ThinQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dems know the difference, are just using it as an excuse to push the fragile minds of their leftist sheeple over the cliff, force them into further obeisance. Marxist playbook to inject degenerate sex into society, especially the youth, provide cover for the truly mentally ill (trannies) to attack and abuse normal people, creating a dangerous environment.

ThinQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

And with that comment the fence-sitters on the left, feeling uneasy with what they've been seeing come out of their party, perhaps wanting to watch for themselves what President Trump had to say to the nation, had it reinforced for them that it's their own party that has changed and become radical and out of touch. Apparently the political minions of the left seated there acting like petulant toddlers don't understand that NO ONE wants poisons in our food supply, NO ONE wants dangerous "vaccines" given to children. COMMON SENSE.

ThinQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did you mean to add your comment here to the below post (or another)? It doesn't fit here.


ThinQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm guessing eventually he will, but, for now, allowing them to have "free rein" to spew their lies and vitriol may be driving away more of their dwindling numbers of viewers organically, so to speak. Aka- Don't interrupt your enemy while he's destroying himself.

Case in point - while the marxist FNM talking heads rant about how bad PDJT and Musk are to clobber the USAID (money laundering) operation, trying to claim it's harming vulnerable people, more from the left are seeing through the BS, lies, manipulation, etc. People are trying to pay rent and mortgages, put food on the table for their families while these corrupt politicians are raking in millions and meanwhile their hard-earned taxpayer dollars are going to allegedly fund drag shows in Burma and sex changes in Guatemala (or what/wherever the hell the corrupt thieves are plying their scams to on/at).

As the heat gets turned up on the DS, their lies and crimes exposed, their funding sources cut off, the FNM rants are going to sound more and more unhinged and anti-American, anti-citizen. Ideally we want those brainwashed folks currently on the left to walk away from the matrix on their own volition, to start putting the puzzle pieces together, to start thinking for themselves, to understand how insidious the FNM is. Just mho on the strategy behind this.

ThinQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

YVW. I'll still look for that post, but you can hear it at the 0:53 mark in the first video in OP's linked article here.

ThinQ 6 points ago +6 / -0

I believe he was yelling that PDJT doesn't have a mandate. I read it in a post last night, will try to find it and put the link here.


Edit: This isn't the post I saw last night, just saw this one, but the title link article states that Fugly Al Green was claiming POTUS doesn't have a mandate.



Edit2: This is the one I saw last night. The title link article states Mr Green was claiming POTUS doesn't have a mandate. Same as the more recent one(s).


ThinQ 5 points ago +5 / -0

And we're praying for our northern neighbors - and all other good people across this globe - that you persevere so we can all celebrate the Golden Age together. Lots of work still ahead, lots of swamp draining, etc, but God will lead us through this dark period. 🙏✝️

ThinQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

One Q-Post with "THIS IS WAR", #1494. Refers to declass. This is not a game. Ends with ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.



ThinQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not sure that will quite work, Boss. They operate with Woke Math - you know, 2+2=5 and all that. Plus, they truly don't understand the concepts of fairness, personal responsibility, accountability, equality under the law, reality and all those other pesky God-given laws of the universe.

Gonna be awfully painful for the girly little guvner there as he thrashes about in childish tantrum mode there. We'll pray for the good patriots of the northern lands that Trudy and his fellow commie turds come around before inflicting too much pain on their country. Their grasp on reality is tenuous at best these days.

ThinQ 7 points ago +7 / -0

Couple thoughts --

(1) Didn't they allegedly hire 87K agents, many of whom were, initially, supposed to be armed, just a few years ago? So there were only 10K agents before the 7K were laid off last month leaving the 90K claimed to remain? Numbers aren't feeling reasonable in my mind.

(2) Wasn't there talk even last year that they couldn't keep up with processing the paper returns, threw piles of them into the garbage (or shredded them) because they didn't have the manpower to go through them? So now they're going to tackle the nation's tax returns with half as many staff?

Yeah. I'm thinking the IRS is pretty much toast, about to become a relic of the past, a stain on society in history books. God willing. ✝️🙏


Article from August 2022 claiming the additional 87K IRS agents would more than double the size of the IRS. Perhaps they never got around to hiring them after all?



In 2021 the IRS destroyed thirty million unprocessed paper-filed tax returns.


ThinQ 5 points ago +5 / -0

Glad to see these hospitals being exposed. I saw an ad exposing the Cleveland Clinic the other day, traced it to the watchdog website. Click on the video to see the ad they put together (the one I'd seen, 31 seconds).

Perhaps a coordinated effort across all states, seeing best-of-practice strategies, best ads, best websites, etc might be useful? Or keep the expose efforts decentralized so that the DS can't focus resources on one central, coordinated group to try and harass/take out?



ThinQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wonder if he was making reference to bioweapons. "The Demon In The Freezer".



cc: u/Mr_A

ThinQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

NY Post has further details - "... Lanvin allegedly also used the burner Google account to look up lesson plans and teaching resources, once using the AI chatbot Gemini to find math problems to put on a quiz, and also to search “gay teen boys” and browse a porn site, according to court papers. ..."

Sixth grade math teacher (11 year olds) and has been on the DoE payroll since 2006. I wonder if any of his credentials were actually earned or if he was just another twisted pedophile hired in by the corrupt DoE to destroy our youth.



ThinQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

We're up all night to get lucky.

That's what I'm hearing at 2:10.

Listen to this at 0:21-0.22 and I think this may be what you're referring to (perhaps at a later point in the song you linked?). I put the speed down to .5 to hear it more clearly.


ThinQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for the article. If you feel like it -- Might be worth it's own post - pointing out the info/graph on Americans' trust in (other) US institutions further down in the article as well (plus reiterating the Gallup Media Trust poll in this post for those who didn't see it the first time around).

ThinQ 2 points ago +2 / -0


Dang! You could be a soap opera writer! You may have discovered a new calling...

ThinQ 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wouldn't call it click bait as a simple search shows that it's an analysis piece based on an actual ruling. Yes, I know that certain mods ride anons' arses about providing sources to claims, but this ruling was widely reported yesterday and this piece is delving into why the author feels it's an important change.

Just as we don't need to provide links to a widely reported plane crash, for example, when discussing why it might have occurred, what factors are in play, what players may have been involved, etc a day or two after the fact, perhaps just providing a link to articles on the actual ruling might be a better way to help others who may not have been aware of the actual ruling because of their busy lives. Just MHO.



(Obviously, this link is time-sensitive and won't show the news of this ruling six months from now as current news).

ThinQ 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's probably impossible to discern an anon's actual motive in posts or comments, but I'm not averse to seeing grey or even black pills being strewn about here. We have anons of every flavor - from chronic depressives, to rose-colored glasses types - and whether they're operating under WH control or BH control or are genuinely predisposed to optimism or pessimism makes little difference to me. It's up to each individual anon to keep their emotions in check and approach topics in a reasoned manner, to always look at both sides of an issue, to consider both pro and anti arguments and see if they can learn from discussions.

It's also important to come to the realization that we don't and we won't ever have all the answers we seek, but rather to understand that we should focus on honing our discernment as best we can. It's just like some of the hostility, even bullying, we're exposed to here - it serves only to strengthen us, ultimately. Think of it as spiritual warfare training. The fact is that it's a rough world we live in, full of lies, manipulation, hostility and worse. We will make mistakes, we will judge people and matters incorrectly at times and we'll learn, improve and move forward.

We're in a war here and, while not dodging bullets and physical traps, we're navigating through a minefield of lies, deception, manipulation, obfuscation, fear mongering, innuendo and more. Keeping ourselves away from all that, nestled in a cozy echo chamber that shuts all of that out, will not serve to strengthen us in the least.

ThinQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed. I know some of them. They believe everything their FNM tells them, all the "experts" on the tell-a-vision. One small way I've been able to partially erode that trust, to reach a few of them, is driving home the fact that big pharma pays them millions (billions) of dollars for advertising and so the FNM talking heads will never say anything against their benefactors.

Edit: IMHO the biggest trust-buster to date was the Trump-Potatus debate where "mentally sharp Biden" was displayed as the dementia ridden, bumbling idiot we all knew he was even back in 2020.

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