Similar here in the UK.
Bbc and Sky news both showing rioting accross Europe, now saying about we all need to learn to live with coof and are even talking about changing from pandemic to endemic.
First thoughts are that because Bozo and his fellow pigs have been caught pants down again they are buttering us up. Until the next scariant, then Bam - New lockdown
But then I also read a post here a few weeks ago saying the tide is going to start turning worldwide starting with the UK.
Anyone offer any ideas to what is really afoot here? Lame media are reporting fuel prices as the reason. We are supposes to believe that this government of 30 years are just walking away over fucking fuel price protests?
Sit on ur bed and focus on your breathing. Really think about each breath in and out, how it fills each little part of your lungs. Feel the oxygen seeping into your bloodstream. Feel your natural immune system working, actually will it to crush anything harmful and visualise it working in your minds eye. Do it a few times a day. I fixed my 30 years run of asthma this way.
Is it true that brave still uses ddg engine for its searches tho?