WickedDKS 4 points ago +5 / -1

He is at an event and maybe that was the only kind they had. Calm your storm. And who gives a F, Bud got the message.

WickedDKS 1 point ago +2 / -1

He is at an event and maybe that was the only kind they had. Calm your storm. And who gives a F, Bud got the message.

WickedDKS 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, was talking to friends about HAARP so I wanted to show the video, hope someone archived it. Take care out there!

by DrMcCoy
WickedDKS 3 points ago +3 / -0

See this is the problem with this post. The inly role models you should have are you Father and Mother. Don't latch on to anyone else. He might be a. Bad guy but I don't care. I'm not giving him $. He's right in the fact they are working hard to weaken men and how women today are worse than during our parents and grand parents time. All the rest you have to learn to throw away. But yes a warning for the weak minded is a good warning.

WickedDKS 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know two people who popped a lung when put on ventilators during the fake ass covid scam. I knew it was the culprit. Feel very sad for them.

WickedDKS 3 points ago +3 / -0

His claims of know who Q is. That is where he dropped off for me.

WickedDKS -1 points ago +5 / -6

AJ is Mossad. He's just a carbon copy of Bill Cooper, who said it all first.

WickedDKS 5 points ago +5 / -0

Same, grew up drinking from a water hose that was laying in the yard, after playing outside all day. I work in IT and they said I was ADHD. Never went through with any treatment because I knew I was fine. It has to be the shots/vaccines.

WickedDKS 9 points ago +10 / -1

Your comment adds nothing to the conversation and is probably why its being down voted. If you don't know anything about the situation, then move on or ask questions to carry on the conversation.

WickedDKS 1 point ago +1 / -0

It just shows a single image.

WickedDKS 2 points ago +2 / -0

So blurry videos are enough for you? Come on Man! Clearly this isn't enough for either side of the argument. We all just want to know if he is alive and well or dead. I'm going with ded...

WickedDKS 4 points ago +4 / -0

Of course, deepfakes are crazy good nowadays. I have fun with them all the time. Which is why I was asking the questions but I guess I am retarded for not understanding his explaination. Thanks.

WickedDKS 5 points ago +7 / -2

Thread got locked so I commented here. Its a mod called Qlueless. He got mad and called people retarded for questioning his deepfake/editing info about the killary/huma video.

In other news, i'll be watching sound of freedom tonight. Happy watching.

WickedDKS 6 points ago +8 / -2

Who gave Qlueless moderation status, dude has issues.

WickedDKS 0 points ago +1 / -1

He says in the video take a clean version and the source version. So did they get a clean version of the killary video? Did you even watch the video? Lol its just about faking VHS not deepfaking and the example they use is pretty crap.

WickedDKS 1 point ago +1 / -0

Quality really matters for deepfakes. The AI can only do so much with dark or low quality pixels. What program do you use to accomplish deepfakes on old data?

WickedDKS 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why not point that out then and show us who are most likely to be starting "problems"?

WickedDKS 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dumb video and a waste of time. Her just saying the same thing over and over. "Litigation hold" this isn't caught lying...clickbait.

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