If this is not mental illness, I don't know what is.
Obama can take his pen and phone and shove them right up his... oh wait he probably would enjoy that!
China is assole!
Very possible.
I couldn't watch them all, so much stupidity!
Good news for Georgia!
Anything is possible in this crazy movie!
In Florida, voted by mail, checked, received, and counted.
F#ck the UN! They have no authority here!
Bullshit, I don't believe that!
There is no elections only selections!
So if there is a way to intensify hurricanes and the white hats are in control, why haven't they dismantled this technology? Just asking.
The whole Democrat party is communist!
I wonder what her take of the 4 million was after legal fees?
I bet they replace it with a bigger TV!
Justice is coming? When it's 2024!
At least they have an application, most states automatically register you to vote when you get your driver's license!
Been ready to stand for a long time, just waiting for the call!
Double meanings exists!