Best of luck to you. What have they to lose by trying? My aunt passed away Tuesday after a five year struggle. Is Yvette vaccinated? My aunt took a turn for the worse since the vaccines, and I can't help but wonder about the connection.
Maybe they accept your help, maybe they don't. You will be better for trying. You have my prayers.
I've always found it difficult to understand how that is not at odds with my Constitutional responsibility to do so in the face of tyranny. What I guess I am trying to say is, f#$k that. The Constitution trumps all that nonsense.
Sorry to hear all that, but there has to be a better way. Poison that settles just under the skin is bad. Even the FDA put out a warning about it, and we know what it takes for them to get involved in a product like that.
You and me both. I wish I could have interfered with the puppy shots before I had him. Fortunately, there are way more vets out there who don't force vaccines to see your dog should your dog require care.
It'still hard to find a trustworthy vet though. I thought I liked mine until she tried to prescribe him brovecto flea poison when he was there for a (turned out to be minor) respiratory illness. That shit. Holy cats, via ingestion it goes under the skin of your pet and stays there for a time, poisoning fleas to the point of death if they bite. How can anyone think that a good idea? Screw all western medicine.
The end explains the "how" of it all.
It's like planking, but different.