks until the election, on November 5th? I mean, I guess 17 months that overshoots by a week is good enough.
Old CNN monologue where liberal is triggered because trump used word ‘meaningful’ 17 times.
RR is the image name. R is the 18th letter of Alphabet. 18.18 in the Law of War Manual is Chapter 18 Implementation and Enforcement of the Law of War. Sub chapter 18: Reprisals
Retorsion and Reprisals on page 1110. Q post 1110 says: RR problems
Rod Rosenstein has a double meaning, Reprisals. And possibly the similar word Retorsion.
The responders said the tanker released whatever flammable liquid it was carrying and the fire spread to the sewer system as well. So the fire wasn’t contained to one area. Looks like the fire spread in two directions and the smoke was coming out opposite ends of the overpass.
Although the law of war is commonly understood as applying to the conduct of hostilities and the protection of war victims, the law of war addresses other situations as well.
The law of war establishes:
• rules governing the resort to force (jus ad bellum);
• rules between enemies for the conduct of hostilities and the protection of war victims in international and non-international armed conflict;
• rules between belligerents and neutrals;
• rules for military occupation;
• duties during peacetime that help implement the above rules.
In addition, these rules in the law of war can sometimes be applied by analogy to other contexts.
302 Refer to § (Implementation of International Obligations by Persons With the Authority to Make the Necessary Decisions and Judgments Required by International Law).
Page 302
Some measures to ensure adherence to this obligation may include training members of the armed forces and persons authorized to accompany the armed forces on the protection of cultural property in general (and the prohibition of theft, pillage, or vandalism in particular) as part of general procedures for the dissemination and implementation of the law of war.
Other measures may include: (1) issuing and enforcing orders to the same effect;
(2) investigating alleged or suspected offenses and taking disciplinary or punitive action, as appropriate under U.S. law
(3) taking measures to facilitate the recovery and return of stolen or misappropriated cultural property.
Although it may not always be feasible to prevent or stop theft, pillage, or misappropriation of, or acts of vandalism against, cultural property, efforts to identify cultural property within an area of operations and to secure it from theft or pillage are a prudent part of the planning process of military operations. For example, such efforts may deny opposing forces the opportunity to exploit harm to cultural property for propaganda purposes.
Other examples to strengthen the above examples; the possibility and probability of Chapter/ Footnote / and Page correlations with comms from Q.
Q makes many Law of War Manual references but apparently few anons (if any) pick up on this for over a year.
Q and Trump would also mention Xi (Meaning President of China)
But XI is also Chapter XI – Military Occupation in Law of War Manual.
Q mentioned Chinese auto manufacturing in post 1118
Law of War Manual 11.18 is Enemy Property During Occupation
Q posts 1116, 1117, 1120 mention the word China and XI
Law of War Manual has 11.16 and 11.17 and 11.20 (Military Occupation)
Q post 1123 has picture of Trump with his Military Generals.
Q posts #691 in Feb, 2018 (years before Covid): CHINA did this for/with us
Law of War Manual 6.9.1 is Biological Weapons – Prohibition on Use as a Method of Warfare
Again, two years before Covid hits, Q makes a post mentioning China intentionally doing something. Post # points to prohibited biological weapons.
Q post 764 in Feb, 2018 says: You are missing the connections.
Page 764 in Law of War Manual is Standard for Determining When Territory Is Considered Occupied.
Q post 1800: This is not a game
Law of War Manual XVIII – Implementation and Enforcement of the Law of War
Q post 1802: Something BIG is about to drop
Q post 1803: How do you safeguard the integrity of our elections from domestic & foreign criminal actors?
Q post 1806: Full attack mode
Q post 1820: confirmed
Q post 1819: Trip update [confirmation]
Q post 1822:
Define Conspiracy.
a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful “a conspiracy to destroy the government"
the action of plotting or conspiring. "they were cleared of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice"
This movement is not about one person or a group of people.
They cannot contain or defeat what they do not understand
Is any of this normal?
Think sealed indictments count.
Think resignations of CEOs.
Think resignations of Senators.
Think resignations of Congress.
Q post 1809: Q posts a breakdown of all sealed indictments by state.
The 2015 DoD Law of War Manual released a few days before Trump announced his run for President.
Both the Law of War Manual and Q begin their introduction with a discussion of General Washington and how Lincoln waged the Civil War.
The runoff from the tanker is also causing underground explosions, explained Captain Derrick Bowmer of the Philadelphia Fire Department. There have been multiple reports of exploding manholes around the area.
"We will be here for awhile," Bowmer said. "We have fire coming out of those manholes."
Godfather III
His middle initial is L.
The well-known lawyer was born in the United States. But right now, the Internet doesn’t have any information about his parents.
Only one [L] that talks about a family.
If his parents were Rothschilds he could be ANOTHER LdR.
Distress cal[L]s to others will [d]o you/family no good at this stage. We know whe[R]e you/the family are at all times and can hear you breathing.
An archived version of a Harvard Law bulletin reads, “On July 23, Jack Smith and Katy Chevigny were married on the banks of the St. Lawrence River in upstate New York by the Honorable Nicholas G. Garaufis.
So I'm assuming he didn't get married in a church or synagogue. Maybe trying to hide the fact he's a Juice?
His wife, apparently an atheist, also forwent a wedding for her first marriage. Or at the least she didn't want the Church / Coven/ Synagogue name published. I guess they care about the pedigree of who married them?
Katy Gale Chevigny and Dr. Jonathan Michael Chen were married in Manhattan yesterday by Ira R. Globerman, acting justice of State Supreme Court in the Bronx.
Hanssen and Kaczynski died.
Sundance came to a similar conclusion. It’s circular logic, based upon a made up determination of “unlawful possession’ that in a sane world should be thrown out of court. None of the charges are for mishandling classified documents. The charges do mention classification because Lawfare group wants the media to report that Trump had classified docs.
God created the immune system. He created Food. Creation was good, no one was sick.
God intended people to spread out.
God intended people to farm and work rigorously and be self-sufficient.
God intended people to multiply.
God intended people to worship Him.
Then the Devil had a psy-op: “Did God really say…?”
In a righteous display of His love, God combatted the legal, physical, and spiritual fallout of the devil’s psy-op. Jesus paid the debt, defeated the Devil, overcame sin, lived a perfect life, cheated death, robbed hell, rose from the grave, ascended to Heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God.
God gave His son to save you, literally taking your sins away, through a vicarious and bloody sacrifice.
Instead of receiving that love, most people rejected Christ. A few people, notably the Amish, decided to receive Jesus and live by faith. Almost everyone else decided to profane God and believe we all got to this state because of random chance and evolution.
Excluding the Amish, almost everyone chose to live as close as possible to one another, building elaborate structures that reached high into the air, so thousands of people could live on the same plot of land.
People refused to farm, and instead used slavery and advancements in engineering to automate farming to allow a new society to be built independently of agrarian concerns.
People soon refused to eat food. They demanded to eat waste that was toxic and poisonous. Soon people are eating what can only be described as sawdust flavored with carcinogenic oils.
People refused to work rigorously and instead sought entertainment to pass the time. People paid for propaganda that put them into a state of fear. After a while, the only propaganda being produced was fear propaganda, because it sold the best.
People refused to be self-sufficient and instead demanded that Government take care of all their needs, from cradle to grave.
People refused to marry, refused to multiply, and women poisoned their bodies to alter their periods so they would be infertile. Men mutilated their genitalia to avoid the responsibility of multiplying. Women had madmen rip out their wombs and carve off their breasts so they could pretend to be men.
And so in the 1900’s everyone is suffering from malnutrition and poisoning from pesticides.
The people responsible for poisoning the population introduce Magic Shots that supposedly keep you from getting sick. Now people are injecting harmful levels of mercury and aluminum into the brains of their infants.
Only, people are more sick, and birth defects increase exponentially, every generation worse off than the previous generations.
Then in 2020: People live in insane asylums they call cities. Over 8 million people in NY City alone. Everyone lives in a state of paranoid schizophrenia because each individual is both guard and inmate; both proud of what they have built and horrified by what they have built. Total cognitive dissonance.
People live like termites in a dead tree. Thousands of people trapped in a vertical, lifeless log that reaches to the sky.
People are obese and yet starving at the same time because their diet is comprised almost entirely of counterfeit sugar made from corn.
The Government, realizing that the citizens in Hong Kong and America are winning a peaceful revolution, decided to implode society in an effort to maintain control.
To consolidate it’s power over the human chattel, the Government renames the flu to Covid-19 and tells everyone the survival rate is 99.9 percent for healthy people. And to save the .1 percent everyone MUST destroy the individuals who don’t conform to the demands of the cult. You are required to choreograph and film yourself dancing in unison with your fellow drones. You are required to put a diaper over your face so everyone knows who is complying with the Collective.
But a small minority of people are healthy. A few people have been exercising. A few people have been eating organic, nutritional, God-created food. A few people are not watching the fear propaganda. A few people know they were wonderfully created by God, who gave them an immune system. A few people realize that God never intended, will never intend, for parents to inject their children with mercury. A few people realize that the .1 percent will die, are destined to die, and must die for living an unhealthy lifestyle. It’s basic biology. 0.1 of the population is always in a state of hospice. You can’t prevent or delay the deaths of the dying.
But for the individuals that state biological facts, for those that point out 2+2=4, those individuals are targeted for physical assaults and plunder by the government. It’s outrageous.
It’s a war between people who trust in the goodness and logic of God versus the illogical and harmful beliefs of Egregore cultists masquerading as scientists. People of faith have both God and demonstrable truth on their side.
Egregore is an occult concept representing a non-physical entity that arises from the collective thoughts of a distinct group of people. Historically, the concept referred to angelic beings, or watchers, and the specific rituals and practices associated with them, namely within Enochian traditions.
I like Sundance and the Conservative Treehouse.
The Lawfare group is charging Trump with life in prison for having important papers. That’s it. It’s all circular logic. The classification is just flavor, a word in the charges that the media can use.
Trump needs to be in jail.
For what crime?
Trump has important papers.
But how is that a crime?
Trump has important papers.
But who makes that determination?
We can retroactively, at any time, declare something to be important, for whatever reason, and then charge you with as many charges as we feel is necessary, regardless of intention, culpability, or liability.
So according to you, Trump has to be in jail because you want him to be jail?
But doesn’t Biden have important documents?
We don’t want Biden in jail.
But does Biden belong in jail for having important documents?
We are fair and there is only one law and it applies equally.
So then you agree that Biden is guilty, too?
Far from it. Biden is innocent.
But how can one man be charged and another escape Justice when both men have acted identically?
We want Trump in jail.
lol. Updated.
2049 days since Q started. Coincidentally there is a movie called Bladerunner 2049. Ryan Gosling has a Bacon Score of 1.
Major Relevant Themes:
Two Tiered Justice System
Assumed Identities
False Allegiances
Child Trafficking
Rumors of War, Reprisals, and Retorsion.
Other movies based on dates with deltas that are thematically significant: 1776 and 1984.
Queen died on 1776 and Trump was arraigned on 1984.
Just about every actor in 1776 has a Bacon Score of 2
John Hurt has a Bacon Score of 1 and stars in 1984. He doesn't survive.
John Hurt is the Villain in V for Vendetta. He doesn't survive. Also in Alien, again, doesn't survive. See below.
Trump will be arraigned on day 2054 of Operation Q.
Minority Report is set in 2054. Like 2049, it's inspired by Philip K Dick, who was obsessed by coincidences.
Tom Cruise has a Bacon Score of 1
The accused is never present for trial, is not allowed a defense, and is convicted before he is aware he is on trial.
Accused is framed for a crime by the police Director so the Director can become a totalitarian Ruler.
Q day 2122 is Aug 20, 2023
Alien is set in year 2122
John Hurt doesn't survive in this movie either.
I'm not going to date fag, but lets see what happens.
Relevancy: Consider the vastness of space.
Q day 2179 is October 16, 2023
Aliens is set in 2179
Bill Paxton has a Bacon Score of 1.
What the Fuck are we gonna do now?
17 Days? Hey man, I don' want to rain on your parade but we're not going to last 17 hours!
Why'd they cut the power? They're animals!
Q day 2199 is Remember Remember the 5th of November, 2023
Matrix is set in 2199.
Laurence Fishburne has a Bacon Score of 1.
I'm not going to date fag, but lets see what happens.
Remember Remember the 5th of November.
John Hurt (High Chancellor Adam Sutler) has a Bacon Score of 1
V for Vendetta.
Fifth Element is set in 2263. Jan 8, 2024 is day 2263 of Operation Q. I'm not going to date fag, but lets see what happens.
Gary Oldman has a Bacon Score of 1 (via JFK)
Fifth Element Coincidences: Gary Oldman is an Art Dealer like Hunter Biden
Gary Oldman kills a group of Mangalore Mercenaries because he didn't want to pay them.
Hunter Biden Sent his Azov Brigade Mercenaries to die because he didn't want to pay them.
Mangalores and Azov Brigade were defeated and scattered by the Federal Government, both resent the US Government.
Gary Oldman and Hunter Biden both work for the Big Guy
The Fifth Element and Trump both are motivated by Love
The Fifth Element and Trump both have orange hair.
Both Q and the Fifth Element need to be interpreted by Followers.
Trump and the Fifth Element find safety at a ocean-side resort paradise.
Gary Oldman and Hunter Biden both send goons to attack the ocean-side resort paradise.
Both Gary Oldman and Hunter Biden regret raiding the ocean-side resort after the raid boomerangs.
The Fifth Element turns Darkness to Light.
Key stones aren’t exactly v shape but they are tapered and sometimes look kinda like a chevron. Like rotate the flag 90 degrees with the chevron on top. Keystone shows dominance and seniority. The Trans are more equal than others.
Police said the man allegedly persuaded them to follow him down a secluded trail that led to a good lookout point, where he 'physically attacked' the 21-year-old.