I think that perhaps it was black hats in the CIA did this dirty trick as payback for releasing the JFK files. Just a thought I had.
Sugar feeds cancer, or so I have been told.
when i was a kid my dad always told me "don't take any wooden nickels".
It puts pressure on the doctor to prescribe a drug that hasn’t shown long term success and perhaps the doctor isn’t fully familiar with or comfortable prescribing.
and to think Don jr traded her in for Kimberly Gilfoyle. KEK
He was already 'punished'.
At first glance I thought it was BCP aka James. kek
I think that is Myorkas, not Bezos. They do both shave their heads.
They will follow them around like hippies followed 'The Grateful Dead'.
Well then, they have to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic. Let the arrests begin!
Ribeye for me.
Cool it guys, there are some here that believe the earth is flat. KEK
They should also ask "who is buried in Grant's Tomb". LOL
she could be wearing one of those masks. Incognito mode is typical for CIA clowns.
could be propaganda.
Flynn says just like John Brennan and Obama have done. Wow!
I still wonder where all the pallets of cash went that Obama supposedly sent to Iran. Wasn't there a Q drop that some of the planes landed elsewhere? Has anyone figured out where they went?
I don't think that would be a fair trade off. King Charles has no real power other than putting his gibberish into the public dialogue. He is part of the climate hoax scam. I would keep him as far away from US politics as possible. He would not benefit the USA. America First!
What good would that do for the USA?
I wonder what she was doing when she died.
They should include the instigators, ie several people in congress.
I wonder why they were sent there in the first place?
Let me guess...PCR tests.
speaking of shorting stocks, didn't Bill Gates short Tesla? and now this leftist attack on Tesla dropping the stock price. Leaves me wondering if BG is helping fund this shit.
pun intended? lol