It occurred to me why don’t we all contact our respective senators and congressmen and simply ask them the question?
Are you a member of or affiliated with the world economic forum in any way? Have you accepted funds from WEF?
Straight forward answer is all that’s needed.
What has been done and continues to be done to the J6th defendants is unconscionable. The rinos, gop, not to mention the dems complicit in setting them up and hiding the evidence should be charged with treason every last one of them.
Hopefully it sticks but I’m not holding my breath.
They are hell bent on going 100% nwo at warp speed. The Canadian people better wake up before it’s too late.
Knowing where Cedar Key is that is impressive both for it being there and that someone took the photo! Quintessential old Florida. Thanks for sharing.
They are only showing their true colors. Unfortunate for all the good officers but these thugs are acting like the soros thugs they are
Why the preoccupation with who is Q. It doesn’t matter! What Q represents is important the reattach is a distraction.
Absolutely could not agree more. It was a much needed breath of fresh air after a year of bullshit.
And you don’t think that’s a ds troll intending to poison the launch of truth social? Dicking around with newly redpilled falling for a mind game to disenfranchise?
Why anyone would waste their time on the larp is beyond me.
It’s amazing how all these corrupt politicians can support multiple impeachment attempts against Trump yet in the face of multiple egregious actions amounting to put right treason that fool is still being propped up.
Amen what a pos. Typical corrupt politician answer. Training from the wef young leaders no doubt. :)
The same asshole quietly selling Moderna stock for months. And now we know why, more is bound to come out. They cannot hide the truth it’s coming out in too many places.
And we need to let them know what we think. Unfit to serve pond scum.
My question is who is the guy and why would they target a random vehicle unless it was a target?
Umm by the time the fools realize they embraced that which is killing them the vaxx pass will literally die of its own weight. In the meantime resist. The truth is coming out it’s only a matter of time.
I’m more concerned about the idiot resident and the corrupt establishment that has allowed this mess to happen.
That f’ing fool and the corrupt swamp creatures are hell bent on destroying America. White hats time to act had better be soon.
First he tells Russia the 16 most effective ways to launch a cyber attack on America then shares intelligence with the ccp. Why is he (still) in office? Stupid question I know!
Someone is a Star Wars fan.
I take that as a good sign America is not on track. Funny how the resident seems to think we are at least 70% already.
Trudy shot the wad early and showed the dark underbelly of government controlled digital ID:). I hope it’s enough to wake people up.
What a useless piece of shit.
Wouldn’t it be ironic if documents re: the residents crimes are found in documents? Certainly give the world something to consider even if Washington dismisses it.
There’s someone posting on truth social by Q. I’ve only seen screen grabs I’m #209k I. Queue still:). I’m dubious though so since he was clear no outside comms.
Great object lesson.