Imagine seeing that old hag being arrested would cheer me right up :)
bonus points for her being thrown in the back of van like a side of beef kek
I think the theory was why would Trillionaires sell anything like that they would be able to keep it forever and store it. I think maybe their vast fortune has gone so now are resorting to selling off their things to get money possibly.
Could be just getting rid of crap their grandparents had lying around that they did not want, but just odd they are selling it all off.
Memes locked and loaded
Reddit is just bots and retards i would not pay much attention to what they say, the site is dying because no one normal wants anything to do with it. faggots on reddit get a lot of validation of their minority beliefs so think that they are the majority and think they are winning the culture war when in fact all they have done in the last few years is annoy all the sane people who are the majority.
"Defiantly Straight" had me laughing think i am going to use that as the other box option on sexuality for forms.
Also at 13 i could not care less what a girl thought about anything they were mostly the biggest idiot sheep around.
The kid sounds based i wonder if he will end up on here :)
When your stealth aircraft is too stealthy :)
Not too convinced at these but who knows, Q did say that we are not alone.
I suspect its the Reddit staff/mods doing a lot of these downvotes or NGO bot farms, would be interesting if they could solve the bot problem (don't think they really want to as its too useful for propaganda purposes for the left) and what it would look like.
Its funny how quickly these idiots went from salivating about the Mugshot to crying about how awesome Trump looks and its not trending the way they thought it would.
Also funny they cant stop it trending on Twitter like they used to kek
Haha its going to be hilarious to watch the tards on reddit realize that by constantly attacking Trump with bs its only making him more popular.
Back when TheDonald was on reddit we drowned out their pathetic number of people, they had to mess with the algorithm and ban the subreddit to stop us. On any free platform we reign supreme they cannot keep up with the high energy, just look at the posts on Twitter which is semi free.
The left are a tiny minority of idiots, they have to control every platform to death to have any chance of their twisted viewpoint being heard.
Just imagine how hilarious its going to be when these pos are rounded up and Trump is back for good.
They are desperate because Trumps mugshot has made so many more people support him, everything they are doing is only making him more popular.
It will be like 2016 times 17million kek
Its funny i think many people are waking up, i did laugh i was watching this youtuber talking to some young black guys that were in a gang and when asked about biden or Trump they were all like "Trump Trump" and then one of them started talking about how they lie about Trump, gave me hope that even these young guys could see what was going on, not our typical Trump supporters but it shows that people are seeing all the BS.
At 9mins 19s is when they start talking about the country and Trump Most Dangerous City in America
Not condoning their lifestyle as its kinda dumb and criminal behavior.
I remember reading that 15th aug was when Russia was going to release its gold back BRICS currency so funny the old ruble crashed. Maybe it was done on purpose to get people to adopt the new Currency.
Interesting, always appreciated i keep all these things in the back of my mind seeing if they pan out.
I was thinking the other day how popular the Johnny Depp trial was, Trumps trial is going to blow this out of the water.
I will guess TDS sufferers will be glued to this only for it to end like 2016 Election night and then there tiny minds will implode. Will gets lots of eyes on the election fraud stuff.
Plus you know Trump is going to be hilarious throughout, i cant wait.
I always remember that episode of X-files where someone was being targeted by a space weapon of some kind, its funny now most stuff in the X-files is now true kek
A glitch in the Matrix kek
5D chess reference too kek, good video.
China has 65% of the hashing power already there are a couple of big miner groups but all ran from the same people but pretend to be separate for optics. They could easily mess with bitcoin if they wanted have not done so on a large scale yet.
But i agree with the kind of money the DS has it would be trivial for them to have produced more miners for themselves to keep in reserve, also i know that bankers were buying up bitcoin when it was pennys in price.
Skycoin solved all these issues with the 51% attack and many other things, like having your own blockchain that you control and can run CX which is a full programming language like GO. Was fast enough they were running a FPS from one of their blockchains a while ago. Although i think Synth is struggling with all the crazy stuff going on in the world and is not a Q believer so its effecting him but he is pretty based.
Move yourself to gitmo kek
Synth at Skycoin has been downloading the internet to back it up as he saw years ago so many scientific journals were being erased, hopes to have a offline copy of most of the important things to run on Skywire meshnet.
Skywire could work over anything so Starlink and Skywire would work nicely together.
Trumps smile always gets me, you can see why Q picked him to be part of the plan, i don't know anyone else who could take the weight of what is going on and still keep pushing.
This, the coordinated reees from the usual leftys is interesting, the more they reeee the better he must be.
I think he seems good but i don't expect perfection seems miles ahead of most of the other.
Take it as a win.