TravInTexas 3 points ago +3 / -0

I expecting three events: dollar and market crash and burn, some sort of war event (possibly nuclear), and some sort of event or information concerning children that is over the top horrific.

Regarding the dollar/economy crash, I'm wondering if Operation Sandman will come to fruition.

Also I'm expecting some major terrorist attack in the US and also additional school shootings.

I pray these events don't occur, but I think they pretty much have to occur to wake the world up. NCSWIC. May God bless all 🙏

TravInTexas 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because the practice is evil, and needs to be confronted.

Furthermore, our children are under constant indoctrination. Even if parents can homeschool, the kids are being hit from other sources (social media, TV). And few parents has as much time with their older kids than their "teachers", friends and TV.

TravInTexas 4 points ago +4 / -0

President Trump has also been saying that China will invade Taiwan after the Olympics. Sunday is the final day of the Olympics.

I had to search for that, because I haven't been watching that gay, woke and satanic shit.

TravInTexas 1 point ago +1 / -0

If Cramer is saying this is no big deal, we should all stand by for heavy rolls. He's so wrong he makes weatherman look good.

TravInTexas 6 points ago +6 / -0

It won't pass. There is no way they can get a constitutional amendment through in this political environment. Dems may want it, but no way red states ratify.

TravInTexas 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just 100% speculation here, but J.D. Vance was at one point a staunch Never Trumper and has reformed over time to now be one of his staunchest advocates. Maybe that is President Trumps end goal with the announcement of J.D. Vance, to bring in the Never Trumpers under the tent.

TravInTexas 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm 6 counties inland and got hit pretty hard.Wind is still howling like crazy. No real damage though, just limbs down and no power due to fallen trees.

Yes, it was only a cat 1, but it did more damage than most anticipated. Last I read was 2.6 million without power. I'm not sure they are counting my area since I'm so far north.

TravInTexas 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have lived here in Houston and the surrounding area most of my life and this wasn't a normal storm. We have hurricanes that do this but not a typical storm. I was driving from my office to home in that crap. Very scary, at least the last 20 miles of my commute were.

TravInTexas 11 points ago +11 / -0

Funny little story here. I'm a network engineer with a mid size US based company. A few weeks ago I and a few of my collogues were working on an issue at our Berlin office. Did a trace route from our US HQ to our Berlin office over an encrypted VPN tunnel and SOB, something in the MIDDLE of our encrypted tunnel answered. The IP address that responded was You can go to Arin.net to see who that is. DISA. They since turned off their ICMP replies but it shows a few things. First, it is there, decrypting our traffic and I'm certain recording it. Second, it's FAST. Had it not replied I would never know it was in the middle doing it's thing.

If they can almost transparently hack an encrypted VPN tunnel, who says they can't hack into a Bitcoin wallet?

TravInTexas 1 point ago +1 / -0

This isn't Q related but great history, and truthful. And he's definitely red-pilled; Robert Sepehr on YouTube. He's an Anthropologist. Incredible content. I also like The Why Files.

TravInTexas 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thursday is a holiday there, China and Taiwan. Wonder if that would have any bearing on any Chinese military decisions.

TravInTexas 5 points ago +5 / -0

Glad I did my 6 and got out...8 year obligation is WAY over. I'll fight for my country, but not for these deep state sonsabitches.

TravInTexas 2 points ago +2 / -0

I used in January 2023 for a positive covid test: cured in 3 days. January of this year I picked up same crap that was going around, flu I think: took 4 days to eradicate. My brother and SIL had it well over a month.

TravInTexas 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't smell it at all when using it. But it does burn. But only for the 15 minutes before washing it off

TravInTexas 2 points ago +2 / -0

My current landlord is a retired doctor. She and I see eye to eye on a lot of things, particularly our disdain for the pharmaceutical industry.

So I have a bulged disc, L5-S1, and the pain gets pretty damn bad. There isn't much disc left at this point. What she had me do was clean the skin well, then apply the DMSO for 15 minutes and wash off. This is a salve I guess that she gave me. It's a 70% concoction. Pain is pretty much gone, at least for a few hours.

TravInTexas 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'd like to know how the Ivermectin paste works out for skin issues. I never thought about trying it. I have psoriasis and never thought to try this.

Been using DMSO for a few months now for back/disc issues; works great.

TravInTexas 1 point ago +1 / -0

For landing craft they'll need calm seas. That would be Spring for the South China Sea.

TravInTexas 14 points ago +14 / -0

Protecting our sovereignty.

TravInTexas 2 points ago +2 / -0

I read an interesting article over at WND. The economist they reference was saying May for a bubble burst and economic meltdown. Interesting article:


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