Sadly, dandelions do not grow where I live, so I buy the dried roots in bulk. But if you have plants that have not been poisoned with chemicals, simply pull them up, clean off the roots, chop up and dry in the oven on a low temperature until they are hard.
There used to be a blog by a man who cured his prorate cancer with dandelion root, and he advised to keep the soil on the plants. Considering that the bacteria used to make ivermectin was discovered in a random soil sample, I don’t discount his process, at all.
I make various teas and just throw a small handful into the pot, along with the other plants and mushrooms that I keep on hand. Same with the tinctures that I make.
If you want to go down a beautiful rabbit hole, get the iNaturalist app and start identifying the plants all around you and their uses. A well known herbalist gave great the advice to focus on your local plants, because there is often something nearby that does the same thing as that herb you are buying online. God filled this earth with healing gifts and most people ignore or try to kill some of the best ones.
Let’s step back and look at how this may play out:
Quietly, in the background, ignored by the MSM is a looming catastrophe (in the form of the Biden corruption scandal, which I believe could blow the entire deep state syndicate wide open).
Recently liberated from the controlled op FOX is a brilliant mouthpiece, in the form of Tucker Carlson (two, if you include Dan Bongino). Dan Bongino doesn’t appear to see the strategy, right now, but he is always humbly willing to acknowledge his shortcomings (it’s actually the topic of his new book). Or, he could be playing that role for now.
Twitter has a credibility problem with normies, because Elon Musk has used it to journal his “awakening”. Personally, I think that he has been a part of this since before he started getting government contracts; since he first chose the name Tesla (which becomes more and more relevant with the passing of each day).
So, you’ve got a blockbuster, earth-shattering story for the world, the platform (currently being beta tested) to broadcast, and the true journalists to tell it.
Why not set up a deep state figurehead) with mainstream credibility) to lead the charge? Who is more perfect than a dark skinned woman who speaks normie talk and has the WEF street cred.?
You have to know that Musk has read “The Art of War”, “The Art of the Deal” and is either well-versed (or even on the inside of) the Q operation.
I intend to sit back and watch this play out in (what I believe to be) a well-crafted fashion.
Imagine taking a ton of money from the huge woke corporations and having them unwittingly finance the downfall of the Deep State!
Prayers for your friend!
Does he know about EMDR?
Back when Pizzagate was busting open, this 2011 story about Trump came up in the search for “Pizzagate”. He’s been throwing out comms for a long time.
Here’s my personal account of when this happened in the 1970s, and how the phenomenon has followed me throughout my life:
It is white people, though. The puppet masters behind this are white. The pawns and minions are diversified, but the monsters at the top are the most evil, racist bastards out there and they have been controlling black people for centuries.
Oh. That’s so much better!