Omg. This proves Hillary was right all along /s
I keep an open mind about some of those possibilities because I was blind that Bush vs Kerry was evil vs evil. I had actually thought Kerry was good back then. Now we have enough information to KNOW Kerry was not good since he wants to take away our free speech.
It is at least possible I’m wrong about Trump.
If Trump is actually against us and he is just a tool on the way to something like selling us the precursor to the mark of the Beast system, then I won’t be happy about it but God told us such a system is coming someday.
We will want to continue to use discernment.
We’ve only made it this far because we’ve kept an open mind.
We are still in a battle. They are largely brainwashed. If you rub this win in their faces it mainly reaffirms the brainwashing and the stereotypes they’ve been fed.
We had the thoughtful, caring, logical and empathetic people join this movement. And we want more people like that. Look for ways to win them over and show them the truth.
The day of the election I had someone that I talked into voting for Trump even though they had thought it was probably true that he told people to drink bleach.
We still have more people to reach and deprogram. We have more people to get off of the booster programs.
We have an opportunity to correct the real misinformation and if we can do that people will ultimately realize on their own what we’ve been telling them. That is going to feel so much better than any “I told you so”.
Anyone able to confirm if this is real?
Kamala did invite them all to a Trump rally during the debate. I have to give her credit for that.
This may be an unpopular opinion? But I see a different approach to these situations that involve spinning things to assume positive intent that are in your best interest After all, you are wanting to work out anyhow and she isn’t disagreeing about doing so or saying no to that.
Frankly I probably would have subdued my ego and responded “good point about the past ,and this is something I will fix and change”.
And no matter what the next possibility terrible retort is, offer those hurt feelings up to God to resolve, he can help you with them. Probably no one else on earth really can help over a text message because too much information is lost
It avoids the escalation with her and gives you the same healthyish approach to improving your life.
It may also be a good first step to changing behaviors in your relationship. Maybe this will make the space to help you find a path to healing or make it clear if there is not a path to healing.
If it doesn’t turn around and you need to leave the relationship anyhow, you should be healthier by then and you will have learned how to offer up so many frustrations to God. So for you it can be a win-win.
My unrelated story involves my kids. They were sick of me “yelling” at them, so I’ve prayed about it and really reduced that. My daughter who used to sneak out and smoke pot with her friends doesn’t do that anymore. I’m confident that behavior change for her wouldn’t have happened without my behavior change first. I’m less stressed about my kids now too. It is no guarantee that she will never fall back in that trap, but she’s able to be more honest with me now and we have better conversations because she isn’t in a fear/frustration mode.
I don’t have it saved and don’t recall the location, but the case where it was caught on video where they wheeled ballots out from under the table was a good one.
May have been Georgia?
I’d start off with watching the other sides debunking claim and THEN diving into the reality of what happened.
Come on. Poke with stick. Follow the stars …
At first I thought he spelled demonetization wrong 🤷♂️
That is interesting because how does that work unless light curves?
I’m pretty sure she says it was debunked a month ago. /s
2 things. 1 you can fight for the job without giving in to the jab. Some places have hired back unjabbed people. The tide will turn, but the stronger you stand the better chance of the tide turning. Don’t give up in the interview process, do your best so it is their loss of a great employee, not your loss.
Taking the jab for a job reminds me of giving up your birthright for a meal. It’s a short term decision.
We followed a delayed vaccine “schedule” so they never received more than one shot at the same time.
For years that seemed ok to me as a clueless parent.
However both of my kids are now teenagers and my oldest most dramatic teenager claims that both of them (and practically everyone else in the world) is autistic.
So, not sure if vaccine are at play in this. What I do know is the Amish don’t seem to have the autism problem and they don’t have the vaccinations or the electronics.
Can you keep unsupervised phone and tablet access away from your child until they are 16 or even 18?
If you are serious about protecting your child and want to save yourself a whole other rabbit hole of problems, consider doing BOTH the things that the Amish do by avoiding the electronics and the vaccines.
Inflation is affecting more than dollars. Oh no!
Did I see a precipus /s? I did! I did see a precipus!
We did a delayed/alternate vaccine schedule with our doctors input for my kids so that is a real thing that can be done.
That was years ago and not sure if I’d even do that if it came up again today as more is known about vaccines now.
We also chose to home school which meant my wife giving up her job. Day care seemed ridiculously expensive even with my wife’s job at 50k per year and it meant we would paying money to have less time with our kids.
The time with your kids is quite literally priceless, so choosing a change in your lifestyle to make that happen is going to be far more valuable in non-dollar ways than even a job that could pay you a million dollars per year. That was how we reframed our thinking when we made our choice.
Then we went into lots of debt for a while because we didn’t quite understand how to budget on half of what we had been making. :). It’s been 14 years so far and it’s still been worth it.
Starbucks did the right thing and Carhart didn’t? I was boycotting Starbucks but maybe I’ll reconsider.
Oh no. The poor patient whose arms they cut off to fit inside the mannequin to protect their privacy. /s
My guess is it seems like Covid-19 is almost a brand name for the cold/flu now the same way people say they went through a bunch of Kleenex when it was really some random tissue brand.
I know 30+ years ago I had the flu as a young and otherwise healthy teenager and pretty much thought I was going to die. I’ve never been so sick in my life. I was begging to be taken to the hospital to my parents and they refused because it was just the flu and my P A mom said there was nothing that they could do for me anyway.
If Covid had existed at the time, I’m certain I would have called it that.
If there isn’t a test to differentiate the flu and Covid, then from a pacing and leading example it makes sense to share and use the term Covid as people think they know or have had Covid.
Getting “Covid” multiple times may ultimately eventually be the wake up call to others that the Covid tests are just faulty.
Maybe someday it will help reduce the fear people have once they’ve survived Covid 10 times
Wasn’t there an EO about trafficking and seizing assets ?
/drunken rant We are truly in one of the most important times in history. For some that “know” it isn’t enough, for others that have known even longer it is “finally the cracks are big enough so they can’t just be covered with spackle”
If God is working on your heart in this time, listen carefully.
I’ve had similar thoughts and could see something like this happening.
God’s ways are not our ways, and Q did say this would be biblical.
She’s technically correct, you can’t just ask Satan for it back.
Imagine you sold your neighbors car to someone, you won’t have much luck asking the person you sold it to to just give it back, that they can’t have it, because it wasn’t even yours to sell.
However, if you confess/repent to your neighbor, they have the authority to get it back as they can probably provide the proof of ownership.
The fear was the justification for mail in ballots everywhere, so slipping it in to existing shots wouldn’t have achieved that. It was at least a psy-op in that sense.
I’ve been sharing this guys stuff too. Amazing what was built by “Donkeys incorporated” :)