Except the lack of debris holds weight. I've seen video where it looks the building and metal turned to dust.
Couple that with these fires of Paradise, Cali & Maui that don't look natural and affect metal and you can come to the possibility that there is tech we are not familiar with
Which military?
The one that has given "democracy" to Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia, Syria? The one that has more bases in other Countries, than ants have in an ant hill? The one that we spend more money on than all other Countries combined? The one Eisenhower warned citizens about?
Or the one we hope is working with Trump to save us?
I don't believe he has released it all. The Feds were wearing masks so they could not be identified.
I saw videos of J6 the days and weeks following that I have not seen since. Video of weapons being handed out window if Capitol. Video of "dressed Trump supporters" in Capitol before breach. Video of Ashly Babbitt shooting.
Do you have sauce on this Tippens protocol
I pray he comes to his senses. What is there to lose by trying this alternative? There are plenty of testimonies on here and internet now of success stories. Find some and show him.
I don't know how to research Q drops but the date and time stamp of this TS post is interesting and I would think this post is important.
Stop with this racist crap. It gets us no where.
I don't believe the Rockefellers are anywhere near the top. They and Rothschilds are known to the World. There are masters above them that no one speaks of. And possibly fallen angels above them.
Sounds like you have Q clearance
And then there is military spending
Have you not seen any magician shows like David Blaine? Have you not seen any burn videos were they douse themselves in burn retardant. Don't believe half of what you see and none of what you here Edit: Had a friend in high-school get serious 3rd degree burns from gas only being on fire for 20 seconds
Just wait for the Summer. These demons started a World wide fake pandemic before. They allowed 9 million radicals from Africa & Venezuela into our Country and UN troops disguised as illegals. It's going to be wild.
They paid for 9 million radicals to invade our Country
Fuck yeah. This made me hard
Best X post I've seen in awhile
It's threats. Our Intelligence Agencies are corrupt and more powerful than govts & Presidents. They answer to no one. When they tell you they will give your kids or wife or parents some crazy cancer or kill them in a crash, what would they do? They are going to fold.
Why wife tells me all the time. " You have to stop with all this negative stuff"
I tell her " I can't help it, my eyes have been open and evil is all around us"
It's the 1st thing I do. Check GAW & X and expect something new and horrible will happen to America & World as a whole.
It is sad, I never asked for this, but I will not turn my back on this fight
Good luck pede
Normal citizens go inside there during voting? Or in there ever?
Because the murderers are sent here to the US. And get paid more than a school teacher.
Polls are retarded
Can someone with Facebook do me a favor?
#1 Go on the page of the Patriot dance teams and tell them God Bless them & God Bless America.
#2 Go on the page of the ones holding the competition and tell them TO GO FUCK THEMSELVES. Why didn't they tell the ones upset that this is America & take their divisive shit elsewhere.
I mean wtf
Stay away from the stressful news. It impacts us. We all need a break here and there and let other pedes step in.
What about illinois and New York
This is all by design. The Hamas protesters are not students, they are paid agitators. The protestors get the news coverage that it is students and support from sheep that they are exercising their 1st Amendment.
Then comes the Bill by the Right RINOs to limit 1st Amendment rights and excite kids & groups from the Right to push back against the protestors which are fake students. Then the Right gets hurt in the election or a narrative is set that the Right are being Anti American just like the fake J6