WWG0N3WGA 2 points ago +2 / -0

I asked gpt4 to make up a new religion. It was basically a climate cult. Oh, I also had to remind it that God might be a central part of a religion, not a complete afterthought.

WWG0N3WGA 5 points ago +5 / -0

She grifted Q to get elected, then recants. She grifted MAGA to get reelected, then joins the Rhino's.

She's a sleeper.

WWG0N3WGA 6 points ago +6 / -0

Exactly this. They're already at war with Christians so to literally call this satanic just allows them to turn it off and validate their worldview that Christians are just ignorant bigots that believe in spooky mystic possessions and stuff.

Walsh, even tho he's not really MAGA, is exactly right to stay as scientific as possible here. The left always claims to Trust the Science and he's simply saying show me the science, starting with a scientific definition of "woman"

WWG0N3WGA 4 points ago +4 / -0

Mental issues should never have physical solutions.

It's as simple as that!

WWG0N3WGA 8 points ago +9 / -1

Consider the fact that if covid indeed was a bioweapon, they simply WOULD NOT RISK DEPLOYING IT without an antidote. So if the theory is this was made in 2015, then a working vaccine shortly after (perhaps 2017 because that's when Fauci gleefully greenlit the pending pandemic)

WWG0N3WGA 2 points ago +2 / -0

The people in these cities are very cucked

WWG0N3WGA 2 points ago +2 / -0

They're losing control on bottomup censorship on social networks. It didn't matter what the pundents at the top said if they could just minimize the response. Now that that's failing they have to return to the old school and more obvious method of removing the top voices.

WWG0N3WGA 4 points ago +4 / -0

He was too close to Q

Q started right after Sarah Carter and John Sullivan was on his show. She told Levin that she had a mysterious encounter by intelligence agents right after the show in a random car and her and John got to work on what they told her about Russia gate immediately after.

WWG0N3WGA 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you really want to know what he thinks of Trump I'm reminded of a certain wisdom "by their fruits you will know them"

WWG0N3WGA 3 points ago +3 / -0

I tell my wife I hate Trump. I love Trump. I also love my wife. But I can't tell her the truth because I love her, because she hates Trump. I'm fine with her hating Trump, but she's not fine with me loving Trump. I don't hate her for it, I'm mad she trusts the lying media too much but I also don't blame her for believing the chorus of coordinated lies, it's pretty hard to overcome unless you're dedicated to spotting it.

That being said, even if Tucker said those things verbatim, doesn't mean he meant it. Trump is so polarizing people have to lie about it to keep the peace. It's why polling is impossible for him, people think if they admit they like him they'll end up on a list. It's a very real fear.

Maybe Tucker was talking to someone who hates Trump so of course he has to pretend to have common ground for some advantage.

It's the rules of war.

WWG0N3WGA 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's honestly so brilliant, it's godlike, and even atheists would have to admit the brilliance.

I mean. Jesus can't just demand they stop doing it. He has to set the stage and rewrite the script. He has to steer right into the torpedo and hit it before it arms.

Combat tactics, Mr Ryan.

This actually makes me wonder about the 3 days in hell aspect....

WWG0N3WGA 2 points ago +2 / -0

It wasn't until I got into Q and deeply researched ancient cults did I realize the true context of Christianity and it completely blew my mind that I never thought of this aspect before. But youre right, it's even more mind blowing that preachers never ever brought it up in my entire life. On the surface it just seems so fucked up that God sacrificed his Son, like, that should be so ridiculous! But, in the context of the situation, it was so poetic and revolutionary, and completely shattered the "deep state" of yore. It got the PEOPLE to think for themselves and be better themselves. Sounds familiar

WWG0N3WGA 2 points ago +2 / -0

Perhaps this explains all the processing plants blowing up. Can't get a non mrna meat now

WWG0N3WGA 8 points ago +11 / -3

A lot of people think I'm crazy for this view, but the original mission of Jesus was to END CHILD SACRIFICE. John 3:16 is all about it! Put an end to any religion that thinks God wants dead kids, and to seal it forever, God sacrificed his OWN CHILD (... To himself?) to negate the precieved need for any other human henceforth thinking this is still needed.

(of course then I get to wonder if child sacrifice used to be legit until Jesus came?)

WWG0N3WGA 2 points ago +2 / -0

I sometimes think that the hand behind the Nazis (remember Q said they're a subgroup) actually caused the moral degeneracy in the Germans in the 20s and 30s which allowed the Nazis to take control. In reality it was the plan all along. Are they doing it again? Creating an absurd immoral situation that threatens our children, collapsing the economy in hopes our reaction literally will be the fascism they claim we stand for?

The only difference is we have Q this time, will we be able to beat them at their game?

by BQnita
WWG0N3WGA 2 points ago +2 / -0

Few realize that the only reason the US can print with abandon is because it's the reserve currency. If that ends, the US debt will suddenly matter.

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