Does this mean that actual arrests + prosecutions + convictions, resulting in crime appropriate punishments is about to happen against the top untouchables in the highest of places who orchestrated what is uncovered and more?
Quoted from a Fren at Four questions that SHOULD be asked of PP, but never will. I don't trust Pierre at all.
"You mentioned that we have a housing shortage. I understand that we need to build more houses, but wouldn't it be also prudent to reduce the number of new people immigrating to Canada? That way we are increasing supply while reducing demand, which would be ideal for young Canadians that currently can't afford housing"
"Many Canadians are out of work and can't find opportunities. Does it make sense to force them to compete with foreign workers for those jobs? We import thousands of people from the Philippines to do this work - is this because they accept lower wage standards than Canadians born here? How is that not a race to the bottom?"
"You mention that Trudeau doesn't embrace free speech, yet your office is on record stating that MEP Christine Anderson's beliefs make her unsuitable for entry in Canada. Mr. PP, you stood and applauded an actual Nazi in the House of Commons - what moral ground do you have to decide which beliefs are acceptable in Canada? Isn't free speech a binary concept, and if not, WHO gets to decide what is acceptable? You? Are you God?"
"Is your doctor an African with English as a second language? Because mine is, and I can't understand him. I have paid thousands in taxes to the government, is this the best quality care I deserve? Perhaps it's time to look at the Health Act? maybe allow some private competition so Canadians don't need to rely on health tourism to USA/Mexico to get the care they need?"
The full JFK speech for context, which is important.
I'm 52, and I was baptized and accepted Jesus' salvation into my life when I was 16 and confessed him as my Lord and Savior. Since then, Silence. The epic struggle of unbelief and faith has plagued me continually, and even though I confess this sin to God and repent of it and receive Jesus' forgiveness over me, the whole process is never something that I've ever been delivered from.
And my mind and heart has taken on such a deep sense of rejection from God BECAUSE of this silence and the continued struggle of unbelief and doubt, that he, even though his word throughout scripture states his desire to deliver us from all our troubles (according to his will though, and that can be very hard to discern), that he has chosen to not deliver me from this most difficult and soul breaking state of being. And like in the psalms, "My soul is cast down within me, my heart is dismayed".
What I do know though is that beneath this struggle, the desire for GOD/Jesus has never left me. The desire for him and not his blessings, but for him and who he is as God. And yet, I feel myself weakening to the point of where my soul is so barren within me that I have given room to suicidal thoughts for many years. And even that has become a source of guilt and shame with God, knowing that those thoughts grieve his spirit and yet the wall of despair that assails me, leaves me like Elijah, or Job, or any of the other countless people that God has used for his purposes in the past. And yet what is always the end result is silence and despair.
For I read that God WANTS to love me and hold me in his arms, and bless me and have the deepest relationship with me where he wills in me and does through me his heart of love so that I would love him back and be empowered BY him and his spirit alone. But this never happens within me, I remain in this place where I have no discernment to even KNOW that I'm hearing his voice and to be sure of it. Knowing that it is God's spirit that is doing this within me.
I read this and other testimonies from fellow Christians here and on other sites and just am left wondering when will Jesus prove himself to me. As Keith Green said in his song Altar Call.
"Jesus proved himself to me in such a complete way, such a holy way, that I'd die for that faith, and I'd die for that belief. Because he's more than a belief, he lives in my heart...and that's the only proof that I can give you, that he lives in my heart."
I'm tired of struggling with doubt, I'm tired of self. I long to be under God's wing and covered by his feathers and live a simple life of love and obedience to Him and know his will for me personally, and be moved by his spirit in faith and trust, to walk in his purpose for my life.
“They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern [alluding to Pavlov]. You can not change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still can not change the basic perception and the logic of behavior.”
I have to repeat to myself that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the one's truly in control of the madness we see ourselves enveloped in and NOT to put my faith in Trump, or White Hats or whatever other worldly force for Good as that is misplaced faith. But instead to hang desperately onto Proverbs 3:5 and "Trust wholeheartedly in Yahweh, and put NO faith in my own perception".
And this alone is a mighty struggle I find because it's so easy to be overwhelmed with all the evil that is becoming so evident and so accepted and tolerated by those around me and so many in the world.
And God's ways are not our ways, and his thoughts are not his thoughts, but his grace IS sufficient for us.
what kind of accountability comes from releasing these files? It seems like we live in the age of hype and information, but criminals and government cronies continue unabated because they know they are untouchable, and that there is no system in place that will actually send any of them to prison for many many years.