Throwaway2024 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'll save them the money. Rage Against the Machine had this all laid out in 1992. Even had documents cited in the song.

"Wake Up" was the name.


They can prolly get a used copy of the album for under 10 bucks since usa is broke.

Redpilled early, I was.

Throwaway2024 5 points ago +5 / -0

The rower keeps on rowing And he shows no sign of slowing Is the grisly reaper mowing?

Throwaway2024 4 points ago +4 / -0

To be fair, the local Italian pizza place that doesn't have a basement does make their own sauces and has a harvest party where they buy a bunch of tomatoes in season and everyone comes in to work for a couple days and makes their special family recipe pasta sauce/pizza sauce and cans it for the year.

Pizza gate is definitely real but also harvest parties and sauce making are a thing too

Throwaway2024 6 points ago +8 / -2

Yeah he doesn't have to keep pushing it and bragging about it but what do I know 🤷

Throwaway2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think he's talking about MRNA tech here. Maybe he really doesn't know how bad it is?

Throwaway2024 4 points ago +4 / -0

Graduated animal farm. We escape from MSM only to end up here and don't realize we've moved from the barnyard to the larger pasture until we start running into the electric fencing at the edges.

But make no mistake, we are still on the farm

Throwaway2024 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm already seeing counter narratives that Trump is unfit, slurring, etc they're getting desperate

Throwaway2024 3 points ago +3 / -0

Do you find you get much business off FB? I have run some business pages and I myself can say I have NEVER bought anything bc of a FB page and find them usually to be wrong or neglected or annoying and so I sort of tune them out.

Just curious

Throwaway2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wonder if Guinness is a bastardization or connected to Belle Gunness?

Throwaway2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean if it wasn't for Guinness I'd have nothing to cook my corned beef in on St Patrick's Day lmao

Throwaway2024 4 points ago +4 / -0

Tbf the Praetorians were pretty based. They assassinated a couple of emperors bc they got tired of their shit.

They don't really belong next to Gestapo or KGB in this pic either, being more akin to secret service than any kind of investigative arm for a corrupt dictatorship

Throwaway2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting if you find it lmk I'd like to read it. I've been studying iver since this all started and I've never read anything negative unless you're one of the small subgroup of dog breeds that can't tolerate it lol

Throwaway2024 3 points ago +3 / -0

So we're downvoting affordable human ivermectin in favor of horse paste now? How long before we are just guzzling injectable iver like the one FB group I'm in?

Don't get me wrong I have horse paste here too. But the pill version is much more precise and probably free of potentially negative adulterants and with much more bioavalability

Throwaway2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks! Why anyone would mess with Jay and Puff is beyond me. They've got more bodies on them than an e-thot

Add in that witch Beyonce and you're just asking to get killed

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