TaskGirl 4 points ago +4 / -0

Obituary today for a prominent local college admin who was "...a highly valued team member of the Covid-19 advisory committee" (assuming vaxed since the Uni required it). 48 years old and died suddenly of a heart attack.

TaskGirl 1 point ago +1 / -0

We're from NW Indiana but just visited Frankenmuth (MI). On Tuesday, haze with light smoke scent there that the three of us visiting could smell immediately upon getting out of our vehicle.

TaskGirl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Done w/cable in 2006. No subscriptions...just watch DVD collections when we use the TV (infrequently) b/c GA is more entertaining and informative.

TaskGirl 3 points ago +3 / -0

Vets are a subcategory of Big Pharma, for sure. We read a holistic Vet's opinion on heartworm in dogs when our Vet over-recommended the pills on our dog's initial well-check visits to their office. The holi-Vet explained how basically the sun/moon/stars have to align in order for it to occur and the circumstances that invite that opportunity. Rare according to him. A short time later, I saw a video of a mosquito trying to bite a man's arm (normal amount of hair)...mosquito couldn't get to the skin. I thought--yet one mosquito that "jumped through [x] steps to potentially disease my dog could get through her thick layers of hair/fur to her skin? 🤔

TaskGirl 1 point ago +1 / -0

The disappearing waitress routine is what cemented our ban on CB in April. The quality and portion sizes were working us towards no more visits; but having to hunt down creamer for coffee and napkins was the last straw. We had good memories of CB Saturday morning visits in Texas 20+ years ago when we moved across country for my hubby's job and had no family around; but it is no longer tolerable (food, service, or cleanliness all have gone too far in the wrong direction).

TaskGirl 11 points ago +11 / -0

I recall as a teen being annoyed by Kurt Loder's deadpan look as he spewed the "news". Also, Tabitha Soren (another MTV "news" jockey) inserted lots of bias with her stories. It was intended to reach a young generation and form their opinions for them. Today's "kids" have social media for that.

TaskGirl 2 points ago +2 / -0

One question re: ingesting Borax that raises a concern is the affects of it on the estrogen levels in females. Anyone have data or even thoughts/comments on this? Post menopausal or women with edtrogen sensitive cancers would need to consider this potential.

TaskGirl 5 points ago +5 / -0

We did all of this too in 2006. The cable company couldn't locate our neighborhood when we moved (???it was an already constructed/established neighborhood...), said it would take 2 weeks to process and hook up AND wanted to charge us a new customer fee even though we were just relocating to the other side of town. That's when we decided to experiment w/o it, and we never went back. (Ie. Life truly started for our family). We are and have done the same daily living steps you are and it feels WONDERFUL!

TaskGirl 3 points ago +3 / -0

In late September 2019, my MIL suffered 2 back-to-back strokes in a 3 day period. This was pre lockdowns, but she worked in the schools and always got flu shots. I've read there was testing with the flu shots in 2019, so we've always wondered if she was a casualty.

She lived another 6 months after 3 weeks of coma immediately after the 2nd and catastrophic stroke. They discovered cancer throughout her body towards the end. She'd been given a clean bill of health at her physical 2 weeks prior to the strokes.

Also, on my daily Legacy.com viewings (some times looking up people I've known), I discovered a friend from a baby forum we both took part in 20 years ago passed in 2021 at age 47. She worked in the insurance field and I imagine she got the shot.

Finally, a boy I used to manage in after-school childcare, died "unexpectedly" last year at age 33. He was a big kid and clearly not in the best of health as an adult.

We have had lots of young and "died unexpectedly" obits the past 2 years and they are only increasing in this twin city area of ~150k.

TaskGirl 2 points ago +2 / -0

I look at Legacy daily as well. I'm frequenting saying to my family: "Don't you read the obits? I read the obits and see all the young deaths and "died unexpectedly" postings and it seems to fall in line with...".

And then I always think of Elliott Gould's character in Ocean's when he asks Clooney and Pitt's characters: "Didn't you see the signs? 'Cause I saw the signs."

TaskGirl 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hubby and I have been using Lugols 5% for several years. We use larger dosing, so we're on an auto subscription plan. Users should also know to take Selenium w/it (we use Life Extensions).

TaskGirl 1 point ago +1 / -0

This kind of info sharing at the WEF forum seems very James Bond Thunderball opening scene w/everyone reporting to Number One on the damage they've done to humanity in various ways.

TaskGirl 1 point ago +1 / -0

The summer of Rush radio and the combi machines was just prior to meeting my now husband at that job. I "feel" the goodness of those college years in the early 90s a lot these days; and I'm glad they helped you in a moment. ::hugs:: Re: your current home/family situation, I'm going to lift up thoughts and prayers on your behalf (for perseverance, wisdom, patience, clear thinking, strength for a new day). As a mom, a woman who's worked with special needs children in a school setting, and a fellow conservative/America First supporter navigating my own trajectory of liberal family and acquaintances...I empathize with your life circumstances right now. I know you will be the parent you would want for yourself, and the parent that can live with her parental choices made long after her children are no longer under her care. These jewels for our crowns require a lot from us, don't they (?!).

TaskGirl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Indeed, I have. :D Thank you for the nice reply!

TaskGirl 2 points ago +2 / -0

My friend and I worked the combi machine line in a Whirlpool warehouse in college. She introduced me to Rush radio. We'd sit punching out appliance pieces into plastic bags and glean all we could from him each shift; then discuss what we'd heard over a Coke on our break.

TaskGirl 5 points ago +5 / -0

Same...not vaxxed but identical symptoms. I strongly suspect the change in hormones w/meno has brought on these same symptoms for me.

TaskGirl 4 points ago +4 / -0

Snake. Too--red and black like the satanic looking backdrop for Biden over the summer. But one example of evil personified.

TaskGirl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Toured the South Bend Chocolate factory (in South Bend) this week. Can't speak to the ingredients, but saw many points of concern that prompted regret of past consumption and a skipping of the gift shop offerings after the tour.

Unreal and can't believe they haven't been shut down.

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