TheScribbler 3 points ago +3 / -0

He needs to give up any and all land that he owns in the US. Call it a down payment on what he owes us. They might want to look to see what's going in his mansion in FL. Someone put that on the list of things to do, please.

TheScribbler 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's the name "Paul" on his left bicep which honors a cousin who died.

TheScribbler 3 points ago +3 / -0

With vaping, the problem isn't the Ejuice, it's the Nicotine. I smoked for almost 30 years. After my husband passed unexpectedly, I started vaping to try and save money and wean myself from cigarettes. Started out with the highest level of Nicotine. Started making my own Ejuice and within a year I was down to no Nicotine and only vaping occasionally. Sometimes going for weeks without even thinking about vaping at all. It will be 14 years on April 25th, 2025 that I've been cigarette free. In the world we live in, ask yourselves, why are cigarettes still on the market? Why did they go for the vape industry so hard? Everyone should know by now, it's all about control and them wanting us smoking cigarettes. Vaping saved my life and no one can tell me differently.

TheScribbler 3 points ago +3 / -0

My DIL works as a CNA in a nursing home here in NC. I know for a fact that they sent people into the nursing home with Covid. Would venture to say that most of the staff and residents ended up with Covid. My DIL, my son and I all had it three times. Completely knowing where it came from. She caved and took two jabs so she didn't lose her job. Weird how we didn't hear about healthcare works dying by the thousands upon thousands. They had hands on experience with Covid for years and most were given no alternative than to take the jab. Funny how it all just went away, no new Covid numbers spewed daily... No mass deaths in the homeless community or the Amish community. Wow, that's weird.

TheScribbler 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trump rally goers put themselves on the line attending rallies. The DS doesn't care how many people get hurt or killed. Patriots, literally putting their lives in danger. Yet, they come in droves to show support.

TheScribbler 1 point ago +1 / -0

When do they start asking for him to be evaluated medically? For Christ's sake, he's the leader of the free world?! (Supposedly)

TheScribbler 3 points ago +3 / -0

I concur. I have never thought Obama was anything other than a puppet with his master's hand up his butt. Like all the others. So sick of hearing what a great speaker he is/was. Never heard one speech for more than a few minutes. I just can't with that guy. I actually have always felt like he isn't really all that smart. It's all optics.

TheScribbler 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know, it's almost like they are all working together. What kind of idiots do they think we are? Never mind, rhetorical question.

TheScribbler 1 point ago +1 / -0

My Daughter in Law is a CNA/Dispenses Medications at a nursing home, here in NC. She was fearful of losing her income. They scared her into taking the jab twice. My son and I refused getting anywhere near a needle. We've all had Covid three times.(See? Vaccines make it so you don't get a disease, right?) I am wondering if anyone has seen any stats on first responders rates of sickness and dying of Covid. Seems like, with it being so "contagious", that first responders, etc would have seen a huge tick up of sickness and deaths in that category. Personally, I think that they were given a placebo or something. One last thought.... It's way past time to start seeing some perp walks, these people need to pay for their treasonous, murderous ways.

TheScribbler 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seems like I've seen a number of videos showing exactly what happened. How many people sit and videotape a bridge at one time? Might be interesting to see who was taping and then posting immediately afterward.

TheScribbler 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not sure where, but I read where she is worth over $8 Million. It's not hard to follow the money trail, but only if it's leads to the destruction of a Trump Supporter.

TheScribbler 4 points ago +4 / -0

Even with all of her money.... That's not Oprah. She turns 70 on the 29th.

TheScribbler 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anyone else ever question how long it took to actually build Space Force from scratch? Seems like it was just mentioned yesterday, today they are saving the world. Just like Gitmo, Obama was tearing it down every day. Next thing you know Gitmo is expanded, etc. I just feel like time isn't syncing with the movie we have been/are watching. Timing is off.

TheScribbler 3 points ago +3 / -0

There, is the reason why we will be deploying all of our troops overseas. Someone close to me let his father know recently that he was being deployed. Couldn't say where.

TheScribbler 1 point ago +1 / -0

What documents? That's really what it's all about, I'm sure. If she testifies truthfully then it would be in Trump's favor. So it has to be all about the documents. Maybe she has stuff that they want to push into the trials. This would be a way to do it.

TheScribbler 3 points ago +3 / -0

I tried to do a little research on Military jargon, etc on whisker and peekaboo.

I found this...

Dept of Defense: https://www.defense.gov/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2001735825/

Peekaboo A child shares a laugh with a soldier as family members welcome troops returning to Wisconsin, April 13, 2017, following a nine-month deployment to Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The soldiers are assigned to the Wisconsin Army National Guard’s 32nd Military Police Company. National Guard photo by Vaughn R. Larson

Not sure if it means anything, but ya have to admit it's an interesting "coincidence".

TheScribbler 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have been wondering why they allowed the dog to stay at the White House this long. I read somewhere where he's bitten 12 people, 11 were Biden's bodyguards. The last one a long time White House staffer. If one of our dogs bit one person they would be calling for it to be put down.

TheScribbler 23 points ago +23 / -0

First step is to stop calling them "migrants" and feeding their narrative. They take over words and make them their own. Enough already. They are Illegal Aliens, stressing the ILLEGAL.

TheScribbler 12 points ago +12 / -0

They give them cell phones so that they can track their location at any given moment. Who knows how many of these people were sold into slavery, had their organs harvested etc. No one seems to keep track of the millions that have come through illegally. No one would miss them on either side of the border. Someone needs to be looking into what is really going on with those cell phones!

TheScribbler 1 point ago +1 / -0

I live with my son and daughter in law. She is a Med Tech at a nursing home. My DIL got sick first, then my son and then myself. All tested positive for Covid. We were sick for about three weeks. She had to take the two jabs or lose her job, but refused all boosters. Her job is infested with the stuff again. They are back to being tested daily and wearing masks, etc. My son and I are vax free. It was rough with lots of different symptoms, but we all survived. This is the 3rd time we've gone through it. Covid is here to stay, it's the flu.

TheScribbler 1 point ago +1 / -0

To me it looks like the man is twirling his mustache. Much like Snidely Whiplash in the old cartoons. It's the way they used to portray villains. Looks like he dropped his glove on the floor. I wonder if that has any meaning? If you look at both of each man's hands, they all seem to be formed weirdly. If numbers they might look like 6 0 4 2 or 6 3 4 2? I couldn't find any information on the painting really. Interesting.

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