THIS! He needs to hire the Bobs!!
So diseases and illnesses affect other species to where only the strong remain. This strengthens the species overall. What have we done by eradicating some of these diseases? Have we improperly allowed the weak to survive? Where has that gotten us?
(I know these are not compassionate questions to ask, but just thought I'd step out of being human for a minute and ask them)
I concur 100%. We have a little rescue mutt, who gives my wife and me 110% of the love that he has. We don't know what he was rescued from, but suspect it was an abusive hoarding situation. He goes apeshit if any other person comes around, and he doesn't like any other animals.
At the time we adopted him, my wife was on Facebook, and we read where he was adopted and then returned to the SPCA because he bit his new owner. When they brought him in the room to meet us, he immediately jumped up in my lap and wouldn't stop licking my face. I believe dogs know when they're around a good person who won't hurt them. This was several years ago, and he still cowers every now and then if I make a wrong move, but I've never hurt him. Whenever I see him do that, I have to stop everything and love on him, and play with him, to reassure him that everything is OK.
I could do serious bodily harm to the person or people who did this to him.
Are animals capable of sin? They kill to survive - to eat or to mate, as is their nature. They don't kill to be malicious. They don't kill out of greed or jealousy.
I would say animals make no sinful choices.
That's where I was going to go - the dogs didn't have a choice. Despite many people claiming they were left no choice and submitted to the vaccine, they had a choice, and they made that choice. The only exceptions were the babies and young children who were forcefully vaccinated against their will.
Do we know that this mRNA vaccine, designed to work at the genetic level, wasn't targeting people with a particular genetic sequence or trait? Not everyone who was jabbed got sick or died. I've always thought that was more to do with some batches being hotter than others, but this raises a new question, for me at least.
There's an even better part of this hearing where he just goes off on her when she pushes him too much.
That's the first person I thought of.
The "women our age get pregnant" girl in the background makes it sound like pregnancy is some sort of disease like cancer. Like it just happens. This is the result of a failed education system and bad parenting.
I'd be willing to be that this young man's parents are still married and are actively involved in bringing him up properly.
We have the best women without dicks!!
It would suit me if he just hired a bunch of fresh-out-of-college young adults who spent the last 4 years learning nothing but American History and everything there is to know about the Constitution. Let them remake our government and turn DC completely upside down.
Looked like a squad of Bidens!
I have a cousin who, while being somewhat conservative, is trying to make it as one of these online influencers, and quite often videos herself crying. It is 100% a cry for attention, as her father, my first cousin, was a drug addict who left them, and when he would come back around, was quite belligerent and mentally abusive.
Probably something similar here with this woman. I noticed that when she was talking about her grandparents and mother being liberal, she didn't mention her father. Was he in/out of the picture?
A simple pair of eye glasses worked for Clark Kent, and have already worked for O'Keefe at least once!
I figured he was just going to put on a pair of glasses again.
I've never liked her at all.
Right! I know Nixon was popular, but he was no saint. How many more American soldiers died in Vietnam, because he made a deal with the Vietnamese to not consider any cease fire agreements until he was elected President?
I honestly think Jimmy Carter was just stupid. I don't think he was corrupt.
Yes, I believe they were killing several birds with one stone. They tried to destroy our economy, and while they damaged it, with Trump at the helm, the economy still thrived.
It will be interesting to see just how many people will be so compliant the next time they try something like this. That will be a really good indicator of just how many sheep have woken up.
That, along with his credentials (former Pfizer VP) make this very credible to me. I'll be passing this video along to a few people.
"The Bobs" - Love it!
Wasn't J Lo Diddy's arm candy for a while?
I would love to see this happen, but I'll only believe it, when I see it. There's been too much of these idle threats/promises over the past few years, and nothing ever comes of it.
Sorry if I'm being too negative.
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