You’re dead on with your points I just have to rant about something real quick. One of my pet peeves is referring to a spouse or fiancé as partner. I mean yes technically husband and wife each contribute 100% as a partnership, but the pick haired degenerate lunatics sullied this term for me. Every time I hear one’s significant other referred to as partner, I always think “what the fuck are yall 1860s bank robbers or something?” Saddle up pardner we gots us a train to catch!
Sorry to take away from your excellent point of a husband’s role, and the importance of a wife’s role as household director/COO, just had to get that one out there
You, I like you.
Local elections are far more important. We’ve been fed DS candidates for God only knows how long. I seriously want to suck start a shotgun when people still bring up the R vs. D false dichotomy bullshit in 2022. You’re either a piece of shit lazy baby murderer that wants free gibs or you’re not. There’s not much gray area anymore.
Girl on the right, closet door prob doubles as a mirror
In all fairness, it is relatively cold in Russia.
“We now support”. These people have no backbone or moral compass. They support what they believe is the popular choice at that particular time. I have absolutely zero patience anymore for these people, and I mock and admonish them at every opportunity. Please do your part to fuck off and die, in every literal sense of that phrase. Seriously. I would prefer they were fucked to death with a cactus laden I-beam than take another masked breath.
ETA: sorry for the graphic display, this one struck a nerve and it’s been a day. Leaving it up, because fuck censorship.
That’s a lot of herpes
B-b-but PENNY PLAN! Also did you know he used to cut sheetrock with karate chops?
That’s what I’d like to know as well. Trump was quite adamant it came from Wuhan (Chyna virus, they will pay, etc.) Staying tuned on this one
Reminds me of the saying “if you can’t dazzle them with brilliance then baffle them with bullshit”
👆Amen this is it right here. Tired of these idiots trying to thread the political needle. Speak plainly and handle your own shit before you go popping off about geopolitical dealings.
Awful for the next 3 months
The year in general, my gut says a burden will be lifted. Relief. I believe an economic event / crisis hits by July and that will be the climax of the worst. Don’t feel like war hits home.
70% chance mass exposure. Covid scam has been widely exposed for some time. Not sure if many will care unless it affects them personally in a very real way.
5%. This brings down everything corrupt. Not sure if that happens soon. Gut reaction says not likely, but hopeful
Good chance more comes out on this as well, much like number 4. First domino is gonna have to fall, coming from some mutually respected source or authority.
Limited knowledge of it.
Browns in the [S]uperbowl
[H]unters favorite hole
2020 PAN[I]C
Tippy toppiest of keks 😂
Le pen le POTUS. Kash mentions “le” POTUS referring to opening for him Saturday night. Not sure if the “le” vernacular is common for Kash, thought it might be noteworthy with all of the craziness surrounding Kash and @q.
Truth Social Q aka @q. I believe this was coined by u/rooftoptendie to differentiate @q and Q for the time being
Kash is at CPAC right? So that would mean Q, or at least part of Q team, is also there if this is legit. We gotta get to Orlando!
ETA: he’s with TSQ. We really need some hard confirmation TSQ=Q
My research has found many victims of botched tranny surgeries tend to randomly lash out in anger, often screaming into the void symbolic of their mangled new gash. There’s someone out there for you, don’t give up!
14p on each side
Notice the change of the header on Q’s page?
JFK jr crash site: SW of Martha’s Vineyard. Idk the exact coordinates though
Nice! Just followed 😎
Waitlist number 183. Letsss goooo I gotta be up in 3 hrs!! Everything that’s been censored the last 3 yrs by big tech bout to get dropped hard and heavy. Will be closely watching DWAC tomorrow too. Red pill for you! Red pill for you! ERRBODY GETTIN A RED PILL!
Just dropping a shout out to u/PocketTurd
Excellent post!!
From a husband’s perspective, I spent exactly 2 years working my ass off with a specific goal of getting out of debt. My wife is a homemaker and a damn good one at that. But While working an avg of 80hrs/wk over that time span, I noticed the kids suffered. Typically, mom has the bark and dad has the bite. Sure the money was OUTSTANDING, but the kids’ attitudes were worse, their grades suffered, and our marriage was tested. Anyways 2 years passed and mission accomplished. Since then we’ve noticed a drastic improvement having a 2 parent household. My point is, do whatever it takes to get to a point where one of you can stay home, I.e. don’t be a debt slave and prioritize child rearing over material items.