Whirlybot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gotta fix the voting mechanism first. DS already trying to dredge up a new variant to position for mail in voting again.

spez: thought we had enough info to start prosecuting the Dominion folks on voter fraud - even if we don't have the states with the spines to decertify yet. Anybody heard anything more?

Whirlybot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Annex Mexico. Make it a full state. Give military 6 mos to clean out everybody with history of cartel association. Phase in the place to US govt operations over time so we don't have a new anchor of government assistance requirements to 90% of the population. Encourage US companies overseas to relo to Mexico to help support population and get them started up. We can defend our land border as it narrows down. (coast defense is a whole other problem) That can be a new breadbasket for all of us.

Whirlybot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know that in the supermarket magazines, he has a Super-Fat Flush recipe - lose 40# by swimsuit season. Can anyone else running for office bring that to the table?

Whirlybot 1 point ago +1 / -0

And if Tucker knew the emails betw ;him and Hunter were subject to being leaked, he really didn't have much of a choice - either 'be quiet, sweat bullets, and hope nothing happens' or 'reveal the friendship and mitigate the bad pub sure to come from this.'

Whirlybot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wish there was some way that a judge could include in his ruling/sentence, a requirement that the head of the agency do (Personally appearing in) a Public Service Announcement admitting to the plot with a brief description (written by the Judge's office) of the setup so that the truth could be broadcast on all media.

Would carry a lot of weight if Wray said in a PSA - members of the FBI set this in action and committed a fraud against the people of the USA.

Whirlybot 5 points ago +5 / -0

How can it get through her 'matched to each outfit' custom made face diapers?

Whirlybot 11 points ago +11 / -0

Perhaps, but you can't help knowing that 'something' is getting smoky re the Clintons - that the cover of NYP is exposed for all to see in boxes, stands, etc. everywhere while walking in NYC.

Whirlybot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I just cannot see why the Dems, who, clearly have elderly and infirmed that are in institutions and suffering terminal illnesses, don't demand that their own Blue state governors enact this type of legislation. Dems are misguided , proud, and closed-minded - they aren't generally evil, as a rule.

Whirlybot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think also this applies to Covid visiting restrictions. Still have this in Ohio. God bless this man and his thoughts. The parents/loved ones forced to die alone in NHs and Hosps without family was UNFORGIVABLE..

Whirlybot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe they replaced him with a fox double. Can we see any mask lines? Check the earlobes!

Whirlybot 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is good - I never thought 'made to wear a wire'. That makes sense.

Whirlybot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm thinking that maybe, they've been indicted or at least formally questioned. Both of those could be kept hidden, right?

Whirlybot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Never would call a 15 yo girl a 'little girl'. She is a teen or young lady. Can't think of an example of 'little girl' being used legitimately unless it's by an older person trying to demean or discredit the teen. Never seen it used to refer to oneself.

Whirlybot 4 points ago +4 / -0

There is a 'lower face lift' procedure that's been around 20 years now that pulls skin/jowls up and tightens right behind the earlobe. Often, surgeons reattach the lobe directly to the side of the face, instead of re-fashioning a new 'lobe' that hangs loose. Oftentimes, this is one difference between a 'regular-people's' lift and a ultra-premium, expensive lift job (read: Hollywood-actor level). Seems odd that Biden wouldn't have had the premium-level detail, but people's lobes aren't naturally attached like that (of course, there are exceptions to everything) - his lobes have been attached thru surgery. It's more of the cartilage in the upper and mid-ear that you need to compare - that's more of the 'fingerprint' id section for an ear. And... consider that Biden could have had a lift years ago, and a 'freshen-up' right before the 2020 election. Remember that he was the 'basement campaigner' that we all made fun of? Easy enough to hide surgical scars, swelling and bruising if you never left your basement.

Whirlybot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could be the court jester - giving us truths in broad daylight but not taken seriously until, perhaps, too late. (Similar to a discussion re JimCarrey on another current post on this board.)

spez: Very curious - whatever happened to the whole 'legal dream team' fighting all of the election ills - Lin Wood, Sidney P , Rudy, Jenna, et al? Are they being told to 'keep their powder dry' until the public is in a more receptive frame of mind to the facts? and JovanP

Whirlybot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wish all these social media companies would time/date stamp every single message. No more of this 3d, or 5h stuff - who knows when these stamps happened? (I see the dates 3/26 on two posts - but need more info on all of these screenshots on these boards.)

Whirlybot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Who is the (same) man in the top 2 photos? Vom Wahar.....? who is he?

Whirlybot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you think they were worried about the employee's (wife) general health for work performance, or could it be the health insurance companies servicing these employers are starting to price in the 'jabbed vs non jabbed' risk in their policies. Most companies, when building their sick leave policies, assume that 80% of their sick days are going to be taken (paid out) by the overall population, regardless of illness or not, so jab issues might not be a big impact on that, vs insurance cost.

Whirlybot 20 points ago +20 / -0

Brocahontas :))

Whirlybot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just so that I am getting the OP message correctly, the theory is that all of these celebs that we suspect are now 'doubles' and are no longer tweeting, ... all of these have been taken away and jailed or perhaps executed b/c of pedophilia? or is it a treason charge (what would it be in this case)? And the WHs are replacing them irl to keep down suspicion by the rest of the world? Why wouldn't WHs also replace their tweets to allay fears of coming prosecution (or a Dragnet)? In my mind, you would either replace with doubles and continue social media or stop both - this is confusing to me.

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